The wind is beautiful and the birds are singing.

Laughter fills the countryside.

Seven nights are in a good mood, the village medical assistance is not as boring as he imagined, the village not only eats and drinks one-stop service is extremely in place, he can also get started to do some simple examinations and treatment for the villagers, and the medical experience is rising.

What made him even happier was that yesterday, at his instigation, Akatsuka not only donated his blood vessels, but also called a group of friends to participate in the 'Dedication to Medicine Project'.

These are ninjas!

Seven Nights is not really a 'black businessman' either.

When he drew several large tubes of blood on the grounds of 'trying the technique', he told the other party that he would use their blood to give them a comprehensive hematological medical test.

The test results can be taken by going to the inspection department to report their own name in a few days, which is considered 'free'.

All in all, that's a lot of money!

Let those little leeks who were originally a little unhappy instantly become happy.

Seven nights is not a loss, or rather, he directly earns a lot!

The young ladies and sisters of the laboratory department have long been conquered by his 'beauty technique', sent some blood samples, and helped to do it, and they will not ask for money at all, and no one will say anything.

And he gained a lot of Chakra attribute upgrade experience!

Seven Nights feels like you've opened the door to a new world!


Jiraiya, Kiki Shuomao and six dark members formed a standard eight-man squad, and they were hiding in a mountain forest at this time.

Two gray-haired 'old men' stood on a dense tree trunk.

"Are you all back?" Jiraiya asked softly while staring at the chirping bird's nest not far overhead.

"There are still four fewer people, and it is estimated that they are people who went out to ambush us again." Qimu Shuomao looked at the mountains in the distance and replied softly.

Zi Laiye's eyes froze, and he said coldly:

"Send the intelligence back, act according to the plan, and when they come back, we will send a signal to raid, form a closed encirclement, and don't let any of them go!" I want them to come and go! "Good



~Ding~ The female bird returning from foraging in the distance instantly saw the white 'bird's nest' not far from her home, and some curiously docked above.

Not to mention, it's quite comfortable.

The female bird happily flew to her old nest, and did not forget to take a dip before leaving, which was to tell other birds that this new nest had a master, but when it returned to the nest and was ready to move, the white 'nest' disappeared inexplicably!

If it weren't for the unique 'fragrant' smell left in the air, it really felt like it was daydreaming.


In a village not far from the foot of the mountain.

Orochimaru was pointing at something on a map with a few dark parts.


A ninja dressed in a dark costume appeared in shape, and said in a slightly gloomy voice:

"Commander-in-chief, a kilometer northwest outside the village, a squad was ambushed, and after guiding Shinobu to send a distress signal, those sand ninja did not evacuate at the first time, but directly held Shinobu, they seemed to detect our plan."

Orochimaru's hands tightened! Although his face expression is still flat, his eyes are a little tangled.

After a breath.

"They should just suspect that the intelligence has not been transmitted from the Jiraiya side, and our side cannot be exposed!" If you can't completely annihilate this time, the trouble behind will be great! As for those Shinobi..."

Orochimaru's words were not finished, but the big guys knew in their hearts what they meant.

"When I first arrived, your Shinobi squad seems to have seen the rescue signal and is supporting there, I hope you can continue to think about the overall situation."

The member of the Dark Division interjected like an emotionless machine.



The chakra of the big snake pill bloomed instantly, and his eyes were fixed on the upper Shinobi in front of him, and the coldness in the vertical pupils seemed to be able to devour the other party!

And the remaining dark parts are looking at each other!

There was a look of surprise in my eyes!


The breeze blew through, and a dark part suddenly appeared in the house.

"Lord Orochimaru, Lord Jiraiya asked me to send back the news, and there are four Shinobi who have not entered the ambush circle, and when the personnel enter, they will send a signal and launch a surprise attack to contain it, so that the periphery has time to close the encirclement."

Orochimaru's expression moved when he heard this, and he immediately asked the Shangnin who had reported earlier:

"How many Sand Shinobi are there who ambushed our squad?!"


"Order! Activate the emergency plan now! Transmit a signal! Let the perimeter close! The rest of the personnel followed me to the rescue of the ambushed squad! These four must be killed! Life or death! Just leave your head! The

Great Snake Pill was full of momentum, quickly and forcefully gave the order, and then prepared to go to the scene of the incident as a pawn, and his precious apprentice must be rescued!

But when he was about to leave, the words of the previous Shinobu suddenly sounded in his ears, as if they were spoken in his ears, which was obviously a secret technique.

"Lord Orochimaru, Lord Danzo asked me to bring you a few words."

"You guys go first! I'll come right there! The

big snake pill's eyes flashed coldly, and then he spoke, and the rest disappeared in an instant, leaving him alone in the room.

And after waiting for a few breaths, Nagami Shinobu really appeared again!

"Danzo-sama asked me to tell you that he wants to have a good chat with you, and Root has recently collected a lot of forbidden arts from the Land of Wind, I hope you can go to Root when you have time."

"Got it, do you have anything else to say?"

Orochimaru walked out.

"No..." "

Hidden Shadow Multi Snake Hand!"

The moment the two intersected!

Dozens of big snakes suddenly popped out of the sleeves of the kimono robe of the big snake pill, and just in an instant, they entangled that root of personnel!

"Orochimaru! What do you mean! The

root guy asked loudly, he didn't think that the big snake pill would attack him!

"Tuan Zang can't manage his dog, then I'll help him!"

"Ten Thousand Serpent Luo Array!"

Orochimaru sneered! His hands quickly froze, and then he spat out countless basilisk from his mouth!

Slowly climb to the root guy.

"You! How dare you! Here is Konoha! "

At this time, where is the guy still cold before, only panic remains in the pupils under the mask!

He knew that Orochimaru really wanted to kill him!

"Benjun's apprentice! You can plot it! "


The screams continued, but at some point, the hut was covered by an enchantment, and the sound was not transmitted.

When the root guy was devoured by the snake swarm, a dark part slowly appeared.

"Sir, is it really good to do this?"

The big snake pill looked at each other coldly.

"I don't care what Tuanzo wants to do, but he can't hit the rope tree with his idea!"

"This matter should have been decided privately by this person, and Tuan Zang is not so stupid."

"So it's him who dies at this time! Otherwise, it is Tuanzang who lies here! Pack up the body and send it back! Tell Tuan Zang that I will visit him in a few days, hoping that he can give me an explanation! "



One kilometer from the village, in a small col.

A Konoha instructor is fighting with three two men and one woman who look like rogues, ninjutsu and ninjutsu flying around.

Not far away, two Shinobi had their necks cut and lay in a pool of blood, while the remaining Shinobi were locked in their arms by a separate 'rogue'.

In front of them, three equally small shinobi are now forming a triangle to confront them.

"Little ghosts, just the three of you? What about your superior Shinobi? Forget it, kill you guys clean, and he will come out. "

The strong man stuck the neck of the lower Shinobu in his arms with one hand, and the other party's limbs had been broken by him!

As his palm became tighter and tighter, Shinobu's face became even redder!

"Rope tree! Now what! Orochimaru-sensei hasn't come over yet! Among

the three facing offenders, some of them couldn't stand the panic and opened their mouths to ask the person at the head.

Rope Tree is also very anxious!

The first time they saw the signal in the village, they reacted, which was a distress signal unique to the village's outing team.

The three originally wanted to go looking for their teacher, Orochimaru.

But since the teacher entered the village, he let the three of them help the farmers harvest grain and grass, but he, the teacher, disappeared, and at this time I went to look for it, I didn't even know where people were, how to find them?

Maybe this is another test specially set for them by the Great Snake Pill teacher?

There have been similar encounters before.

Anyway, saving people can't wait!

So Rope Tree came to support with his two hesitant teammates first!

But the disadvantage of the scene is far beyond his imagination!

It's not at all those rogues he killed when he did a C-level mission before!

It is also not to guide the joint exercise of the lower Shinobi squad who is guarding the side!

This is a real ninja battle! The enemy actually has four upper Shinobi!

The heart of the rope tree has sunk to the bottom!

In just an instant, the other party Shinobu discovered them hiding!

Rope Tree wants to resist with two teammates or scatter and escape!

But the facts turned out to be that the moment they escaped, they would be tortured and killed like two subordinates who fell in a pool of blood!

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