Fire splattered.

The roar is endless.

One after another, the compound fire constantly bombarded the semi-circle of sand balls.

The scorching heat caused the sand to gradually turn into molten slurry and drip to the ground.

Even if the Shayin people can continue to bless and repair inside, the high temperature that can be transmitted into it will be able to cook them sooner or later!

This powerful power made the Konoha ninja who could not intervene on the side feel waves.

Fear? Admire? Yearning? Pride?

They can't say it either.

Not far away, Seven Nights simply did not have time to 'enjoy' the scene of the siege.




Looking at the rising progress bar, Seven Nights couldn't help but slow down the treatment and focus more on absorbing blood.

Konoha Nakatobi, who was taking care of the wounded on the side, looked at the 'lively' battlefield not far away, and then looked at the back of Nanaya.

"In such a chaotic battlefield, being able to be so calm and focused is worthy of being Tsunade-sama's apprentice!"

"He's Tsunade-sama's apprentice?! I said young age, how can medical skills and medical ninjutsu be so good!

"The most important thing is medical ethics! He did not give up a single wounded! Several

Konoha Shinobu around looked at Nanaya's back and kept exclaiming.

Suddenly, the busy hands of the seven nights froze!

A stream of blood spurts outwards!

The hearts of several Konoha Shinobi instantly mentioned the throat eye!

Then he saw that after a slight rescue in the seven nights, the fountain caused by the suspected rupture of the large artery was stopped in time.

That's what made them breathe a sigh of relief!

"Let's keep quiet, don't affect Seven Nights, the pressure in his heart is not something we can experience and imagine!"

One of the oldest Naka Shinobi said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, several Naka Shinobi nodded, and after glancing at Seven Nights with admiration, they continued to stand in a defensive formation around them.

Seven nights was absentmindedly handling the finishing work of Guan Yuan, and just now he was excited, and accidentally touched the aorta next to Yuchi.

This irresponsibility, or half-hearted work attitude, should not have appeared in him.

But the panel log notification he got really shocked him!

[Blood Succession Boundary: White Eye (Pupil) Unlocked]

[White Eye Split Family Seal Edition (simplified): Look at the sunlight every day, absorb ultraviolet rays, and gain experience points according to intensity; After the experience is full, it will be strengthened, and the first time you can unlock the complete body white eye of the sect]

What the hell is the Split Family Seal Edition?!

More importantly, in order to gain medical experience, he did not forget all kinds of medical books!

Among them, in the detailed explanation of the causes of cataract of eye disease, the harm of ultraviolet rays to the eyeball was mentioned!

You are a plug-in, do you really use white eyes as cataract cultivation?

And for this result, in fact, it will not let Seven Nights be so 'gaffe', at most it is to complain in the heart.

After all, there are so many 'precedents'.

Mu Dun blood succession, that is purely to treat him as a tree species.

Not to mention, he has now evolved to the level of a kaleidoscope, and the way of gaining experience has made him an emotional receiver of his self!

So he won't be too surprised by how the plugin comes up with a weird simplification, but only if the next prompt doesn't appear....

[The bloodline correlation of Mu Duan, Writing Wheel Eye, and White Eye was detected, which can be traced back to the original bloodline... Integration in unification... Retrospective... A new

bloodline is being generated...] [Since the bloodline has exceeded the upper limit of ordinary human organisms, in order to ensure that the vector does not mutate in evolution, the system will gradually undergo biological evolution

] [Gene lock is being lifted...] [

Bloodline (??? Generating: 0.001%... 0.002%...]

In the face of such a shocking log update, how can Seven Nights not be surprised, or ecstatic!

Although the lifting of the upper limit of biology, or evolution, does not represent the growth of personal strength, it also represents a breakthrough of the upper limit!

Break through the constraints of dimensional rules!

It's like Kaguya Otsuki!

What level of her strength is, in this real world, Seven Nights does not have an accurate understanding, but he remembers the results in the manga.

The other side is defeated.


But this result Qiye did not care too much, he cared about the antecedents of this result.

The biological level of Datumu Kaguya has reached the point of immortality and immortality.

Even if she is defeated, no one can kill her, only seal her.

The experience of the previous life of Seven Nights made him understand this gap very well!

This is the absolute crushing brought about by different life levels in the same dimension!

Want to break that limit?

Then you have to put yourself in the same 'rules'!

So this seemingly simple evolutionary prompt had a certain impact on his heart!

But is the evolution in the panel the kind he imagined?

"Is that our distress signal!"

Just when Nanaya was still thinking, a Naka Shinobu suddenly pointed to the periphery and shouted.

Several Naka Shinobi, who were patrolling other places, heard the sound and looked sideways.

The undulating yellow sand meets the blue sky, but in mid-air, a large red dot suddenly flashes.

"Can't see clearly, immediately tell the squadron leader!"

Several Zhongnin were shocked in their hearts, although they didn't know whether the signal belonged to their side, but the appearance of the signal itself represented an emergency!

Naka-Shinobu, who first discovered the signal, immediately ran towards the perimeter of the encirclement not far away, where an upper Shinobu was directing the battle.

But when Naka-nin didn't run a few steps, and turned around to confirm him, his face suddenly changed drastically!


Two shots!

In the distance, red points of light are constantly blooming in the air!

Getting closer!

And when the fourth signal bloomed, Naka Shinobu finally saw the specific shape and color of that signal!

His face was completely panicked!

"Enemy attack!"

In fact, without him shouting, everyone present also noticed the strange situation in the distance.

"What's the situation?"

Qiye looked at the red and black signal and asked suspiciously.

"A thousand-strong ninja team is raiding and attacking! All of them! Follow me to immediately transfer the wounded! The

eldest Naka-Shinobu carried the two wounded and ran towards the group of Kami-Shinobi.

Because if they want to return to the water source, they must pass through the blocking place, and at the same time confirm and obey the command of the squadron leader.

But the next moment!

The semi-circular earth ball that has been suppressed actually seems to bloom, slowly stretching and opening to form a cylinder!

And one of them shouted loudly: "The gerbils of Konoha! You think you still have a chance to escape! The

Konoha command squadron leader's face was gloomy, especially when he saw another signal rising closer to them, his face was already difficult to see!

"All the upper Shinobi continue to suppress! A team to maintain the barrier belt! The rest immediately went to help the wounded retreat! "

He knows!

The other side must be eliminated in a limited time before they can retreat!

But he also knew that this was unrealistic.

Without suppressing, without hindering the other party's use of soil escape, if everyone retreats directly, they will only be involved!

How many will be able to evacuate by then?

In other words!

The order he gave was actually an order after the break!

Trade the death of some people for the chance for another part to live!

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