Sand City, Konoha Medical Station.

Formerly abandoned warehouses have been converted into operating theatres.

But in the empty space, there are seven or eight medical nurses around at this time, which is far beyond the standard surgical staffing.

Tsunade squatted against the wall with blank eyes, tears dripping down his cheeks.

Although she is accustomed to seeing life and death, her brother has been seriously injured twice in a row, wandering on the edge of life and death, which still makes her mentally shocked.

Is it really the right choice to let the rope tree go to war?

Konoha? Clan? Brother?


" "What's wrong!"

Tsunade heard the noise and immediately ran to the operating table.

In the eyes, there is a rope tree that has been cut open in the abdomen, and the empty eye sockets seem to be whispering silently.

This was not too 'serious' battlefield injury, but it made Tsunade feel dizzy, and his legs were even softer.

Izawa Koto, who made a surprised sound, immediately stepped forward to help him when he saw this.


"How's the rope tree!"

Izawa and the other four doctors looked at each other.

"Tell the truth!"

Although Tsunade burst into tears, his words were strong.

"Seven Nights' medical ninjutsu is really strong, and all the organs have recovered to their best state..." Several

doctors nodded when they heard this, they thought they did not have this level.

"I know his ability, tell the real situation!"

Izawa Kodo sighed secretly.

"Although the organs were successfully repaired, the bones were severely shattered, and the most severely injured part was the spine, along with the nerves, followed by the eyes. Nanaya was very clever, he was not sure, so he did not move, but used the scroll to maintain, wanting us to carry out follow-up treatment, but this injury... At most, we can only repair to the state of ordinary people..."

Everyone present was a doctor, and they knew very well what Izawa Kodo meant.

With their medical skills and ninjutsu strength, at most, the bones of the rope tree can be restored intact, but that is only relative to ordinary people, but for ninjas, ordinary people's organisms? That is already announcing the farewell to the ninja career.

"I'll come!"

Tsunade wiped the tear stains on his cheeks and looked directly at the body of the rope tree again!


Izawa Kodo hesitated for a while.

Healers cannot heal themselves, not only to treat themselves, but also to 'their own people'.

Because doctors are the most emotional and least emotional profession, it needs a serious and responsible attitude of cherishing patients, but in the process of surgery, it needs the most ruthless work attitude.

And for 'own people', the spellcaster is likely to make mistakes because of the gains and losses.

But among the people present, even in Konoha's current medical field, who can still give the rope tree hope of recovery, only Tsunade!

A thousand hands... Konoha....

"You are responsible for skeletal nerve reconstruction, and I am responsible for eye repair."

Izawa Kowatari made choices and concessions, he was old and did not want to get caught up in Konoha's political vortex anymore.

Everyone glanced at each other after hearing this, and then looked straight at Tsunade.

When Lord Kowatari said this, it means that the leader of the operating room has changed to Tsunade, and all of them need to obey orders.

"Dissect the broken bone, open the surgical field of view, extract the bone residue, and use Chakra to maintain cell activity!"

Tsunade said through gritted teeth.

In a few moments, the bones of Ropeki's limbs and ribs were exposed to view, and several doctors used Chakra to wrap the white broken bones, and Tsunade stepped forward to begin repairing.

Under the impetus of palm cactus, large pieces of broken bones merge together, and bone slag is attached to it, like a puzzle, but medical ninjutsu is not a panacea, and the recast bones quickly breed bone spurs, which Tsunade removes one by one with a chakra scalpel.

In addition, the most difficult thing is to re-guide the regeneration of various blood vessels, nerves and bone marrow, but the slightest mistake can cause countless complications.

Only a quarter of an hour had passed, Tsunade's forehead was covered with sweat, and the nurse on the side had changed several sterile cloths to wipe it.

Half an hour later.

Izawa Kodo stopped the movement in his hand and leaned prostrate on the chair.

In the hollow eye socket of the rope tree, a pair of bloodshot eyes reappeared.

In order to repair his eyes, he can be said to have consumed all his energy!

It is not difficult to borrow the original remaining binocular cells to reconstruct, what really makes him collapse is the complex and sophisticated visual nerve.

"Make a seal and wait two months to recheck the test."

Team Izawa said to the nurse next to him, and then looked at Tsunade, who was still busy, with indescribable eyes.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Tsunade is the only one who can heal rope trees.

People who are stronger in medical skills and medical ninjutsu than Tsunade, not for nothing, such as himself, but they are all people whose half-amputated bodies have been buried in the soil, and in terms of energy and chakra duration, they cannot be compared with Tsunade at all.

If you want to restore the rope tree to the ninja body, it must be repaired so delicately, and it is a one-time repair in a short period of time.

If multiple people collaborate, it is likely that due to different personal habits, there will be subtle differences in the connection and reconstruction of nerves and blood vessels, which will leave sequelae for the 'sensitive' human body.

It's time to retire when you're old.

The sun sets, the sun and the moon reincarnate.

When the sun rose the next day, Tsunade, who was performing surgery while playing hanging bottles, finally completed the spinal repair, and the medical staff on the side had changed three batches at this time.


The moment Tsunade's mind relaxed, he sat on the ground with his butt, and then his vision began to darken, which was a manifestation of the extreme consumption of energy.


Xiao Chuan on the side immediately came over to help.

"I'm fine, it's just that my brain is overused, so transfer the rope tree to the ward."


As usual, Ogawa arranged his work carefully and responsibly, but in his eyes when he looked at Rope Tree, there was not only gentleness, but also a trace of coldness.

Akatsuka that waste! The mission goal is so clear, is it so difficult to make a person disappear quietly? Make such a big noise! With so many people watching, it will be difficult to do it again in the future!

Sure enough, as soon as he left the operating room, Rope Tree was picked up by several guards.

The story of Ropeki's injury did not spread, and Ogawa believed that all this was Akatsuka's arrangement.

But when she was about to take the time to write a secret letter to Master Tuanzang, the 'hospital' suddenly panicked.

Tsunade closed his eyes for a while, and when the dizziness was not so strong, he was ready to go to accompany him, but after leaving the operating room, he saw the busy medical staff.

They pushed carts, constantly entering and exiting rooms, and moving all kinds of supplies out of them.

"What's going on?"

Tsunade stopped a doctor and asked.

"Lord Xiaodu ordered everyone to sort out the supplies, and in an hour, we will move from Shacheng to the original border station."

Tsunade's heart tightened, and he quickly ran to his office, which was the room shared by the senior members of their medical team.

"Lord Xiaodu, why did you suddenly retreat? Something went wrong at the front? Izawa

Koto, who was sorting out the information, said solemnly: "A notice has been sent from the front line that reinforcements from Shayin have surrounded the water source, and it may pose a threat to us here, so let's withdraw to the border first." "

Water sources are surrounded? Seven Nights!

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