
It is the dream of many people.

When the golden flash crept silently into the village.

Jiu Sinai and Bo Feng Shuimen looked around curiously.

Even the Hokage Rock is still four.

Between the Thousand Hands Pillars.

Between the hands of a thousand.

Ape Fly Sun Slash.

Wave wind and water gate.

As for the surrounding scenery, it doesn't seem to have changed at all.

They came to the house they used to live in, and it seemed that it was no longer theirs, and it was impossible for Naruto to live in.

With the key, I went to a small building.

This was where Naruto lived, and they followed their son's description to find it and open the door.

Small, but enough to live on.

A small room, a bathroom.


It's enough for a child to survive, that's all.

After the death of the four generations of Hokage, their children lived here.

The lockers were empty, and Naruto had taken all the instant noodles with him last time he came back.

The same lamp, utensil.

It seems that Konoha Village is no different after many years.

They were lying on this small cot with no lights on.

Let the breeze blow in through the small window.

Kushina also looked at the starry sky outside.

She has also lived alone, and knows that as a child, she can only live more securely if her bed is close to the window.

Stars, moonlight, sunshine, wind, rain, snowflakes, ......


People who have not experienced loneliness will not understand that they are also partners.

Thinking of this, Xin Jiunai's eyes couldn't help but have tears rolling.

Bo Feng Shuimen didn't speak, has there been a change?

Thirteen years.

Naruto is thirteen years old.

Why is Konoha Village still the same

, not just the scenery and the Hokage Rock, but the feeling that makes him familiar.

It was as if that night more than ten years ago had been postponed indefinitely, as helpless as ever.

Aware of the wife's mood changes.

Bo Feng Shuimen rubbed Jiu Xinnai's long red hair with pity.

"Looks like we don't have time to rest.

"Guess who it is?"

Kushina also knew that danger was coming.

Unlike the last time Naruto returned.

This time, their infiltration was apparently detected by the shadows of Konoha from the moment they opened the door to Naruto's house.

However, it was not only the shadows who came to besiege them.


door was slashed through.

The comer, holding a knife resembling a knuckle tiger in both hands, slashed in front of them with an understatement, the wind blade hiding a danger enough to slice through people's fragile skin.

The golden flash appeared in an instant, and Kushina kicked at the window, holding his hands in a whirlwind.

After kicking against the wall, he quickly borrowed his strength and jumped towards the corner of the bathroom.

Kushina's kick is a fight with a female shinobi.


two attackers converged and passed by.

It's Asma, Sunset Red

!" "Just let the youth burn, you monsters, don't get Kakashi back!"

Asma, the moment Sunset Red passed by, she fled directly in the opposite direction just now.

Otherwise, Kai's kick would have killed people!

Kushina in the bathroom disappeared with a thud.


The roof quickly collapsed, turning into a cloud of dust.

The "home" where Naruto had lived for many years was just a ruin that no one paid attention to.

With anger and warlike spirit.

A light quickly flashed in front of Kai.

Kai, who opened the five doors, didn't expect that there would be someone who could outperform him with speed alone.

"Maite Kai?"

Bo Feng Shuimen's shuriken gently cut off Kai's hair.

When he turned around, Jiu Sinai also appeared out of thin air, standing behind Sunset Red.


Asma was torn between a whim, but she was also determined to die.

Figures from the shadows descended from the sky and came here, waiting for an opportunity to move.

There are not a few strong people in the village now, but without the Hokage and the human pillar power, the combat power is still weakened a lot.

I don't know the fire Genma, red beans, silent and others also appeared one after another.

In their opinion, the one who can trigger the mechanism today must be a big fish!

Qingling Ninja Village is full of dangers.

Now even Kakashi and Jiraku are deeply involved, and the acting Hokage Tsunade also rushed there in person during the day, and he has not returned yet.

Only by apprehending this intruder can we get more information.


When everyone gathered at this time, some were just speechless.

I don't know that Huo Genma almost fell off with a thousand books in his mouth.

Identical and Ivashy's eyes widened as well.

As the guards of the four generations of Hokage, they naturally knew it all too well.

The person in front of you is none other than someone else.

It is even less likely to be an enemy.

The four generations of Hokage

, Bo Feng Shuimen, and his wife, the Nine-Tailed Pillar Li Jiu Sinai


Reason quickly brought them back to their senses, how could people be resurrected after death.


Kai was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized.

"I see!"

he bared his white teeth, gave a thumbs up, and grinned happily.

"It's an illusion!"


The answer almost caused Asma to punch him.

If it was an illusion, it would have been lifted a long time ago.

Can an illusion that can make so many people unconscious at the same time, and not let the caster die of exhaustion?

"I haven't seen you for a long time, it seems that you have grown up!" Bo

Fengshuimen smiled happily, he just checked it, these former little guys now have good strength.

"Jiu Sinai senior!" said

Sunset Red with his hands forward, as if in court.

"Shhhh "

Jiu Sinai knew that Sunset Red was good at illusions, how could she give her a chance to make a move.

Over the years, the village has not changed much at all.

What's more, Kakashi's group of Konoha powerhouses are mostly upper ninjas, as well as special upper ninjas, and there are still very few people who are still middle ninjas.

They are all full of personalities, like Asma and Sunset Red, and they have been playing together since they were young.

Sunset Red's dress features and big eyes impressed Kushina.

"The second generation of Hokage, the forbidden area developed between the Thousand Hands, is the filthy earth reincarnated?"

said Ape Fei Asma coldly.

"If that's the case, you've probably been controlled, what are you sneaking into Konoha for? Could it be that the group of houses in Qingling Ninja Village are about to break the taboo between life and death?"

There was a hint of murderous intent in everyone's eyes.

The four generations of Hokage are the ones who have left a good presence in their memories.

The Qingling Ninja Village deliberately reincarnated them in the filthy soil and let them come to Naruto's house, obviously on purpose.

The two impostors in front of him who are reincarnated in the filthy soil will be killed!

, "Are the filthy earth reincarnated?"

Bo Feng Shuimen smiled.

He looked up at the bright starry sky, and the bright moonlight that the starry river could not stop.

He asked.

"Is Tuanzang still alive?" everyone

was speechless, all waiting for an opportunity to move.

Even if it is the reincarnation of the filthy earth, as long as the opponent is Bo Feng Shuimen, they dare not take it lightly.

"I see, the only change is this, but it doesn't seem to be done by you, because I don't feel any change in you. Bo

Feng Shuimen stared at the Hokage Rock, word by word.

"Thirteen years, is this what has changed for you?"

Looking at the hungry and cold, they are still yesterday's people.

This world is as it was yesterday.

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