Naruto: I'm Picking Up Attributes In The Peace Elite Game

Chapter 227 - Perfect Eight Door Dunjia

Chapter 227 – Perfect Eight Door Dunjia

After exiting the game, Chiba couldn’t wait to use the fragments.

Countless knowledge and training experience flooded the body and mind, and Chiba was in a trance for a moment, and soon he returned to normal.

The “Eight Door Dunjia” that the system brings to you is indeed very different.

According to the understanding of the previous life animation and Tieba, Bamen Dunjia is very difficult to practice. Without a strong enough body, it is impossible to bear the physical burden of opening the door.

And the “Eight Gate Dunjia” that the system brought to you, although the eight gates are still open, the flowing meridians of Chakra are completely different.

Bamen Dunjia refers to the Bamen divided in eight directions in the Eight Diagrams of Zhouyi, and comes from the ancient Chinese Yi Xue thaumatism “Qimen Dunjia”. The eight gates are open gate, rest gate, life gate, wound gate, du gate, Jing gate, shock gate and death gate. They can distinguish good and bad into Yin and Yang. They are an important part of Chinese ancient geomancy and yin and yang techniques.

The meaning of “Qimen Dunjia” is composed of three concepts: “Qi”, “men” and “Dunjia”. “Qing” means B, C, Ding Sanqi;

“Door” means opening, rest, birth, injury, du, Jing, shock, and death, eight doors; “Ed” means hidden, “Jia” refers to Liujia, namely Jiazi, Jiaxu, Jiashen, Jiawu, Jiachen, Jia Yin, “Jia” is the most noble among the ten stems, it hides but does not appear, and hides under the Liu Yi.

“Liu Yi” means Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Kui. The principle of seclusion is that Jiazi is the same as Liuwu, Jiaxu is the same as Liuji, Jiashen is the same as Liugeng, Jiawu is the same as Liuxin, Jiachen is the same as Liuren, and Jiayin is the same as Liugui. In addition, it also cooperates with Peng, Ren, Chong, Su, Ying, Rui, Zhu, Xin, Qin Jiuxing. Qi Men Dun’s occupancy and survey are mainly divided into the sky, the door, and the earth, symbolizing the three talents.

The nine houses of the sky disk have nine stars, and the eight houses of the middle disk (the second house of the middle house) have eight gates; the eight houses of the site represent eight directions and are still; at the same time, each house is assigned a specific oddity on the sky disk. (B, C, D) Yi (E, Ji, G, Xin, Ren, Ji Liu Yi). In this way, according to the specific time, the arrangement of six rituals, three odds, eight doors, and nine stars, to account for the human society and the natural world, and the choice of good times and good times in terms of personnel relations constitute a unique category of Chinese mysterious culture —-Qimen Dunjia.

And the “Eight Doors Dunjia” given by the system did indeed open these eight doors in accordance with China’s ancient cultivation method.

It is the way that best fits the universe, yin and yang.

The chakra flow path it formed is in line with the ancient way of formation.

Through this chakra circulation meridian route, the body will not be burdened, and the vitality of the body will not be squeezed.On the contrary, if you follow this exercise route, your body will become stronger.

This is the perfect “Eight Door Dunjia”.

Chiba was interviewing practice in his room.

When his consciousness drove Chakra to open the door according to the practice experience in his mind, he immediately smashed open.

In fact, not only do you need enough chakras to collide with the eight doors, but also the frequency of collisions must be accurate.

According to the above method, it is not difficult to break through eight doors.

In fact, Chiba has accepted the knowledge and cultivation experience. Even if he knows the cultivation method, he will have to explore for a long time, years or even decades.

Cultivating in accordance with the method given by the system does not require too much physical strength, but has abnormal requirements for Chakra’s mastery.

The original “Eight Doors Dunjia” that Matt wears practice is relatively simple and rough, but the current “Eight Doors Dunjia” is more complicated and delicate.

As soon as the door was opened, Chiba’s spirits suddenly refreshed, and the Chakra in his body suddenly doubled.

Chiba immediately drove the irritable Chakra to follow the route given by the system.

In an instant, Chakra became docile, letting Chiba dictate.

It only took half an hour before Chiba opened all the eight doors, and instantly Chiba felt that he could be in the air every day.

If he fights Uchiha Madara now, Chiba doesn’t know if he can “Yekai” go down, this old boy can bear his own kick.

Uchiha Madara, we will see you later, and I will let you know what a Hong Kong foot is.(Read more @ getting acquainted with the “Eight Door Dunjia”, Chiba felt that he was in control and stopped practicing.

This “Eight Door Dunjia” is not a practice technique. If you keep practicing, you will add chakras.

Chiba lay on the bed again and fell asleep soon after.

The next day, Chiba got up at the usual time, and then went out to find Adai to exercise.

Familiar venue.

Adai always works harder than himself.

Every time I felt like a model worker, I saw him again only to realize that I was lazy.

Today, I will practice all the projects as usual, until I get exhausted.

At this moment, the two of them lay on the ground and looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile.

“How many doors can you get to the eight-door Dunjia now.”

“The fifth door.”

Chiba hesitated whether to tell him the cultivation methods he knew, and he was better off thinking about it.

If he was allowed to easily open the eight doors, would he still work hard to exercise his body?

He is different from others, his ninjutsu talent is very poor, if physical skills are not outstanding, it is tantamount to cannon fodder.”Eight Door Dunjia” will exert more power because of its own strength.

In the end, Chiba did not teach him the new “Eight Door Dunjia”.

Everyone has something they insist on, and the ninja says it is Nindo.

Only by confirming your own forbearance can you go further. When you are confused one day, think about the original establishment of forbearance, and you will stick to it.

A ninja without Nindo will not reach a better state.

Chiba hasn’t asked Adai to eat for a while.

Adai’s life is very difficult, and Chiba has offered to help several times, but he refused.

He can accept a meal from a good friend, but he will never accept financial help.

Chiba can understand him.

Once friends are involved in money matters, friendship is no longer pure.

Even if you really want to help him, he will feel that he owes you when he faces you.

You can’t be as casual as your friends.

The two helped each other to the noodle shop.

Chiba ordered five big bowls, three bowls for him and two bowls for himself.

The most enjoyable time is now, I can eat as much as I want.After eating, Chiba settled the money, and the two separated at the intersection.

Chiba did not forget that Adai was going to attend his wedding.

Although Adai was surprised that Chiba got married at such a young age.

But as a friend, he promised to be there, and he would give the gift he prepared.

Back home, Chiba saw that he was mopping the floor.

“I’ve already eaten outside, you can eat it yourself.”


This kind of thing is not the first time, so she is not surprised.

Chiba took a shower, and when he came out, he sat and watched Xiangzi eating.

To be honest, this female big eighteen change.

The longer this fragrance is, the better it will become.

If this were on earth, it would be more than a mistake to be a schoolboy.

I don’t know that such a good cabbage was finally caught by that pig.

Chiba might not have thought that the pig turned out to be himself.

Of course, how Xiangzi stayed with Chiba in the end will be discussed later.

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