Chapter 244 – Help the villagers

“Yes, we came from Konoha.”

This Konoha’s reputation is great, and no one in the Ninja world knows it.

“Uncle asks you something, how come your fields are harvested so early, isn’t it waiting for spring?”

“This is a harvest, it’s terrible.”

“What’s wrong, uncle.”

“A month ago, there was a locust plague. The sky full of locusts swooped in. No crops were spared wherever they passed. This plague of locusts wiped out our collection of Chengdu for half a year.”

As a farmer, the ability to resist risks is very poor, and if it is a little bit of natural and man-made disasters, you may not be able to survive.

After the locusts cross the border, there may be a drought in the future, and the farmers’ lives will be even more sad.

“They are so cute.”

Meizi said.

“Chiba, do you have a way to help them.”

Method? Is there any way to help them with their own money? The population of this village is only a few hundred households. If you use your own money to help them, it is estimated that it will not cost much.

After thinking about it, Chiba still intends to help them with money.

“Uncle, go and summon the villagers, and I will donate some money to you.”


“Really.””Well, I’ll go and inform them, thank you so much.”

Mainly because there are not many households in one village, Chiba will think about it for a long time if there are more villages.

After all, I am married now, and many places need to spend money after marriage.

Hearing that someone donated money, all the villagers soon came over.

Chiba’s mouth choked when he saw the black head.

“Which one of you is the village chief, come up here.”

“I am the village chief.”

An old man walked up tremblingly, his back stooped.

What do you do when you come to be the village chief at such an old age and do not retire and take your grandson home.

“You are the village chief.”

“Yes, I am the head of this village.”

“How many households are there in your village now.”

“My lord, there are currently 382 households in the village.”

“You now let each household choose a representative to come up to receive the donation.”


Although the village chief is quite old, his voice is very loud.(Read more @ his shouting, the representatives of each household stepped forward and stood aside.

The village chief asked everyone to keep order and line up.

The villagers who had been quite chaotic suddenly became orderly.

Chiba took out bundles of cash from the scroll, which looked like millions.

There are tens of millions of cash in Chiba’s scroll. He likes to see the pile of cash. It is just a pile of numbers in the card, and it is shocking that there is no cash.

The villagers came up to collect the money one by one, and it was estimated that each household could get more than 10,000.

Remember that the purchasing power of money in Naruto is still okay.

After the money was spent, every villager smiled. In fact, the villagers are very simple, as long as they have a bite to eat.

When everyone received the money, they knelt down in front of Chiba and the others.

Chiba quickly asked everyone to stand up.

Next, Chiba retained the village head.

“I don’t know what advice you have for keeping me down.”

“That’s it. There is a possibility of drought after the locust plague. If you don’t make preparations in time, there is a possibility that there will be no harvest for the whole year this year.”

“I don’t know what a good thing you can do. It won’t rain this day, and we can’t help it.”

“I think we should build a reservoir to lead the water from the stream to the reservoir. If there is a drought, the water in the reservoir can be used as a reserve, and wells should be dug.”

“We tried to dig wells before, but we dug deep and couldn’t see water.””That means you didn’t dig deep enough.”

“It’s not deep enough, how deep it should be.”

“Keep digging until the water is reached. I will help you choose a location and you will start digging.”

“Then please sir.”

The village head told everyone about Chiba’s ideas. They were not happy at all. After all, there is no drought, and it is hard to please do these things.

Knowing that the villagers were short-sighted, Chiba gave out another one million as a reward for doing a day’s work and paying a day’s salary.

Seeing that there is money to be made from work, and that this matter is beneficial to everyone, so as long as they can work, they sign up one after another.

It didn’t take long for there to be four to five hundred people.

Why is Chiba so stupid to pay for his own money, donate money and help the villagers do things, because Chiba is a good person, and he can’t bear to see the villagers starving to death next year.

I saw that if you don’t help, your conscience will not get through.

Next, Chiba will help the villagers choose a suitable place for digging wells.

The key points of feng shui location for digging wells in rural areas.

1. The well is suitable for the white tiger or the lively position of the residence. If there is only one well in the whole village, then it should not be far away from the village. It will not cause inconvenience in life. Mao and You are in four directions or directly opposite the house.

2. The soil quality must be kept clean, and there can be no garbage or pollutants. The experts of the Constellation House suggest that it is best to let a special organization test the water quality first.

3. The water well should not be too deep, nor should it be level with the ground. It is better to be higher than the ground. It should be constructed with bricks and stones, and it is better to have a cover to effectively place contaminated objects falling into the well.

4. If it is necessary to dispose of the old well, it is necessary to find a “closed” day and fill it with new yellow soil in the auspicious position.5. The five elements of the well are negative, and the five elements of the stove are positive, so remember that the two cannot be opposed.

6. Wells cannot be located at the lower water level of the contaminated area, nor can they be built near toilets, drains, or garbage dumps, nor can they be built in places with dirty air.

8. It is best to dig a well during the winter solstice to the summer solstice. Remember that it cannot be from the summer solstice to the winter solstice. It is not suitable to dig wells during the shady period.

These are the words of the old people in the village who wanted to dig wells in the previous life.

Chiba went to the Internet to check the information and it was not entirely superstition.

Chiba went around in the village and saw several open areas. These areas were soft and there were long grass on the ground. These places were very suitable for digging wells.

So Chiba took a wooden stick and drew a big circle, and then asked them to start digging in these few places.

Since the well head is not too large to allow many people to work at a time, only a small number of people are left to dig the well, and the rest are all to build the reservoir.

Chiba drew all the drawings, and also marked the location of the reservoir, and how to lead the stream to the reservoir.

A total of ten reservoirs will be built this time, each of which is several hundred cubic meters in size.

Chiba tells you how to configure the cement. Everyone formulates cement according to Chiba. The viscosity is very good.

The whole village was full of joy, unlike the lifeless look before.

Although the old people and children cannot work, they are responsible for boiling water and delivering food for everyone.

Chiba and Tsunade stayed in the village for a few days and then gave the money to the village chief. He was not afraid that the village chief would be greedy for his money, if he didn’t think he lived too long.

Then Chiba and the others continued their honeymoon trip.

Tsunade and Meizi have seen what Chiba has done for everyone these days, and they admire Chiba even more in their hearts.

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