Chapter 680

“I said that I taught you ninjutsu, so you must be psychologically prepared. The first preparation you need to do to learn ninjutsu is to be able to endure hardship, and only in this way can you become stronger.

And the second mental preparation is to dare to face death. Ninjas are originally a tool for killing people, and learning the essence of ninjutsu is also killing people, so if you want to continue learning, then you must do well to kill and be killed. Preparation! ”

Douren’s words were so cold in the heavy rain, the three little ones looked at Douren blankly, then looked at the blood still remaining on the ground, and finally did not speak.

“Okay, let’s go back, you should think carefully about these times.”

Douren looked at the three of them and knew that the three of them couldn’t accept such a thing for a while, and Douren did not overly persecute them. After bringing the three back to the cabin, he asked them to think about it.

The four people surrounded the fire, looking at the barbecue that had been completely cooked, but now they were not in the mood to eat it.


Nagato spoke suddenly after a moment of silence, staring at Douren dullly.

“what’s happenin?”

Hearing what Nagato said, 16 people were stunned. Originally Douren thought that the first person to speak would be the cheerful Yahiko, but he did not expect that the first person to speak would be Nagato.

“Why do ninjas kill them? Isn’t it good to use this power to protect the people they want to protect?”

Nagato came with a suspicious voice. Douren smiled when he heard Nagato’s innocent words, and finally took out Kumo to split the barbecue in front of the three.

“Do you know the origin of the ninja?”

“The origin of the ninja?”

Following Douren’s words, the curiosity of the trio was aroused.

“The origin of the ninja comes from Sage of Six Paths, who established the Ninja Sect to pass Chakra to the world.

Sage of Six Paths is a person full of great love. He wants to use Chakra to connect people’s hearts and let people know each other’s feelings through Chakra, thus forming a situation where people understand each other.(Read more @

However, with the birth of his children Indra and Ashura, Indra embodied Chakra and evolved Yin and Shu. At that time, Ninjutsu was born. ”

Douren’s words were calm, but the three of them were fascinated.

“Later, as people took control of Yin and Shu, people gradually became stronger, they could overwhelmingly omnipotent, so ambitions grew.

People with strong power are unwilling to maintain equal status with others, so they want to use force to enslav weak people.

The enslavement and the enslaved people have a dispute, and the Chakra that people are connected to is also cut off. Chakra connects people’s inner energy from the beginning to the energy that strengthens themselves. ”

“But what does this have to do with Nagato’s problem?”

Yahiko on the side suddenly asked.

“Of course it matters. Everyone is different. When someone has power, they will get lost. They want to enslave others and want more. With the birth of these ambitions and greed, fights will appear. It will evolve into a war, and this is the origin of the Warring States Period and today’s war.

Nagato, you are kind in your heart and want to use this power to protect your companions.

But if one day you meet someone who wants to realize your ambitions and hurts your partner, what will you do? ”

Hearing Douren’s words, Nagato was taken aback. He only thought about protecting his companions after mastering his power, but never thought about how to deal with people who endanger the safety of his companions.

“If someone jeopardizes the safety of the person you want to protect, will you also attack the other person?”

Douren’s words pierced Nagato’s heart like a sharp knife, causing Nagato to breathe quickly.

“When you kill the other party, the other party also has relatives and companions. If you kill their companions, then they will resent you, so they want to kill you all the time, so hatred is born!

And this is the essence of why ninjas want to kill, because of ambition, and because each ninja has something to protect. For the things he protects, even if he has no grievances against you, then he will kill. Damn you! ”

Douren’s bloody words gave these three kind-hearted young girls a huge shock. The three didn’t want to believe Douren’s words, but they knew that everything Douren said was true.

“Is there no way to resolve it? Can’t people understand each other? Teacher, you said that Sage of Six Paths is to use Chakra to connect everyone’s heart, so why can’t everyone go back to what they used to be?”

Yahiko stood up, his expression agitated, he had the most direct knowledge of Douren’s hatred and protection after the war.

“I can’t get back. Do you, who have control of powerful forces, still want to get along with ordinary people on an equal footing?”

Douren’s tone was flat, but he pointed out the most essential content.

As the saying goes, dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mice’s sons will make holes. The world is inherently unequal. 263. Do you still expect the sacred bird that controls the world to destroy the world and the mouse that only steals the leftovers to be brothers and brothers? This is impossible!

And the Ninja world is the same, do you want to count on the shadow-level powerhouse and an ordinary citizen to be called brothers and sisters? Do you expect the royal family’s name and beggar to be brothers? This is unrealistic. Once classes appear, it is completely impossible to return to the era of Sage of Six Paths.

Even if it is the world established by Naruto in later generations, it is also the world of the five big countries, and the big and small countries can only succumb to the five big countries. The so-called mutual understanding is also the mutual understanding between the five big countries.

And as people of the older generation continue to die, and the new generation of ninjas has not experienced the war of the year, then the emotions will inevitably not be so firm, and then the war will break out.

So the so-called mutual understanding is illusory at all, and it seems beautiful, but it’s just the moon in the middle of Kagami!

Listening to Douren’s plain and affirmative words, the three of them stopped refuting. What happened today, and what Douren said to them, has allowed them to slowly come into contact with the distortion and cruelty of this world.

“So… teacher.” Konan suddenly said after being silent for a while, “So how can the ninjas not kill each other? Is there no way?”

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