Chapter 759 Raccoon

Although the current few people are very scared, but fortunately, there is no mess of stitches. The four people are leaning against each other and looking at four directions, so that no matter what direction there is a positive situation, they can react in the first time. .

At this moment, there was a commotion in the grass in front of them.

“They are coming out, everyone be careful.” Yu Xiangfei reminded everyone.

Wu An and Yu Xiangfei took out their kunai, and Uncle Ali, a brave man, took the hunting machete that he carried with him~ I came out in my hand.

“Ahhhhhh” After a commotion, dozens of brightly colored creatures emerged from the grass and stood in front of Wu An and the others.

“It’s a raccoon! It turned out to be a raccoon!” Uncle Ali exclaimed after seeing these things.

“Huh? It turns out that these little things are pretending to be ghosts here, which made us worry all the way for nothing.” Dayong sighed in relief after seeing the cute little things in front of him. He put away the cute little things in front of him. touch.

“Don’t Dayong!” Uncle Aka hadn’t said what he said, but a wailing came from Dayong.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Dayong’s wailing was very sad in this very quiet jungle.

Wu An and Yu Xiangfei also looked at Dayong very worried.

Now Dayong’s body is already covered with four or five creatures called raccoons.

These creatures look harmless and cute, but they are really aggressive.

Just now, Dayong just wanted to tease them, but these ferrets jumped onto Dayong’s body in an instant, clinging to Dayong’s body with their sharp little claws, so Dayong became what it is now.

This was Wu An who couldn’t control that much anymore. They used their own Kuwu to madly stab at the ferrets, while Uncle Ali tried to force the ferrets back by waving the torch in his hand.

The raccoon may have felt the power of Wu An’s weapons. Several raccoon animals received minor injuries, and Bloodline began to leak out from their bodies.

The raccoon on Dayong was forced back by Wu An and the others. Only then did they drag Dayong back. Now Dayong’s body is all scratched, and there is some snowy season on his face.

The few people now face off with these ferrets. Wu An and the others don’t know how aggressive these ferrets are, and those ferrets are also a little afraid of Wu An’s weapons.

Dayong is now dealing with his wounds and asking Uncle Ali: “Uncle Ali, what are these things, what civet ferrets, why have I never seen anything before? They don’t look like anything fierce. The thing, how can it be so powerful.

“Oh, Dayong, why can’t you wait for me to finish talking, you will have problems with being so frivolous.” Uncle Ali looked at Dayong a bit blamed and said.

“Uncle Ali, please tell me what exactly this raccoon is, how can it be so powerful.” Dayong asked, looking at Uncle Ali.

“In fact, I haven’t seen this ferret for many years. I remember meeting it occasionally when adults were hunting when I was very young. At first I thought they were foxes, but later I discovered that they are not because of their speed. It was really too fast, and the poorly qualified hunters couldn’t catch them at all. Later, I remembered that there was a water in the village.

The very superb Orion caught a ferret by coincidence. After everyone took a closer look, it turned out that it was a ferret, but the color of the fur was too bright to be recognized as a fox, that hunter. After putting the raccoon in the cage, he didn’t look at it again the next day.

Only the color is good-looking and very smooth, so everyone likes it very much. From then on, everyone will try to catch him after seeing the raccoon, but the raccoon is not so easy to catch, the first raccoon I was caught because I accidentally stepped on the traps set by the hunters. After that, the raccoon touches became smarter.

Either they will escape, or the raccoon will counterattack. A few times the hunter was accidentally scratched by the raccoon’s sharp claws and died in the dense forest. I slowly grew up. I have never seen a raccoon again. I thought it was because the adults beat them up when they were young. It turned out that it was because they came to the restricted area and settled down.

Uncle Ali said.

…For flowers…….

“No, it’s not that they came to the restricted area, but they themselves belonged to the restricted area. What you caught was just some ferrets or sick ferrets that had left the organization or were excluded from the organization. These animals themselves live in groups. The animals in the community are very social, and the lead ferret usually has the supremacy in the entire group.

Status, and if there are disobedient raccoons or raccoons who want to usurp the throne in the team, they will usually be driven out of the entire team.Such a group of raccoons is very integrated, and they are well-trained and powerful. Sometimes They even dared to drink beasts like lions and tigers to fight. These are all due to their integrity. We are today

I’m afraid there is a fierce battle. “Yu Xiangfei said at this moment.


“Master, how do you know this?” Wu An looked at this and asked Yu Xiangfei.

“I never thought that these things are raccoon ferrets, but I just remembered when Uncle Aka said it. When I was young, I read a book of wild animals in my master’s house. With the introduction, their social personality like people has made me very influential, so I guessed what Uncle Ali said just now.

Come. “Yu Xiangfei looked at Wu An and explained.

“So, is there any solution to this kind of animal recorded on the tree?” Wu An asked anxiously.

“No, this kind of animal itself is very rare. If it is not for the deep mountains and old forests with a certain history, they will not be seen. The environment in which humans live is very unsuitable for them, so humans have no opportunity to penetrate them. Now I don’t have any good solutions.” Yu Xiangfei said.

“But there are so many of them, what shall we do?” Wu An asked.

“There is no way, I can only fight.” Yu Xiangfei gritted his teeth and said. Big.

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