Chapter 769 Leave

The elevator rises slowly.

Wu An looked at Chen Yilu, and Chen Yilu looked at Wu An, as if they were meeting for the first time.

After a while, Chen Yilu walked out of the elevator. Wu An pressed the button to go to the sixth floor a few more times.

Wu An caught a glimpse of Chen Yilu walking in with a tall and burly man from behind the glass partition, and then sat down at the table near the door. The man is about thirty years old and wears a pair of sunglasses. Wu An felt that there was a pair of pliers tightening ~ tightly gripping his heart.

“Boss, three pig’s feet rice!” The man in sunglasses stood up and said.

Wu An held it over, shaking his fingers, and couldn’t resist looking at Chen Yilu.

The man wearing sunglasses said, “You are Wu An, right?

Wu An nodded suspiciously.

“Okay, then you sit opposite me.” He said.

Wu An sat down next to Chen Yilu, and at the same time he noticed that the girl next to her seemed nervous, with her hands on her knees, her lips tightly closed, her eyes fixed on the food on the plate.

The man in sunglasses took off his glasses, revealing a pair of small eyes like pinholes. He tried to squeeze a friendly smile and said, “This is Chen Yilu, do you know her?”

Wu An nodded.

Of course Wu An knows Chen Yilu. Chen Yilu comes to buy two sugar bags and two sauerkraut bags every day, and she always looks like she has picked up money happily.

The man wearing sunglasses said, “Well, I am glad to meet you. My name is Chen Shangruo and I am Chen Yilu’s biological eldest brother.”

The vise finally loosened.

The man wearing glasses then said, “Wu An, I ask you, have you had a girlfriend?”

Wu An shook his head.

“Okay. Then I’ll tell you, I brought my sister here to tell you that my sister likes you, she may like it very much. Since knowing you, she has lost a pound a day, as thin as a cane. That’s why I had to lead her to find you. Wu An, I ask you, would you like to be my sister’s boyfriend?”

Wu An shook his head.

Chen Shangruo’s eyes almost fell out. “Not willing?”

Wu An shook his head again.

“Then Chen Shangruo showed a touch of color on his face and said, “You are talking! Dumb?

Wu An squinted his eyes and smiled and said, “I want it! Of course I want it. I’m just too excited.

Wu An quietly aimed at Chen Yilu.

“Have a meal!”

Chen Yilu scooped a spoonful of rice onto Wu An’s plate and said angrily.

Wu An stood at the gate of the train station and waited for a stick of incense. Chen Yilu walked over slowly and said, “Have you waited for a long time?”

“Just arrived.

Wu An threw the cigarette butt to the ground and trampled it out with his foot.

Chen Yilu said, “Yes.”

“Are you hungry?” Wu An asked.

“A little bit.”

“Then let’s go eat something. Guess what I will take you to eat?”

Chen Yilu said excitedly: “Hot pot or milk tea?”

Wu An nodded and said with a smile: “You are so smart, you can guess it. I think we can walk to the hot pot restaurant and buy two cups of milk tea by the way.”

After another stick of incense time, Wu An and Chen Yilu strolled on a walkway in a park, with three or four butterflies flying in the flowers on both sides of the road.

Suddenly, Wu An said, “I have wronged you with me.

Chen Yilu shook her head.

Wu An went on to say: “Will you despise me?”

“will not.”

“Really not?”


“Then you don’t hate me smoking?”


“Then you don’t think I’m ugly?”


“Then you just despise me.”

“will not.”

“Then what do you think of me?”

“Sometimes it’s warm, sometimes it’s cold. Sometimes I really want to slap you to death, sometimes I want you to go crazy. I don’t know about the others.”

“What about after meeting?”

Chen Yilu joked: “I still want to slap you to death!”

The warm sun shines on the stone tablet, and the golden lettering shines brightly. A stairway leads to the pavilion on the top of the mountain.

A few restless flowers passed through the railing, peeking at something secret.

Chen Yilu leaned her head gently on Wu An’s shoulder, rubbed her eyes, and slowly closed her eyes tiredly.

“Tell me a story.” Chen Yilu said suddenly.

Wu An looked at the tall and big blue sky and said, “What story should I tell?–…

“Once upon a time, there was an old woman who went up the mountain to mow the grass, and the pig essence went up to relieve her hands. The pig essence did not bring paper, so she borrowed it from the old woman. The old woman didn’t borrow it. The old woman asked him to wipe it with a broken bowl.

……For flowers………

“As a result, the pig essence rubbed and bleeds. The pig essence said, old lady, I will come to clean up yours tonight. The old lady was very scared.

“After returning home, the old woman filled the door with steel needles, poured cooking oil on the floor, put the eggs in the stove, and put

“Wait, Chen Yilu interrupted, “Why did she put the eggs in the stove?”

“Uh, let’s talk about it after listening. Okay?”


“Uh, where did I say?”

“She put a steel pin in the door and put the egg into the stove.”

“Eh then she put the crabs in the bottom of the water tank and put a plastic bag on the well head. After finishing these, she had a delicious dinner, gently humming the ancient folk songs and waiting for the night to come.


“At night, the pig essence is here. The pig essence is probably flying. You imagine a pig that can only fly. Then the pig essence calls the old woman out, and the old woman shrinks from the house and dare not come out.

“The pig essence went to push the door, but was pierced by the steel needle on the door, and screamed in pain. The pig essence walked into the living room, but was slipped by the cooking oil on the floor and made his whole body dirty.

He walked out of the water tank to wash his hands, but was bitten by a crab in the water. He was so dull that he wanted to light a cigarette and smoke. He walked to the stove to borrow the fire, but he was stained by an egg bomb. He walked to the well to take a bath, and the cruel old woman rushed out immediately and pushed him under the well. Then he stirred and stirred with a bamboo pole, and the pig essence was stirred to death.

Chen Yilu pulled her hair up and said, “That’s it?”

“Also, in the end, the old woman went through the streets and peddled pork essence.”

“Then this is your current compilation?”

Wu An touched his nose and said triumphantly: “That’s for sure. Isn’t it exciting?”

Chen Yilu said disdainfully: “Then this is really a wife, a wife is so wonderful, the old woman inside looks like your style.”

“Like your style! I used to tell me every time a story is told.”

“Damn it, it’s really straightforward.”

“Is it true?”

“Really real. More real than gold!”

Wu An said.

“I do not believe it!

Qianqian said. Big,

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