Naruto: Nine Suns and Thunder God

Chapter 311 - Who understands Oh Yemus sadness

Chapter 311 – Who understands Oh Yemu’s sadness!

“This time I was able to quell the Six-tailed Chaos so quickly and reduce the loss of Wuyin Village, but it is not all my credit.”

“Without the hard work of everyone here, I’m afraid it would be enough to rely on me alone.”

“So, instead of giving the applause to me, it’s better to give it to yourself, to the heroes who died for the village in this battle! They are the people who should not be forgotten!”

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, there was a burst of enthusiastic applause from below, which lasted for a long time.And when it was Terumi Ming’s turn to speak, she also inherited Ye’s style, and after a few brief words, she entered the issue of the village reconstruction project.

As the first battle force of Wuyin Village, Ye has many responsibilities, not only responsible for deterring other villages, but also responsible for the specific construction supervision of the village.

At the same time, his position as a ninja school can’t be stopped. I really want to divide the night into several paragraphs.

But fortunately, Ye You Ying’s avatar’s art, even if it is a avatar, the strength is not comparable to that of a normal shadow level, and it is enough to deter other Shinobu villages.

The fundamental reason for this situation is, of course, that Wuyin Village has no talents to use. Therefore, the Ninba Seven of the Night’s Ninja Plan was put on the motion at the right time.(Read more @ the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is not the idea of ​​Ye alone, but the idea of ​​the entire ninja in the hidden mist village.

Terumi Mei wanted to do the same, but it was a pity that it was impossible to dispatch herself in her capacity. But apart from her, the entire Wuyin Village has no one who can perform this task.

In the current Shinnin village, there is only one Chojuro, who inherited the flatfish flounder. The Seven Ninja Swords can be said to exist in name only.

If he didn’t cut it anymore, as the leader of the most suitable Ninja Swordsman in Terumi Mei’s heart, he was unable to return because he had betrayed the village, unless he was dispatched by himself, but that was impossible. Therefore, this plan had been shelved.But now, this idea can be realized. With Ye’s strength, there is no unfinished task.

On the night, while using the clone to teach and participate in political discussions, she also used the clone to guard the periphery of Wuyin Village, frightening the other four forbearance villages, so that they did not dare to act rashly.

The main body is even more supervised in Iwanin Village, although the country of water and the country of soil are separated by a country of fire. But Oh Nogi is an ambitious and powerful leader, and he is a little worried about using the clone.

Although Yanyin Village is a long way from Wuyin Village, Ye is a little worried.

Sure enough, when he was found in Yannin Village at night, Oh Yemu actually mobilized the power of the entire village to encircle him, trying to kill him, lest he gets worse in the future, and they can’t breathe in Yanyin Village. .But this time, Ye Ke no longer hides himself. After all, this is not Konoha Village, and he doesn’t have any good feelings for Yannin Village.

In the end, it ended with a single manpower over the entire Yannin Village and forced Onogi to sign an unequal treaty with Wuyin Village.

On the contrary, Da Yemu’s stealing chickens can’t be a counterattack, and Ye Ye didn’t succeed in killing them. On the contrary, he caused his village to lose a lot, and his old face was lost.

If he could, Ohnoki didn’t want to do this, but he couldn’t help it. He himself was injured by the night, and the ninja of Iwanin Village was killed and injured more than half, basically maimed by the night.

If we don’t surrender and show weakness, Iwanin Village may withdraw from the sequence of the Five Great Ninja Villages in this way.

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