"I am a Tianlong person who is powerless. If those crazy pirates take hostages, won't the great victory be in vain?"

Looking at the crowd of burly men with a smile, Wuchen said with utmost seriousness, compared with the sturdy navy executives in front of him, and officials of the World Government, he can indeed be ignored.

The Wu Laoxing with the knife gave everyone a look, and everyone nodded, ignoring the existence of Wuchen.

"Farewell, Luo Yinan [Saint]"

Wu Laoxing with the knife just glanced at Wuchen lightly, and without waiting for him to answer, the whole body lost its texture and turned into an afterimage. He had heard a little about the battle between Wuchen and Zefa. The Draco and Maryjoa's other Draconians are fundamentally different.

"It's really inhumane..."

The afterimages of the Five Old Stars also gradually disintegrated. On the hull of Nuoda, Wuchen seemed to be isolated and abandoned. Compared with other busy government officials, the idle Wuchen was a superfluous existence.

He closed his eyes slightly, stretched his waist, and just as he was about to fall asleep, Wuchen's eyes suddenly opened.


The azure sky suddenly turned emerald-colored, and you could feel the skin tingling. Invisibly, it seemed that someone was holding a needle and pierced his skin.The hull was also creaking, and the whole ship had a tendency to collapse due to the influence of a special force.

Looking up, the sea was cut by a green light.

"What a powerful slash."

The pupils narrowed slightly, and a strange color flashed in Wuchen's eyes. There are countless kendo masters in this world. There are already three people standing at the peak of kendo, plus the unknown mysterious people in front of them.

The monstrous slash naturally attracted the attention of countless people, and it was impossible to ignore the power of tearing the entire sea to shreds.

"This task has become more difficult... The plan must be implemented as soon as possible..."

There was a vague cold light in his eyes, and the bald-headed five old stars with the knife secretly decided: "Pirates are always pirates, and it is difficult for a rabble to make a great deal. How can the plan laid out several years ago be so simple? Prelude!"

After speaking, he looked at the emerald-colored slash with great interest. He was curious about how Wuchen could resist the slash that was enough to sever the sea. The side indicated that the other party was a serious sword. Howe.

Unfortunately, the scene that happened next made him vomit blood depressed.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The unstoppable emerald light jumped into the World Government's fleet in a destructive state, and simply gorgeously pulled these floating hulls into hell, turning them into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron, and the entire sea was full of hull fragments.

The dust-free counterattack that the knife-wielding Five Old Stars expected did not appear...

"Damn, what does he mean?!"

The roar that contained monstrous anger popped out of his mouth, and the bald-headed five old star with a knife had the urge to vomit blood. Although this slash is terrifying, given the strength of Wuchen's naval admiral, the next step is not difficult.

Apparently he did.

"What are you screaming about, it's deadly to be distracted when fighting!"

The cold voice resounded through the sky, accompanied by strong vibrations, the space shattered, and spider web-like cracks appeared, and the entire island trembled fiercely.

"The old man didn't come to take your life, but you killed yourself. Are you confused at your age? Whitebeard!"

The first generation Guiche was unsheathed again, and the five old stars of Guang Lao, who were holding the knife, once again posed as a blood-colored thunderbolt, sneered and stared at the huge body behind him, staring at the narrow knife wound on his chest, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

"Why is the defeated general so arrogant?!"

After saying that, a blood-colored light roared out and went straight towards Whitebeard.

"A defeated general? How dare you say it."

A contemptuous smile appeared on the face of the white beard, and his eyes flashed with coldness, and he said bitterly: "The despicable person who secretly attacked Lao Tzu even dared to be arrogant and lawless. Are all the people in the world government dead?!"


A punch slammed out, the space burst, and the power was infinite, and the bloody luster of the attack also disappeared, and the iron fist was also the same. It is not difficult to see that the two were equally divided.

On the sea, Wuchen simply stepped on the sea water and stared at the black figure in the distance. After a while, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a playful smile.

"I actually took the initiative to come to the door... The great swordsman 'Eagle Eye' Mihawk..."


Asking for flowers, asking for a reward, and asking for automatic subscription... The author's morality has been picked up, and it will resume at the fifth watch every day. Come over with flowers and other things! ! !

Chapter 417 Battle Eagle Eye

"Boom boom boom..."

With a loud roar, the emerald-colored light covering the sky finally subsided, returning to a clear color again, the pain that pierced the skin also disappeared, the rock that suppressed the chest also disappeared, and the breathing was unimpeded.

Looking away, a blurry figure with a black sword came into view.

"Unexpectedly young."

There was a little strangeness in his eyes, he didn't expect that such a young eagle eye's strength has reached its peak, and the eyes that are indistinguishable from the eagle soaring in the sky are even more domineering.

There was a sense of sympathy in my heart.

Especially the imposing aura emanating from the eagle eye, the feeling of being so cold in the heights, made Wuchen see the shadow of himself from the eagle eye.

"The material that can be made!"

Countless light particles overflowed all over the body, and the dust-free body lost its texture and turned into raindrops all over the sky, disappearing without a trace.


The black-haired young man frowned, and the black knife in his hand reflected a cold and gloomy light. The extremely disgusting feeling just now, his heart has not dissipated.

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