Chapter 435 Hancock with Different Body and Mind

“Did I control your body, don’t you know?”

Drastically reduced…

“Now tell me who you are.

Brother Ming looked at Hancock’s constantly struggling expression, and asked her in her ear.

“I am the queen of Nine Snake Island, and I am the empress Boa Hancock…

The voice in Hancock’s head immediately gained the upper hand

Rao is a woman who claims to be beautiful, but in front of this fairy, she still feels a little ashamed.

In fact, Zhao Ziyi doesn’t have to be so depressed, she and Jinai are completely two temperaments, Chunlanhua and Qiuju, each flower enters their eyes, some people prefer the extraordinary fairy temperament of Linnai, and some people prefer her and life. The noble spirit that comes with it.

After Lin Nai went out.

Although Zhao Ziyi is wearing men’s clothing, how much does Ning Xianzi want to know? I can see through her. She is a woman. Her heart was inexplicably uncomfortable, a little sore, and a little painful.

She savored the delicate feelings that never appeared to her, and Demi frowned.

Naraku wanted to enjoy it for a while. After all, the opportunity to be a big man is not always available. But as soon as Linnai opened her mouth, she couldn’t pretend to be dead anymore. Ning Xianzi’s six acquaintances are clear at a glance.

He pretended to be dead. It is not good to be pierced. Who knows if Zhao Ziyi will kill him angrily.

“Late, my head is dizzy.” He slowly opened his eyes and wiped his head on his head.

“The boss is awake. Hui.” He happily walked to the floor and said together: “Are you okay? Why are you making such a loud noise? A big hole was punched in the yard wall.”

“Finding someone to fix it is not good for you.” Nai gave the order, and then said, “What are you doing here?”

When the giant was about to speak, Zhao Ziyi interrupted him: “Hello, who is she?

She stood with her mouth facing Lin Yanhong’s direction.

He knelt down and said, “I and Burang have been married for two thousand years and have never been separated, so I want to go with him and hope my master can succeed.”

“Master, Jagger is good at wine and cooking. She can cook European dishes and make wine. All the wine in the blood palace is made by her. The host can taste the food and wine from various countries anytime and anywhere. Please allow her to be with us. Let’s go to the Shenlong Empire together.” Bu Lang said.

Naraku thinks that they are two people, and it is too inhumane to separate them, but it is not appropriate for both of them to be their own servants. So he thought about it and decided to let all three of their families stay.

“Brown, you two stay together and watch this place with Carlos.” Naraku said.

Braun quickly said: “Master, are you angry? Do you want to treat it as if we didn’t say anything?”

Naraku knew that she had misunderstood and said, “I am not angry. I just think you two will serve as servants for me. I feel a little sorry for you. Your relationship is so good that you can’t be separated, so you don’t want to go.

Braun said: “Master, since I swear to be your servant, I must follow the master. Jacques is my wife and of course your servant. It is natural to follow your master. Please take us with us.”

Master “Bran is right, please take me along!” Jagger said, bowing.

Naraku saw that both of them were sincere, and said: “Since you are both sincere, I will take you with you.” However, it is not allowed to suck human blood when you walk with me. You must think clearly if this is the case. If you do, I won’t be soft. ”

“Master, please rest assured, we won’t do it. If you do, you can do whatever you want.” Bu said.

Naraku said, “You have the power level of a prince, and you can’t absorb blood, but Yager only has the power of a marquis and doesn’t absorb blood?”

“Go back to my master, I can suck animal blood. “What’s wrong with you?”

Naraku sighed and said, “It’s just from your determination, I will give you another hand.” Broang, your father and son went out. I will help improve. ”

Broun and his son were very happy. They hurriedly retreated outside the hall and closed the door.

Naraku, like giving Carlos a booster, first fainted, then changed her body, and then gave her a drop of blood to help her reach the level of a prince. Of course, he did not forget to prohibit and detain her. After all, she is also a member of the blood. If she is not careful, she will be in trouble if she can’t help but go out to suck human blood.

Wake up Jagger, summon the Bulang father and son, they are very happy to see that Jagger also has the power of a prince.

“Well, let’s go!” Naraku said.

When the four people walked out of the hall together, Burang suddenly remembered another thing. He said, “Master, this old emperor has children. How do you think you should send them down?”

“Ah, does this old blood emperor still have children?”

“Yes, there are seven in total.” Broun said.

“Where are they?” Naraku asked.

“They are behind the palace with the queen now, waiting for their master to fall.” Broun said.

Naraku thought for a while and asked, “In your opinion, what should I do with them?”

Bu Lang hesitated, knelt down and said, “Master, Bu Lang wants you to spare their lives.”

“You defend them?” Naraku said coldly.

When Bron heard Naraku’s tone calm down, he felt a panic in his heart, but in the end he boldly said: “The master is tolerant.” The blood queen is very kind and disagrees with many previous practices of the blood emperor. He once warned the emperor not to hurt innocent people, he was beaten severely by the emperor’s blood. Several princes and princesses are also very gentle towards the queen

All the blood they sucked is the blood of criminals, and the blood of good people they have never sucked. Because of this, the blood emperor thought they were too benevolent and completely incompatible with the status of the blood clan, so they were usually cold towards them and only saw them for a few weeks. So Bulang felt that they shouldn’t be implicated by the blood emperor, so he begged his master to spare them.

“Is everything true?” Naraku asked.

“Bran dare to swear to God, every word is true, if there is half a lie, let his master deal with it.” Bran raised his hand and said.

Naraku stretched out his hand to pull him up, and said with a smile, “Do you know why I asked you what to do with them?”

“Brown doesn’t know,” Burang lowered his head and said.

Naraku said, “I’m testing you to see what your attitude is towards your former master’s family. If you suggest me to kill them without hesitation, then you are already dead.” I’m very happy 517 that you replaced them. Speaking, it proves that I have seen the wrong person. ”

Burang breathed in his heart and whispered: “That’s dangerous. Fortunately, I didn’t change my mind just now, otherwise I would be in danger.” This new master is not only powerful, but also very powerful. It seems that I must serve seriously in the future.

“Master, do you agree to let them go?” Bulang asked.

Naraku nodded and said, “What is the power of the queen, prince, and princess?”

“The queen is also the power of the prince, the five princes are the power of the marquis, and the two princesses are the power of the earl.” Braun said.

Naraku thought for a while, and said, “Let the blood queen take her child and tell the nine princes that no one will bully them in the future.”

Carlos said: “Yes, sir, I will inform the nine princes of your decision immediately.

Bulang bowed and said, “Thank you, master.

“Do you want to see the queen?” Carlos asked.

Naraku shook his head lightly and said, “Forget it, at this moment, we are embarrassed to tell everything we encountered, but it is still missing.”

After a while, Naraku added: “Caros, choose a few places to let the queens live in the name of blood, so that they won’t worry about their food and clothing in the future.”

“Yes, Master.” Strauss Kahn said.

After explaining, Nairo left his contact information, and went to the villa in Lyon with Broun and Jagger.

In the villa in Lyon, Yaros, Billy and Lantero all leaned weakly on the sofa, while Lyon walked around anxiously, waiting for Naraku. ,

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