"It's just a bunch of garbage, just recruit another batch. Elgaar said with a grin, like he was talking about something inconsequential.

"Well, we have also been born and died for you. Kagayama's fingers clenched, and he asked with a low roar, "Are you worthy of your conscience?"

"Conscience?" Eligor said as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, "Your conscience is to let me kill more people with a lullaby, right?"

"It's not like that," Kagayama's eyes suddenly became flustered, "I just want to teach those decent people a lesson." "

"Yes, isn't that exactly what you brought me the lullaby to kill them all?" a cruel smile appeared on Eligor's face, and he spun the scythe in his hand in the air and said, "Now it's just a few minions dead." "

"Is it just a minion?" Kagayama clenched his fists, and the veins on the back of his hand bulged, "And what am I?"

"Hahaha, you?" said Elligor laughing, "thanks to you giving me the lullaby, now if I broadcast the lullaby all over the city through the radio, the city will become a dead city!"

"Even I'm not surprised," Kagayama muttered, "we're not companions..."

"Companion, what are you kidding?" Eligor seemed to hear a joke: "You are also worthy of being my companion, so weak, if I hadn't taken you in, I am afraid that you would have been arrested by the people of the Council long ago, thank me, you can die like this, and you will die a well-deserved death." "

"Bastard!" Kagayama roared, and the shadow behind him condensed into countless iron fists.


With a flash of the sword, a streak of blood appeared on Kagayama's face, and blood flowed down his wound, dripping onto his clothes, staining the corners of his clothes red.

The fists made of shadows were neatly sliced in the air by the scythe.

"I'm so strong..."A look of horror flashed in Kagayama's eyes, but he quickly became lost again: "Or am I too weak?

The shadow behind Elligol reached out a hand and snatched the lullaby that Eligor pinned to his waist.

"I'm never going to give you a lullaby!"

"How dare you!" Elgagor's eyes widened, his eyes bloodshot, and he saw Elgagor throw out a few wind blades, and Kagayama quickly burrowed into the shadows.

"Boom..."The pillar behind Kagayama was cut open, and if he was hit, he was afraid that he would end up with the same pillar.

He remembered Elgaor's words, and his lips twitched, "The gap is too big..."

Kagayama misses the power that suddenly appeared on the train at that time, the feeling that his whole body was about to be exploded by magic, and he defeated Elusa and Gray of Fairy Tail with a single blow, if he had that kind of power...

Kagayama prayed in his heart for a miracle to happen.

"It's not that he's too strong, it's that I'm too weak, strong—" Kagayama prayed desperately, remembering how he felt, but his body didn't react at all.

"Do you think I can't find you if I'm hiding in the shadows?" Elligor's face turned angry, he was really going to get serious.

"It's just an ant, and it dares to shout in front of me, I really don't know how thick the sky is——"

Ellegor took a step forward and slowly lowered his body, placing his fist gently on the ground.

"Do you want to shake me out, no kidding!" Kagayama could see what Eligor was trying to do, but he thought it was incredible, Eligor's magic was wind magic, and all he could do was control the wind, but he was sneaking in the shadows, and he had become one with the shadows.

"Hah!" Elligor snorted, and suddenly exerted force, his punch seemed like a dragonfly dotting water, but it was actually as heavy as Tarzan, and the ground cracked at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The floor of the bell tower collapsed, and Kagayama lost a place to lean on, falling straight out of the shadows.

"How could it be..."Kagayama didn't expect Elligol to destroy the ground and force him out, and by the time Kagayama reacted, he was already suspended in mid-air.

"That's the gap between you and me, you and I are not on the same level at all. Eligor shook his head, the consciousness of the battle between the two people was too far apart, and he couldn't even raise his interest in fighting with such an opponent.

"Don't be too small, bastard!" Kagayama made eye contact with Eligor, seeing the look of disappointment in his eyes, a look that deeply pierced Kagayama's pride.

But there was nothing Kagayama could do to change this ironclad fact.

"Poof..." Kagayama had no ability to resist the wind, so he couldn't float in the air like Elgagor, and smashed solidly to the ground, his internal organs were affected by this sudden impact, and a mouthful of blood spurted directly from his mouth.

"No, this guy must not be allowed to succeed!" Kagayama is determined to fight Eligor to the end, and this is the only thing he must not back down, this is the last dignity of Kagayama.

Several pieces of rubble fell, heading straight for Kagameama's head, and he quickly ducked into the shadows.

"By the way, the people of the Uchiha Guild..."Kagayama suddenly remembered the previous information, Uchiha Night and Lucy were entering the bell tower, "It's better to die in your hands if it falls into their hands!"

Kagayama thought hatefully, made up her mind, and walked in the direction of the hallway.

"Do you want to escape?

Erigor spread his arms exaggeratedly, and the air around him flowed towards the neighborhood.

"The wind that smells of blood... What a good taste!" Eligor's face appeared with a look of intoxication, "Demon Wind Wall!"

The high-pressure magic expanded, and a huge tornado rose over the entire station.

"What is this!" Elusa and Natsu outside the station saw the Wall of Wind suddenly rise.

"The iron fist of the fire dragon. Natsu stepped forward curiously, and his arm entered the wall of demonic wind, and the wind slashed into Natsu's hand like a blade from all directions.

"What is this?" Natsu hurriedly withdrew his hand, his arm would have shredded if he had stayed in it a little longer.

Elusa's face was solemn: "With this level of magic, I'm afraid there is a battle inside, and that person doesn't want others to interfere." "

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