The journey was very safe, there were no enemies, no wild beasts, only the laughter of a few of them.

The friendship between several people also began to warm up, and everyone began to trust others, and even Obito felt that there was something strange about him.

"Let's try harder, and there's a village ahead. It's getting closer and closer to our home.

"When I get home, I can rest well, and everyone has worked hard all the way."

Sakiten looked at Konoha Village in the distance and smiled.

He also misses the feeling of being at home very much, no matter where he is.

"Okay, let's do it together. Ran home in one go.

"Let's see who arrived first?" Asma

saw the village in the distance, and instantly struck like a chicken, extremely excited.

Qi Tian looked at them with a smile, then nodded.

"In that case, let's have a game. If the last person arrives, treat them to dinner. "

I don't know how this gamble is?" Qi

Tian looked at a few of them in anticipation.

The crowd thought for a moment, then nodded.

Everyone agreed to the gamble, and they all started to prepare.

"So let's start now. As

soon as he said that, the four of them ran to the front, and the speed was called fast.

"Damn, these boys don't talk about martial arts too much. Ran away.

Qi Tian fanned the smoke in front of his eyes with his hand, and then coughed a few times.

Pick up your pace and run forward.

Several others were very fast, and if they escaped on the battlefield, they would definitely be number one.

I didn't see them so active in a normal battle, and when they heard that they were going to be treated, everyone ran like rabbits.

"You're too scoundrels

!" "Wait for me!" shouted

at Sakiten as he chased after him.

But after a few seconds, no one answered.

"Good fellows, it seems that you are determined to have me come for a treat.

"That's really embarrassing, I can't let you get away with it.

Qi Tian showed a strange smile, and then disappeared in an instant.

If it were a speed, he was sure he wouldn't lose to them.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Tian instantly came to the surroundings of several of them.

"Hey, I didn't think I'd be so fast!" Qi

Tian said with a smile as he turned his head to look at Sunset, and then accelerated again and ran forward.

Sunset Red was stunned for a moment at first, and then held her breath and quickened her pace.

"Brother Tian, why are you so fast?"

"Forgot that your strength is above us.

A flash of darkness suddenly flashed around Asma, and after a closer look, he realized that it was Qi Tian.

But he is also very distressed at this time now.

Among these people, his strength is also at the bottom.

If you don't do your best, there's a good chance you'll be the last one to finish.

But even if you try your best, you may not be able to outrun others.

"We'll see you at the end!" Qi

Tian came to the front of several people, and then turned his head to greet them.

Then it changed to a black flash, flashing in the direction of the wood.

The few people behind were completely blindsided, and they didn't expect that the speed could only be so fast.

Think you can get a good advantage by thinking that you can get a good advantage.

"These kids still need to be trained, and this is the time to teach them a lesson.

"It also allows them to see the gap between me and them at this time. Hopefully, this one will be useful.

Qi Tian thought to himself as he walked through the forest.

For these few people, Saki Tian is really painstaking. After all, for him, it is also relatively important.

I don't want them to end like that in the future, in order to change their ending, they must be allowed to improve their strength.

Ten minutes later, Sakiten had come to the mountain behind Konoha Village very smoothly.

When they come back, they will also come in from where they departed.

If you enter through the gate, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

"Looks like I'm a little too fast, so I'd better wait for them.

Qi Tian looked up at the sun in the sky, and then at the forest in the distance.

These people were much weaker than he thought.

Even the most basic physical fitness is not up to par.

"When I got home, I had to give them some basic training programs.

"So that they have something to do these days."

Qi Tian scratched his head, obviously a little distressed, after all, this was the first time he had done these things.

Although the profession of a teacher is very good, there are also quite a lot of things.

After more than twenty minutes, the rest of the people finally arrived.

And everyone was gasping for air, all sitting on the ground, not wanting to move at all.

"I didn't expect the physical strength of a few of you to be so poor. It seems that the first thing to train you is physical strength, as long as the physical strength is up to the standard, the rest of the things will be much easier. Qi

Tian looked at them with a smile in front of a few of them.

While they were just waiting, they had already figured out how to train them, and these training programs would also allow them to get the best out of their training.

The only thing is that I'm a little tired.

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