I don’t want to say anything, my body is too tired.

I was busy doing my homework the day before, and then it rained again in my house. It was probably frozen at night and the diet was irregular.

The results of this book have declined, and the new book that I want to write has not been written yet.

Now I watched the computer in front of me, and the sword that was uncomfortable was really not written.

Mentally inadequate, physically tired.

Because of my studies, I have to work because of my life, and because I think about writing books.

First of all, please don’t blame the sword. I am taking such a leave, and I guess I have to lose some readers. This is really a big thing for an author.

I really want to rest, I don’t want to use my mind.

Everyone knows that the Tibetan swords were written in the four chapters of the day.

I also thought that I can persist, but the latter is that the book’s performance is not very good. Second, the editor is really not optimistic about me.

Because of this, I can’t afford to drive myself. You think about it, you can’t make a serious book, but you can only earn a small living expenses. At the age of 20, you can go for this money. Does it make sense?

The reason why Zang Jian wants to open a new book is also here, because this writing may not have a future.

But thanks to everyone’s favorite, but also the first book, Tibetan sword has been insisting.

I don’t want the water chapter, but the progress is slow, so it has become what everyone sees. Many fattenings are expected to feel good after reading them.

If you chase every day, it will be a lot worse.

Writing this, I have some ideas for writing books, but I still decided to take a break.

Tibetan sword is not a full-time writer, and even wants to play all day, but gave up the game in order to write a book, gave up my e-sports dream…. (joking ha….)

Energy is very important. The Tibetan sword is now a serious lack of energy, and it is not known whether it is sick or staying up late.

I adjust my body and restore it tomorrow.

Really, everyone should not be one or two chapters, please forgive the sword once.

I don’t dare to ask for anything. I feel that the Tibetan sword is still a sincere author. Please support the genuine one. The starting point is genuine.

The Tibetan sword went to rest and recuperate.

The chapter comments will be seen, but now there are usually three or four to talk, oh… good night.

By the way, this book will definitely finish this book well. Although I want to write a new book, this Tibetan sword will definitely try to write a more classic one in the fire film, and rest assured.

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