Naruto: Start with Eternal Kaleidoscope

Chapter 291 - People without immunity

Chapter 291 – People without immunity

After cooperating with Huang Quan, the two people jointly developed a method that can give ordinary people chakras, or give ninjas more powerful chakras, but the two people’s research directions are not the same.

Huang Quan’s research is to make use of external chakras anytime and anywhere, to supplement the external chakras into his body and enhance his own abilities.

While Ankenstein was influenced by the ideas of his ancestors, he tried to merge the chakras that were not originally part of the whole to create a more powerful chakra.

Ankenstein combined the techniques left by his ancestors to solve the partial rejection of limbs from different donors, and the technique taught by Huang Quan to combine different chakras to create the current transformed man.

However, the technique Huang Quan gave him has its own problems. The fusion of the different Chakras can only be maintained for a while, and cannot be maintained for a long time.

This is why Huang Quan wants to teach him this technique, hoping that his research can solve this problem and make the integration more stable.

Ankenstein has conducted thousands of experiments before, but none of them succeeded. The fused chakras will produce severe rejection reactions within a few months, leading to the death of the subject.

Although the experiment was unsuccessful, Ankenstein still found some rules. That is the person who has been transformed, and the time of death is not fixed.

Some people may die on the spot after the transformation, some people may die within a few days, but some people can survive for months.

Ankenstein guessed that the rejection between Chakras should be similar to the rejection of the immune system, and there is also a question of fit.

As long as the chakra of the recipient and the chakra of the foreign donor can match, then the experiment is not impossible to succeed.

So Ankenstein began to expand the scale of the experiment, and he asked Huang Quan to give him a dark medical ninja family.

Send them to pretend to be ordinary medical ninjas, using the villagers as an excuse to treat diseases, and take the opportunity to obtain a large number of subjects for more experiments.

The number of experiments quickly expanded to thousands of times, but still not many successfully survived, only more than 80 people.Ankenstein understood that it seemed that this kind of luck was not very reliable, but he was lucky because he suddenly found a man with a strange physique.

This person was also a patient who came to see a doctor. After the dark medical ninja under his hand checked this person, he was surprised to find that this person was suffering from dozens of diseases.

Under normal circumstances, a person is unlikely to have so many diseases at once. These diseases should be slowly infected one by one.

However, many of these dozens of diseases are fatal. If he had the same infection, then he would have died long ago.

And that this person can live to this day, it means that he contracted these diseases not long ago, and has not yet developed to the point where he can kill him.

That’s incredible, how did he manage to contact so many patients with fatal diseases at once.

After Ankenstein came into contact with this person, he learned his story from this population.

It turns out that this family of people has a strange disease for generations. This disease is that they can easily contract various diseases.

As long as they have had a little contact with someone who is sick, they will get infected.

However, although they may contract the disease, they will not die easily. It seems that they are more resistant to the symptoms of the disease.

This makes them a terrifying existence, because they can easily become the source of infection of various diseases and spread the disease everywhere.

So their clan has been self-isolating under the advice of the witch-sama of the country of ghosts, and try not to contact outsiders as much as possible.

They followed the advice and stayed hidden in the mountains. Very few people in the family went out.

It’s just that a while ago, some of their people, who would not die easily from disease, started to die one after another.

So the elders speculated that they had inadvertently contracted a disease that even their physique could not cope with, and 80% of this disease had spread among the group.(Read more @ tribesmen who heard the news quickly isolated themselves and did not even contact the members of the family.

However, it was too late, the disease had spread in the family, and more people died one after another.

In order to avoid being annihilated by this disease, they had to send someone out to seek help from the outside world.

Their family is relatively famous in the country of ghosts. Everyone knows that they are a group of terrible plague infected people, so no doctor is willing to treat them.

At this moment, the man who came out heard about this group of dark medical ninjas, so he came here admiringly.

It is a pity that his magical physique attracted Ankenstein’s attention, and he was secretly captured and became an experimental subject.

After Ankenstein conducted in-depth research on this person, he found that this person’s genes were very different.

He seems to have an immune dysfunction, this disease makes him immune, so he is very susceptible to various diseases.

Ankenstein remembered a disease that had recently appeared in the Eastern Continent, immunodeficiency syndrome.

People suffering from this disease will lose immunity, and then easily get other diseases and die.

Logically speaking, such ethnic groups should have already perished in the countless diseases that existed in human history. It is impossible to leave offspring and develop a family? And they can survive, there must be unknown reasons.

Ankenstein tried to transplant a part of the body of an animal to this person, and finally discovered the secret of this person’s unique physique.

It turns out that there is a peculiar pheromone in this person’s cells, which allows his cells to imitate the properties of bacteria and viruses that invade the body, as well as some other biological properties.

The bacteria and viruses that invade his body will think that his cells are of the same kind and will not be destroyed, so he can survive.The chakras of the animals implanted in this human body by Ankenstein are like this.

After this person’s body is transplanted with animal parts, the entire person’s cells begin to imitate foreign invading cells and release similar chakras, so that both parties can coexist harmoniously in the same body.

This discovery surprised Ankenstein, and this was the perfect experiment he was looking for.

The person resurrected by his ancestors was a whole person resurrected after the corpses of many people were stitched together. That person has superpowers and can use multiple powers.

No one in the Kenstein family understood what was going on at the time, but now Angerstein knows that this is what the ninja calls the chakra attribute.

Because that corpse has a lot of people fused, so it has a variety of chakras to use so much power.

In order to make Frankenstein more powerful, Ankenstein has been trying to transplant more organs from different organisms on the experimental body.

But the more organ transplants, the lower the probability of survival of the experiment, so this plan has been unable to advance.

But this person is different, because his body was born for acceptance, and no matter how many foreign chakras are transplanted to him, he will not die because of it.

So Ankenstein conducted a lot of experiments, constantly transplanting various biological organs and limbs to him, and perfecting this Frankenstein step by step.

During the experiment, Ankenstein detected a strange parasite on this person, which is constantly eating away at his body functions.

This is a strange thing, because he should have the ability to imitate the nature of the parasite so that it will not attack himself.

After Ankenstein extracted a part of these parasites and cultivated them, he discovered that these parasites would attack their own kind in order to survive in the absence of food.

Because this person’s cells imitated the characteristics of this parasite, these parasites found that their parasites were full of their own kind.

Because there is no other food, so I have no choice but to start attacking the same kind.

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