“Drop, it’s detected that the mystery store is open for the first time, and the Rule is provided.”


[Mystery Store Rule]

* Redemption items are available to Chakra (Skill card is for host use only).

*The store offers redemption items*10 every day at 12am, and 12 refreshes the next morning.

* Energy points are the foundation units of the System operation and its purchase.

* Some items purchased for the first time need to open the purchase right corresponding to the law of the same order.

*Rule fragments can be split into low-level 1 Rule fragments *3, but high Rank/Level fragments cannot be synthesized.

*The same item can be purchased multiple times on the same day, the energy point is purchased as the base number* the number of purchases on the day.

*System Rank/Level hierarchy is divided into –

(Rank/Level: the energy point interval required for redemption)

——e: 1-10 energy point

——d: 10-100 energy point

——c:100-1k energy point

——b: 1k-3k energy point

——a: 3k-1w energy point

——s:1w-5w energy point

——ss:5w-10w energy point

–sss: insufficient permissions

* Mystery store currently has the following card categories –

–Skill card: Learn to use the card skill after use.

– Blood card: Allows the user to have the card line, only one card can be used in the same part.

— Item card: Has a variety of strange items, only the host can not think of, there is no Item card can not do.

– Equipment card: Get the equipment that comes with the card.


鍒濈湅鍒 涓猂 涓猂 锛屽苟娌 锛屽苟娌 ° ° 湁 湁 夊缑 夊缑 変粈涔堜笉瀵 変粈涔堜笉瀵 変粈涔堜笉瀵 変粈涔堜笉瀵 銆 銆 銆 銆

灏辫兘 忕偣 岃 岃 锛屼粬鍙槸 锛屼粬鍙槸 锛屼粬鍙槸 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 塜 崱鐗岀殑涓嶆槸鍢 崱鐗岀殑涓嶆槸鍢 崱鐗岀殑涓嶆槸鍢 崱鐗岀殑涓嶆槸鍢 崱鐗岀殑涓嶆槸鍢 崱鐗岀殑涓嶆槸鍢 涓狲绾涳纻

鐒跺悗浠栫湅浜嗕竴涓嬩粖镞ュ埛鏂 殑鍗佸紶鍗 硗钖庯纴 $硗钖庯纴 嶅彂鐢熷柗濂秚 嶅彂鐢熷柗濂秚 sukkomi 镄勪簨浠 hide €

绁炵鍟嗗簵镄勫崱鐗屾憜鏀 殑寰堢 殑寰堢 殑寰堢 殑寰堢 琛岋纴涓娄簲寮狅纴涓嬩簲寮狅纴鍙槸澶 琛岋纴涓娄簲寮狅纴涓嬩簲寮狅纴鍙槸澶 儴鍒嗗憟鐜 儴鍒嗗憟鐜殑鏄 夊厜娉 chain boundary 殑鐏皋hite 銆

Skill 鍗★细镐姏锛坅锛夆€曗€昘NUMX鑳介噺镣

琛€缁熷崱锛歋haringan 锛坈锛夛纸涓€Magatama 锛夆€曗€NUMX鑳介噺镣

Skill 鍗 褰 褰 褰 褰 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘

Skill 鍗★fine 蹇冧腑鏂╅  锛夆 锛夆 曗 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘 昘

Skill 鍗★细镶夊夊鎴樿鎴樿鎴樿曗曗曗曗曗曗NUM昘鑳介噺镣

Skill 鍗★细镰傛紶娴父锛坅锛夆€曗€NUMX鑳介噺镣

Item 鍗★细锲炶鍗★纸e锛夆€曗€昘NUMX鑳介噺镣

Skill 鍗★细Katon (Fire Release) *璞︻伀鐞冧箣链纸锛夆锛夆曗昘昘NUMXI鑳介噺镣

琛€缁熷崱锛歋hikotsumyaku 鈥曗€昘NUMX鑳介噺镣


浠庡崱鐗岀殑鍑虹幇娆°C暟鍙互鐪嫔缑鍑猴纴Skill 鍗“嚭鐜 Dress up°C暟鏄渶澶氱殑锛岃暟鏄渶澶氱殑锛岃瓒瓒纴鐒跺悗灏 槸琛 缁熷崱鍗佸垎涔嬩簩锛孖 缁熷崱鍗佸垎涔嬩簩锛孖 鍗 鍗 拰鍓╀笅镄勮澶囧崱钖刋 拰鍓╀笅镄勮澶囧崱钖刋 NUMX% 銆

鐪嫔埌杩椤崄寮犲崱鐗岋纴Zhang Lan 鏄痚yes 閮 浜嗭纴姣忎竴寮犻兘濂 浜嗭纴姣忎竴寮犻兘濂 浜嗭纴姣忎竴寮犻兘濂 兂瑕 兂瑕 兂瑕 兂瑕

灏ゅ叾鏄偅蹇冧华宸蹭箙镄凷haringan 锛岃槠鐒朵粎浠呮槸涓€Magatama 锛屼絾涔熸鏄洜涓 drying 槸涓€Magatama 嶅彧瑕乆 嶅彧瑕乆 NUMX鑳介噺镣瑰惂锛

Zhang Lan 寰堟槸镐ヨ揩镄勭偣鍑籗haringan 镄勫崱鐗岋纴鎯宠鍏戞崲杩欎竴寮犺缁熷崱锛屽彲鏄€曗€

鈥沧淮锛岃瀹锛岃瀹富浣浣敤c绾ule 纰庣墖瑙i挛璇ラ€夐”銆傗€

Zhang Lan: “…”


Peter Seto 钖庯纴鍙堣 钖庯纴鍙堣Zhang Lan 锽 涓 涓 鑴 鑴 鑴 鑴 殑 殑 white 鐗涘ザ銆

鈥滃摝涓嶏纴涓婂笣鍟娿€傗€漃eter 鎯婂懠锛气滆掴锛屼綘滆掴锛屼綘滆掴锛屼綘粈涔堬纻鎴戝彲鏄垰娲楃殑婢粈涔堬纻鎴戝彲鏄垰娲楃殑婢傗傗

鏂 墠 杩 杩 杩 镄刏 镄刏 镄刏 镄刏 镄刏 镄刏 镄刏 Lan绉荤殑Peter 娌¤兘鍙婃椂韬 紑銆

鈥沦ystem 浣犲嚭鏉ワ纴浣犵湅鎴戜笉鎶娄綘灞庢墦鍑 潵锛熲 潵锛熲

Zhang Lan 骞 舵 夊洖搴摈 夊洖搴摈 镄勮瘽锛屽弽 镄勮瘽锛屽弽 宻 宻 宻 宻 宻 talk talk talk tem tem tem tem tem tem tem tem tem tem妸浣犲睅 揿嚭鏉ャ 揿嚭鏉ャ€傗€

鈥沧 锛孲 锛孲 ystem 瀛 湪浜庡涓籹 湪浜庡涓籹 湪浜庡涓籹 娣卞锛屾 绉嶆剰涔変笂锛屽涓诲 绉嶆剰涔変笂锛屽涓诲 绉嶆剰涔変笂锛屽涓诲 鏄疭 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍏

瑷€涓嬩箣镒忥纴Zhang Lan 灏 槸 System 锛孲ystem 灏 槸 Zhang Lan 銆

Zhang Lan 锛气涣.o鈥

鈥沧垜璇讳功灏戜綘鍒獥鎴戙€ ystem 锛岄偅涓猂ule 纰庣墖镐庝箞銮峰彇锛熲€

鈥沧 锛屽畲鎴 锛屽畲鎴 rystem Quest 銆佹敼鍙樻牴 chain  € 墽鎯呫 佺 佺 绾 绾 瑕両 瑕両 锛屽彲銮 锛屽彲銮 缑涓嶅畾绛夐 缑涓嶅畾绛夐 R R R R R €

鈥滃畲鎴急 ystem Quest 銆佹敼鍙 墽鎯呭ソ鐞呜 墽鎯呭ソ鐞呜 锛屽彲鏄 锛屽彲鏄 锛屽彲鏄 绾 瑕両 鎸囩殑鏄纻鈥漐 Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan Lan

鈥沧 鈥沧 锛岃幏寰楀叿 chain 夊洖鏀 环 chain chain shoulder 涓娄氦浜岙 涓娄氦浜岙 涓娄氦浜岙 tem tem tem tem tem tem tem 涓垎 涓垎 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾 嚭涓嶅畾庣墖銆傗€

鏄庣槠浜嗭纴灏 槸璇 槸璇 鏋涞 Lan Lan 銮 銮 銮 ony ony ony ony ony el el el el el teel war armor 锛岀劧钖庝氦缁橲 ys 鍒呜 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 彇 彇 彇 彇 彇庣墖銆

鈥沧湰鏉ユ病撶畻瑕乀撶畻瑕乀 镄剆teel war armor 镄勶纴鐜板湪鐪嬫潵瑕佹兂鎯虫硶瀛愩€傗€

鎽哥潃涓嫔反镐濊力潃锛屾€濊Power 潃濡 綍阒 竴涓婽 竴涓婽 纻 纻 纻

杩滃湪娲涙潐鐭剁 鍒秙 鍒秙 teel war armor 镄凾ony 锛岀獊鐒 寰楁湁浜哄湪鑳屽悗鐩潃镊 寰楁湁浜哄湪鑳屽悗鐩潃镊 涓 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙堢湅涓嶈浜恒€


姝e緟缁х画浜呜ВSystem 锛孼hang Lan 鍙︼寰楄劯涓娄竴鍑夛纴琚粈涔堟恫浣撴墦婀夸銆

杩欐墠锲炶 绁炴潵锛宭 绁炴潵锛宭 绁炴潵锛宭 绁炴潵锛宭 绁炴潵锛宭 绁炴潵锛宭 绁炴潵锛宭 绁炴潵锛宭 绁炴潵锛宭 eter eter eter eter eter eter H H H H H H Hollow 镄勭瑧浜嗙瑧銆

鈥淧eter 锛屽鏋沧垜璇存垜涓嶆槸鏁呮剰镄勶纴浣犱 鍢涳纻鈥濆 鍢涳纻鈥濆 鍢涳纻鈥濆 寮 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 殑涓 潃銆

鈥滃綋鐒垛€笉笉笉′简銆傗€漃eter 鐞嗘墍褰撶劧镄勬嫆缁濅 杩欎 杩欎 杩欎 杩欎 鐞嗙敱锛屼笉杩囧嵈鏄瘽阌嬩竴杞滀笉杩囷纴濡傛灉浣犺兘澶熸暀鎴戜綘镄勯偅涓﹄粈涔埚 鍒呜 鍒呜 鍒呜 镄勮瘽锛屾垜鍙 镄勮瘽锛屾垜鍙 镄勮瘽锛屾垜鍙 镄勮瘽锛屾垜鍙 镄勮瘽锛屾垜鍙 镄勮瘽锛屾垜鍙 镄勮瘽锛屾垜鍙

鈥滃 鍒呜 鍒呜 锛熻 锛熻 锛熻 锛熻 涓︼缮瑕佸啀绛夌瓑锛岃 涓︼缮瑕佸啀绛夌瓑锛岃 涓︼缮瑕佸啀绛夌瓑锛岃 鍗旷殑銆傗 鍗旷殑銆傗 鍗旷殑銆傗

缁忚 浠婂ぉ镞╀笂镄勪簨鏁咃纴 浠婂ぉ镞╀笂镄勪簨鏁咃纴 Zhang Lan 杩樻槸鍐 畾鍏堢瓑绛夈 畾鍏堢瓑绛夈

鈥沧垜鍏堟暀浣犳渶foundation 镄勶纴浣烫hakra 镒熷簲镄勫揩锛屾槸锲犱 浣犵殑宸茬粡 変 変 変 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑 瀹氱殑皢浣犵殑foundation 鎸栨帢鍑 潵 潵 潵 屽 屽 锛屼絾鏄湳涓崭竴瀹 锛屼絾鏄湳涓崭竴瀹 锛屼絾鏄湳涓崭竴瀹 锛屼絾鏄湳涓崭竴瀹 纴涓嶆槸璇撮 鏀 鏀 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭 嚭姛镄勩€傗€

镄勭’鏄伞镙风殑锛屽埆鐪媄 Lan Lan 瀛 <范b绾injutsu 閮芥槸涓€瀛>Ammonia 浼 纴浣嗘槸闾 槸 槸 槸

濡傛灉鍙槸绠 鍗旷殑鎹忓嚭 鍗旷殑鎹忓嚭 鍗旷殑鎹忓嚭 kra hakra 灏卞彲浠ラ 鏀綨 鏀綨 injutsu 锛岄偅涔堜 浠 涔堥 涔堥 涔堥 God of Thunder 涔嬫湳闄や 浜屼唬涔嫔锛屽 浜屼唬涔嫔锛屽 浜屼唬涔嫔锛屽 ok Hokage 鑳 浼 浼 纻

杩樻湁Ninjutsu Idiot 涓︼繛€涓︼繛foundation Ninjutsu 閮戒笉浼氱殑 Body Technique shinobi 銆

杩椤叾涓竴瀹氭湁涓 浜涙浔浠跺湪锛屽彧 浜涙浔浠跺湪锛屽彧 夋 夋 瓒 瓒 瓒 瓒 浜涙浔浠跺悗锛屾墠鑳 ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju锛孼hang Lan 鏄笉鐢ㄦ媴蹇冭 涓︻殑锛屽洜涓 涓︻殑锛屽洜涓 涓︻殑锛屽洜涓 塖 ystem 镄勭 浜 浜 浜 €

鈥渇oundation 镄勪篃琛屽晩锛岄偅鐜 湪灏 湪灏 漃 漃 漃 漃 漃 呬笉鎷掋 呬笉鎷掋

鐪嬩 鐪嬫 鐪嬫 涓墠鍜竴鍙 殑涓夋槑娌 殑涓夋槑娌 殑涓夋槑娌 殑涓夋槑娌 纴鍙坙 纴鍙坙 ooks at Peter 闾f湡寰呯殑琛ㄦ儏锛屽徆浜嗗彛姘旓纴鑹 毦镄勫仛鍑轰竴涓喅瀹氥€

[Ninjutsu ・Shadow of the Shadows]

Peter happily followed the shadows, and Zhang Lan was a touch of milk on his face. After breakfast time, consciousness has drifted into the System.

It is like an internet addiction teenager who plays mobile phones while eating.

Open the mystery store again. This time, there is no introduction to Rule. I have to bear the gray-white cards. He is now empty and has no Rule fragments. Wood is useful.


Item 鍗★细锲炶鍗★纸e锛夆€曗€昘NUMX鑳介噺镣

This is the only two cards with color. Clicking on it will directly show the option of “yse/no”. I want to ask if I want to redeem.

Zhang Lan first chose the “returning blood card” that was more concerned, clicked on yes, and then the magic scene happened.

–Nothing happened.

“System, what card did I redeem? Have you eaten it?” Zhang Lan asked awkwardly.

“Drip, has been issued to the host storage space.”

“System, don’t be quiet next time, all relevant information should be returned to me.”

Zhang Lan thinks that it is better to set it as “online”, otherwise it will always be “offline” and what should I do if the important news is missed?

“Drop, detected host command, load instruction… load completed.”

“Hey, congratulations to the host for getting the knowledge of Jody Benstead and getting the 1 point energy point.”

“Hey, congratulations to the host for getting the recognition of Isadoro Wedlock and getting the 1 point energy point.”

“Hey, congratulations to the host for getting the recognition of Rebecca Sampson and getting the 1 point energy point.”


Just after he issued the “online” command, there will be a “叮” prompt every five seconds, so that Zhang Lan is also very confused. Is this energy point like this?

“System, what is the acquisition style of the energy point?” Zhang Lan has a keen sense of the core.

“Hey, congratulations to the host for getting Lika Cul’s knowledge and getting the 1 point energy point.”

“滴,以f级ordinary person 为基准,宿主与其关系的不同,可收获不同能量点――关系(可收获能量点):陌生(0)、认知(1)、赞赏(2)、认可(5)、崇拜(10)、信仰(100),根据不同级别的人,提供的能量点也将会不同。”

“System, set only a single 6 point energy income to trigger System Reminder.” Although listening to the sound is very cool, but frequent tips are really annoying.

“Hey, congratulations to the host for getting Thor Carson’s knowledge and getting the 1 point energy point.”

“Drop, detected host command, load instruction… load completed.”

Satisfied nodded, although the system’s exchange mechanism makes people want to smash the table, but the controllability is still very high.

Just like a hand-developed mobile game, you can slowly transform it into a game mode that suits the player, and then let more players recharge.

As for the perception of the 1 energy point, Zhang Lan knows where it came from. Recently, a new version of his film is being created. As a creator, he will naturally be recognized by the masses. .

“System, are you the rhythm of letting me enter the entertainment circle?” Zhang Lan thought a little depressed: “You are not going to be a star system transformation?”

“Drip, fame is not related to the entertainment circle, this system is the original starter, not a transformation.”

System reminds me that Zhang Lan is also aware that it seems to be, too, the ordinary people, the celebrities that can be reached are only stars.

Now think about it, the future of Super Hero, whether it is Spiderman, or steel and iron, fans are calculated according to the global ratio, minute insta-kill ordinary stars.

“System, if I don’t use the name of my real name, but use a nickname, such as ‘Hokage Man’, it is not an energy point.” Zhang Lan raised a concern.

After all, in the future, he intends to use the Zhang Lan of Hugo to contact the super Heroes, so the impact is still very big.

“Drop, System is based solely on the root cause, not the name.”

Oh, understand, simply saying no.

This System can’t be answered correctly? Every time I speak a beast that nobody can understand.

“Drop, System is to answer questions from the root cause, please host to analyze the information carefully.”

System is very connotative, Zhang Lan is an illiterate.

Zhang Lan 锛气涣.o鈥

Holding the mind of the adult, regardless of System, Zhang Lan takes out the item card that was redeemed from the storage space.

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