The rope tree, who was sitting on the side of the moonlight qianye aisle, saw the interaction between the two, cut in his mouth, and his face pretended to be disdainful, but in his heart, he couldn’t help but secretly ask himself why he didn’t please the girl.

Those moving fairy tales and hilarious jokes, he can’t tell a single one, there are a total of nineteen girls in the class, and a total of more than a hundred girls in the whole grade, and none of them like him.

Moonlight Qianye is indifferent to the restlessness of a group of little fart children around him, a group of melon babies who have just turned ten, do they know what is called a puff girl and what is cultivation?

After getting the little loli Yuzhibo lavender, Moonlight Qianye continued to cultivate the [Yi Tendon Sutra], he is now pressed for time, and he must seize every minute of time to make himself stronger.

Without much effort, the class bell of the ninja school rang, and many little fart children immediately sat down one by one, and the classroom instantly became silent.


Just after a group of little fart children had just sat down, the homeroom teacher of the fifth class, Ryosuke Umino, appeared on the podium on time in a puff of smoke, and this pushy teacher would flash with teleportation almost every time he went to class.

“Dear students, good morning.” Ryosuke Umino had a bright smile on his face, obviously satisfied with the instantaneous technique he had just had.

“Good teacher.” The students respectfully greeted Ryosuke Umino, this established variety that is the same in every world, made the lucky moonlight Chiba roll his eyes, and lazily answered with a group of little fart children.

After speaking, without waiting for Ryosuke Umino to start lecturing, Moonlight Qianye continued to lie on his stomach and cultivate, knowing that in just one night, he had clearly felt that his body was nearly a third stronger.

Although most of it is because Chakra is converted into internal strength, and the other half is because the progress in the early stage of cultivation will always be faster than in the later stage, this progress is already comparable to the time it takes ordinary ninjas to train hard for several months or even half a year.

The changes are not only these, Moonlight Qianye clearly feels that the flexibility of the body has improved a lot, becoming more flexible, and the printing speed has also been improved.

Under all kinds of superposition, today’s he is at least nearly twice as strong as yesterday, and under this rapid growth, he can endure the throbbing in his heart and still come to the ninja school to take classes, thanks to his excellent psychological quality.

After Ryosuke Umino saw the greeting, seven or eight students fell directly on the desk, with a bit of helplessness on their faces, most of these people who fell down were family children, and at night there were basically family ninjas who opened small stoves for them, and he couldn’t manage it.

The time of the two classes passed quickly, and Moonlight Qianye, who was immersed in cultivation, did not feel the rapid passage of time at all, but as soon as he took the third class, he stopped with a look of suffocation.

Special! He was actually hungry! A few large bowls of nutritious fried rice in the morning, actually did not even last at noon, the most important thing is that if you do not cultivate in [Xuanhuangzhu], the progress is slow, but it is also a great drain on the spirit!

In just two hours, he felt hungry chest against his back, and he felt groggy in his head, as if he had been surfing the Internet all night and did not sleep.

Warrior cultivation, refining and refining qi in the early stage, requires great energy to replenish the body and spirit, according to the records of the [Yi Jian Jing], only after practicing all twelve pictures, the internal qi will begin to feed back itself.

At that time, Xiao Zhou Tian cycle, practice not only will not feel tired, but also more and more spiritual, powerful martial artists, do not sleep, do not drink or eat, is just ordinary.

“Mom, starve his dad.” Moonlight Qianye hugged his stomach and muttered to himself, he was different from these little fart children in the ninja school, he had never had the habit of bringing bento, and he could only endure it when he was hungry at this time.

“Brother Chiba, what’s wrong with you?” Uchiha Kaoru had been paying attention to the state of Moonlight Chiba, and when he saw his expression after ‘waking up’, he looked over with a worried expression.

“Did you bring a bento?” Moonlight Qianye’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Uchiha Kaoru, he didn’t bring it, but little loli often brought it!

“Does Brother Chiba want to eat?” Uchiha Kaoru blinked his eyes wide, quietly glanced at the teacher on the podium who was concentrating on lecturing, and seeing that the teacher did not pay attention here, he took the bento box out of the drawer.

“Compensate you for making good food at noon.” Moonlight Qianye had already rebelled at this time, and where could he take care of so much, he took the bento box of Uchiha Lavender and began to eat happily.

Three-color meatballs, wooden fish rice balls, fried ham, vegetable salad, marinated eggs, and a small portion of beef, Moonlight Chiba chewed a few times when hungry and hurriedly swallowed into the stomach.

“Brother Chiba eat slowly, I have water here.” Uchiha Kaoru saw the wolf-gobbled moonlight Chiba, his cheeks flushed and he took out the water cup from the drawer.

These things are all made by herself, seeing Moonlight Qianye eating so fragrantly, Little Loli’s heart is naturally sweet, and the most important thing is that now Moonlight Qianye’s tableware is what she usually uses.

After eating and drinking, feeling that the spirit was still a little weak, Moonlight Qianye understood that it was no longer suitable for cultivation, said hello to the little loli, turned his head and fell asleep on the table.

It wasn’t until the bell rang at noon that the little loli lavender shook his arm and pulled him out of his sleep.

“Is class already over? Let’s go, make you something to eat. Moonlight Chiba stretched out his waist and saw that Ryosuke Umino had walked out of the classroom, taking Kaoru’s hand and standing up from his seat.

He didn’t want the little loli to spend it hungry at noon because she was eaten bento, and for the little girl who was growing her body, adequate nutrition was very necessary.

“Moonlight Chiba, I want to challenge you!” The rope tree slapped the table, raised his head and stood up from his seat, putting on a proud look on his face, and loudly opened his mouth to challenge.

For teenagers of this age, they desperately want to be in the limelight and want to be noticed by the opposite sex, and Rope Tree, who has been pondering for a morning, obviously believes that the best way to get attention is to defeat Moonlight Chiba, the most popular girl in the class.

“Come on, boss!” Most of the boys in the class recognized Rope Tree as the boss, and when they heard Rope Tree’s words, they all stood up in support.

For Moonlight Qianye, the vast majority of boys are envious and jealous, after all, Kaoru is a class flower! A group of self-centered little fart children can’t eat by themselves, and they can’t watch others eat, this is the commonality of people.

“You are a disease, you need to be cured.” Moonlight Qianye glanced at the rope tree, for this kind of little boy who was bursting with a second illness, he was speechless, challenge, challenge a yarn, did this little fart really think that he was invincible in the world?

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