
In the beautiful national live broadcast room, the three contestants held guns in their hands and fired at the wolves in the distance.

"Whoosh..." The

lethality of Zhengwu, even these E-level elite-level beasts, could not be easily ignored.

Under the suppression of powerful firepower, the wolves have been hovering at a relatively safe distance.

Farther away, a wind wolf with a significantly larger size and a more intense cyan on his body roared lowly.

It was the Wind Wolf King.

The goal of the beautiful national player.

Under the command of the Wind Wolf King, seven or eight Wind Wolf have been wandering near the red line.

At the same time, a long, breathtaking roar continued to come out of his mouth.

"Robert! These beasts actually use tactics?!

John, on the right, put on a new magazine and complained.

He could also see that if the wolves came forward one after another, it might cause their casualties.

However, he can be sure that more than two-thirds of this wolf pack will definitely lose their lives because of this.

And the current situation has undoubtedly turned into a psychological war!

While consuming bullets, let them break their defenses inside, and eventually the casualties of the wolves can also be minimized.

Although they could all see it, the consumption of the wolves made them have nothing to do.

Because they are not sure whether the Storm Wolf that jumps in every time is a feint or really wants to break through their fire network.

"James! This is not the way to go!

"We must take the initiative!"

"Yes, Robert! I agree with you?

"See that beast?" Just get it right and we're already half victorious! Following

the direction Robert was pointing, John and James saw the recognizable Wind Wolf King in the distance.

"Stop selling! Just say what to do!

James asked, flicking his bushy beard.

"John, three o'clock! You attract the attention of the wolves! "


"James, the Wolf King at ten o'clock! Leave it to you to kill! Directly on the MG3 howitzer!

"Come on! I'm here with fire suppression, and I can hold out for about eight seconds! "

Come on!"

The three quickly exchanged battle plans and began to quietly arrange.


The Wind Wolf King found one of the preys and jumped out in the other direction.

Immediately commanded more than half of the Wind Wolves to surround him.

"It's now!"

Robert in the middle, with a roar, stood up straight, pressed a large plate of chicken with each hand, and fiercely output towards the original position of the wolves.

It is not known how much peanut rice was consumed.

Suddenly, the fire net made the wolves a little confused.

At this time, James on the left shifted his position again.

At the same time, in his hand, there was an extra black cannon muzzle.

The Wind Wolf King suddenly tensed his spirits, and a threat of death instantly permeated.

Without shouting at the command, the figure pounced straight over.

"Hey! Die, beast! "

James, as a major in the Sea Frog Special Forces, is comfortable with this oppression.

With a slight twist of the muzzle, he pulled the trigger in his hand.


A figure with billowing black smoke flew out upside down

, smashed into the forest on the side, hit the tree trunk,

and made a dull sound.

"Hey! What a buddy for you! "

Well done! James!

John and Robert were also relieved to see this scene.

The power of the howitzer, who has tried who knows

, they believe, even if it is a D-level transcendent level ferocious beast,

it can't bear it!


It viciously bared its fangs.

However, its situation is not very good.

The forelimbs and waist and abdomen, neck, wounds are dotted.

Hot blood gushed out.

"Not dead yet?"

Robert was a little surprised.

Just as they were ready to try to inflict another fatal blow on the Wind Wolf King,

there was another burst of fire in the forest.

"This is... Gunshot?? The

three of Robert looked at each other, not sure which country they met!

The wind wolves instinctively approached the wolf king, looking at the current situation, they instinctively felt that they should be surrounded....

At this time, you have to find the wolf king to hold his thigh.

One or two of them also carefully licked the wounds on the wolf king's body.

Blood, scattered all over the place.

The Wolf King shook his head, desperately trying to stay awake.

How could the three of Robert let go of such an opportunity.

Peanut rice is like not asking for money, so that the wolves do not care about anything else, and scatter.

At this time, in the forest, a rustling sound sounded.

The Maple Leaf Country player each had a large pineapple in his hand and cautiously sneaked out.

"Oh! Brothers! I actually met you here!

"God, I'm lucky to see you!"

The players of the two countries exchanged a few pleasantries, and their hanging hearts were relaxed.

If you meet a player from an opposing country and can be at peace with each other, then it is really something!

After all, the contestant chosen to become the Forbidden Land of Trials represents the present and future of this country in itself!

For profit-seekers, killing people and crossing goods will never go out of style!

The Wolf King was late, and his body fell limply.

The beautiful national player, without the slightest mercy, rushed to the head of the wolf king and made up a shuttle of peanut rice.

[Announcement: The mission of the beautiful country player is completed! ] Reward: D-level Qi Luck Treasure Chest (Intermediate)*1]

[Beautiful national players complete the national luck mission for the first time! Bonus Trial Value *500! 【Announcement

: The national transport task has been refreshed! 】 Please check it out! It

was a mess, and the beautiful country players and the maple leaf country players sat on the ground.

At this time, the live broadcast room of the two countries was also jubilant.

Unexpectedly, I was so lucky that I bumped into each other.

This means that their two countries can act together!

In this forbidden place of trials, the possibility of obtaining rewards has increased a lot.

Especially after seeing the equipment of the Maple Leaf Country players, even the beautiful national players who are the major of the Sea Frog Special Forces were surprised and praised!

"Is this the Qi Luck Treasure Chest?"

In Robert's hand, a box appeared out of thin air.

"Nice job! Majors! This is the hero of our beautiful country!

"We are extremely excited about the beautiful situation we see at this moment!"

"In fact, our players are the best heroes of the entire Blue Star!!"

"Maple Leaf Country sent a congratulatory message!! Warm congratulations on embarking on the journey ahead with the beautiful national players! "

The treasure chest of our beautiful country is a grade higher than the treasure chest of the garbage dragon country!" Pretty country awesome!

"That's right! Before those rats in the Dragon Kingdom, they were still humiliating me because of my beautiful nationality, I want to see if they can still laugh later!!

"I wipe! Mom, I'm out of it! I just came and saw a dog kneeling and licking the beautiful country! How? Didn't spray you enough in the Dragon Kingdom, did it!

"This kind of person is a!! Take the benefits of the Dragon Kingdom, and also like to bite back the most, this kind of white-eyed wolf, can't raise much! "

This viewer from the Dragon Kingdom, please calm down! There are trolls, everyone scolds together!! Oops... Leave me a sentence! "

In the live broadcast room, the audience of the Dragon Kingdom carried a huge combat power, which made many melon-eating viewers tremble a little.

"Major Robert!"

"Hurry up and open that luck chest!"

The Maple Leaf Country player raised his hand and opened his mouth to suggest.

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