Chapter 209

The two boxers standing at the forefront flew toward the Heat with ugly faces. Duan Ming could see that the Heat did not want to use his superpowers at the beginning, but were prepared to deal with this unfairness with fighting skills. the match of.

His two legs, like springs, were still sitting on the ground. The next moment he stood up suddenly, arched his body and punched two punches, hitting the door of the two men.

Audiences who were still shouting couldn’t help but shut their mouths when they saw such a scene.

The Heat’s two punches did not kill the two of them, but they directly collapsed their faces, their facial features twisted together, and they fell heavily to the ground.

“I really haven’t seen it, even if you don’t use super powers, your strength is not weak!”

After being praised by Duan Ming, a trace of pride flashed across the faces of the remaining three superpowers.

“That’s natural! We have been in the Super League since we were young, and the education we have experienced in all aspects is much better than that of ordinary academies, especially in combat!”

In the next five minutes, the Heat used his nearly perfect fighting technology to teach these 23 boxers a lesson.

But don’t look at the heat seemingly relaxed. In fact, during the fight, his body was not less attacked, especially the right shoulder, which had already begun to tremble slightly.

At this time, there was only one boxer who was still standing in front of the Heat.

“His name is Vajra, he is the trump card in our boxing gym, and he is also a superpower.”

The driver whispered to Duan Ming, and Duan Ming frowned slightly.

He really didn’t expect that there were superpowers under Gu Fei’s men, which made Duan Ming’s judgment on the strength of this underground black market a new level.

“Boy! I have to say, you are indeed very strong! Presumably you are not an ordinary person? Show your true skills! Otherwise I will tear you in half!”

While speaking, Vajra raised his hands and slammed his fists together. The physical impact could produce the sound of metal collision, which shows that this is Vajra’s super power.

The Heat naturally saw this. He still remembers that Vajra didn’t make a move in the chaos.

Lifting his right hand slightly, a flame appeared out of thin air in the palm of Heat, like a magic trick, which caused the audience to exclaim again and again.

But Vajra knew that the seemingly thin young man standing in front of him was a superpower capable of manipulating flames!

“Okay! I haven’t had a hearty fight in a long time, don’t you kid die too fast!”

The moment the words fell, Vajra rushed towards the Heat. He was huge, but his speed was not slow. Every time he punched, everyone in the room could hear the metal twisting sound, like Vajra. His body is just like a pair of steel bars.

Head-to-head Heat is certainly not Vajra’s opponent. He keeps dodgeing, and the flame in his hand gradually surrounds his entire arm, and Heat is waiting for the opponent to reveal its flaws.

“Patriarch Duan, once Vajra exerts all his strength, this friend of yours will probably be more auspicious, do you need me…”

The driver didn’t finish the following words, Duan Ming smiled and replied in a low voice.

“If he died in the ring like this, it would only prove that my vision was poor, and he would not have the value of staying with me. I don’t want anyone to interrupt this boxing match.”

On the ring, the Heat kept dodge, but the space in the ring was only that big, and Vajra was forced to the corner after all.

“Boy! If you beg for mercy now, I might forgive you again!”

There was no trace of fear on Heat’s face. At this time, the flame had already covered his entire body.

“As a superpower, you have so many words!”

After all, the Heat started his counterattack with fierce punches and kicks, and every blow went to Vajra’s deadly position, but because Vajra’s body was extremely tough, it couldn’t cause a substantial blow to him.

Vajra opened his arms, roared to the sky, and rushed straight towards the Heat. He was going to use his own body to press the Heat into a slab of meat.

The Heat just stood there, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he didn’t dodge Vajra’s forward thrust.

Just when Vajra was about to rush to the Heat, his body shook suddenly, and then he shouted with an incredible expression on his face.

“You! What did you do to me!”

Heat walked slowly in front of Vajra, raised his hand and tapped Vajra’s brow.

“For head-on confrontation, I am indeed not your opponent, but you are well-developed but simple-minded. Do you really think that my attack on you just now has no effect at all?”

Vajra’s eyes widened, and he looked down at the place where his body had just been attacked by the Heat, where there were traces of flames burning.

That’s right, the Heat’s attack just now wasn’t to knock down Vajra, but to shoot the own flame into Vajra’s body along the attack. After a period of precipitation, the flames erupted together, and the Heat believed that at this time, Vajra’s The body, even if it was really a piece of iron, was already burnt red.

“It’s an honor for your kid to die in my hands!”

With this sentence left, Heat turned his head and walked down the stage, while Vajra behind him fell straight to the ground, seemingly unable to survive.

The audience who had surrounded the ring consciously made way for the Heat.

Walking back to Duan Ming’s side, the Heat put on his coat and said to Duan Ming.

“I won this game, should you answer my question? Why does Port Nicosine ignore the items that are banned by the local alliance?”

Duan Ming smiled, the Heat really didn’t let him down!

“It’s very simple, because in your eyes, Earth Alliance and the various Starports are the patrons of mankind. You take their existence for granted, but in reality, they are just a group of self-proclaimed righteous people, under the guise of protecting civilians. , Secretly doing a dirty business!”

Duan Ming’s remarks are tantamount to a blow to the Miami Heat, and can even be said to subvert their outlook on life.

“You nonsense! The Earth Alliance has existed for thousands of years. If it is really like what you said, why don’t those civilians stand up and resist? Are they just letting others exploit it?”

Duan Ming let out a cold snort, and said unquestionably.

“Huh! How do you know that they didn’t stand up and resist? Uncle Tang, who died at the hands of the Super Power Alliance more than a decade ago, is standing in front of you now, and there are countless people who have been accused of all kinds of crimes. , All dream of changing this fucking world! But it is you stupid people who help you to abuse them, and let their efforts go to waste. Think about it carefully, who is to blame!”

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