Chapter 253

“Patriarch, do you deal with this Zhang family the same way you deal with the pirate group just now?”

The Wind Blade Beast at this time was still 10,000 meters away from the headquarters of the Zhang family. Duan Ming and Re Huo stood on the back of the Wind Blade Beast, as if God was looking down on his own subjects.

Duan Ming thought for a moment, then shook his head.

“The surrender in exchange for absolute force and fear is not a long-term solution after all. Moreover, we can kill the members of the pirate group who do no evil, but most of the members of this clan are still ordinary people after all. Even if I let you kill them all, will you be able to do it again?”

The Heat trio shook their bodies and looked at each other subconsciously.

The three of them knew in their hearts that this was not Duan Ming’s temptation to them, and they actually didn’t know if they had received such an order, would they unswervingly implement it.

Seeing the three contemplative appearances, Duan Ming smiled and flew up and said, “Go, we will meet this Zhang family!”

The so-called Zhang family is actually not a big family with deep heritage. It is somewhat similar to the Duan family. They were first organized by a group of civilians to protect their own interests and set up a small organization, and then gradually became a family.

The current head of the family is surnamed Zhang, who was also the leader who founded the family.

“Home, Patriarch! Four superpowers came outside, claiming to see you!”

A member’s report can tell the general strength of this family, but the four superpowers scared him into this, and his strength is evident.

Before Patriarch Zhang could react, the sound of the wall exploding sounded, and Duan Ming led the Heat three into the heart of the Zhang family.

Immediately, members of the Zhang family took out their weapons, and others gave instructions to the voice call, and the scene seemed a little chaotic for a while.

Duan Ming looked around the people in the hall, and finally set his eyes on the person who was the most calm among them.

A flash, but in the blink of an eye, Duan Ming came to the person.

“You are the Patriarch of the Zhang Family?”

The person in his early forties subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and replied: “Yes, who are you? Why come to my Zhang family to make trouble?”

Duan Ming didn’t answer his words, but nodded in satisfaction. He was able to lead the civilians on the road to form a family before himself. This Zhang Patriarch’s performance in danger was indeed impressive.

“I heard that Patriarch Zhang wants to be the new overlord of the sixth domain?”

As soon as these words came out, Patriarch Zhang’s expression changed: “Are you a person from Port Nicholas?”

Duan Ming laughed a few times, but the hot back behind him spoke.

“Port Nicholas deserves to let our Patriarch personally come and solve your trouble?”

Hearing what Heat said, Patriarch Zhang couldn’t help but re-look at the young man in front of him.

A super-powered person in his early twenties, but with strong strength, this kind of domineering aura, in his eyes, the own family seems to be a toy that can be easily destroyed…

“You, are you Duan Ming of the seventh domain?”

Although it was an interrogative sentence, Patriarch Zhang’s tone was full of shock.

Regarding Duan Ming’s various “legends”, not only the sixth domain, but also the other star domains in the Saturn region, are also thunderous.

Some people say that Duan Ming is just a lucky hairy boy, and it’s all luck to come to this day.

Some say that Duan Ming has three heads and six arms, just like the god of death from The Underworld, bloodthirsty.

In the heart of this poor Patriarch Zhang, he is more inclined to the second kind.

There were waves of footsteps outside the hall, and it was supposed that members of the Zhang family rushed in. When they were about to rush into the hall, they were stopped by the reprimands of their patrons.

“Don’t mess around with anyone! Go back!”

Family Master Zhang is still aware of current affairs. As long as one person steps into this hall, the Heat three will kill them without hesitation. Although they know that these people are far from enough to cause damage to Duan Ming, the three will never allow them. Any unexpected may appear.

“Patriarch Duan, I think I guessed the purpose of your coming to my Zhang family today. Can Patriarch Duan agree to my request?”

A hint of playfulness appeared on Duan Ming’s face: “Oh? Tell me?”

At this moment, Patriarch Zhang seemed to be a teenager in an instant, and his voice became quite heavy.

“These brothers of mine followed me from birth to death for more than ten years. This time it has nothing to do with them. Let them leave first. You and I will talk separately!”

All the conspiracies and tricks are nothing more than a juggling performance in the eyes of the strong in the face of absolute strength. Of course, Duan Ming is not afraid of any small moves by the Zhang Patriarch.

“Heat, let irrelevant people go out, and I will talk with Patriarch Zhang separately.”

Five minutes later, the high-level members of the Zhang family were almost kicked out of the hall by Patriarch Zhang. He didn’t do this, and the brothers Own didn’t want to leave at all.

Looking at this scene, Duan Ming thought in his heart: “If this happens to Own one day, the brothers of the Duan family will behave in the same way, right?”

Everyone exited the hall, and Duan Ming also sat opposite the Zhang Patriarch.

“I don’t intend to be the overlord of the sixth domain. I also know that the Zhang family does not have this ability. The only wish is to have the ability to protect itself. But now it seems that even such a small wish is an extravagant desire. what!”

Although the other party was old enough to be his own father, Duan Ming did not show any humility.

“To tell you the truth, I have been here recently, for two things, to kill and to punish the heart.”

Duan Ming’s words were very plain, but in the ears of the Master Zhang, it was tantamount to sentenced him to death.

“But before you die, I can promise you a request.”

The reason why Duan Ming hasn’t killed Patriarch Zhang is because he is considered a man, and Duan Ming wants to give him a dignified death method.

He took out a crumpled cigarette from his pocket, and Patriarch Zhang held it in his mouth, acting authentically.

“I have quit smoking for more than ten years, and the old woman is very strict, always nagging that smoking is bad for her health, but for men, she can’t hang on her face, she always takes a few mouthfuls secretly.”

As he said, Patriarch Zhang frowned, looking around for something.

Although Duan Ming doesn’t smoke, he is always on fire in his pocket. This is his habit, because this small lighter might save his life at some point.

“I’ll help you?”

Turning the lighter on, Duan Ming stretched out his hand and placed it in front of the Zhang Patriarch.

Seeing the red flame, Patriarch Zhang’s eyes gradually moistened, and then he shook his head.

“No, it’s coming, just listen to her once! Didn’t you say you can promise me one thing? I will tell you what it is now.”

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