Chapter 453

Hearing what Yan La said, Duan Ming’s eyes were also bright.

“How much can I play? If it is within a controllable range.”

Yan Laa thought for a while, and said, “According to Dylando’s method, we can temporarily control the awakening degree of the other party by inputting energy.”

“If the other party can control it, it will provide energy for a long time. If there is a runaway, the energy supply will be cut off, so there will not be too much loss.”

Hearing what Yan La said, Duan Ming can basically predict the feasibility of this method.

“It’s just that, in this case. The power of this extinction angel is probably stronger at best than when I fought.”

Yan La patted Duan Ming on the shoulder and comforted: “Don’t be too pessimistic, maybe it’s very strong. But before that, we still have one thing to solve.”

Hearing what Yan La said, Duan Ming was also a little puzzled: “What? Interstellar pirates or weird associations?”

Yan La shook her head and said, “No. These two combinations have already left the earth and stars on the bright side. As for whether they will make a comeback, it is unclear.”

“What we have to do now is to mine the Shenjing Mine as soon as possible before they come back.”

“At that time, whether it is your Ascension strength or the temporary driving of the extinction angel, it will be used.”

Duan Ming also remembered the black goat when he heard the explanation.

“It is indeed necessary to solve it as soon as possible. However, with our current strength, it is still somewhat difficult to deal with so many black goats.”

Regarding this, Yan Lao smiled and said: “Of course it’s not just you and me. If you want to wipe out the black goats on a large scale, you can’t have a combat corps that is at least all S grade.”

“And we have it right now.”

With that, Yan La pointed at the puppet model that was reinstalled like a hand on the test table.

“I asked the factory to hurry up during this period of time. So I just waited for you to come back.”

Looking at the heavy puppet, Duan Ming couldn’t help but shine.

“However, simply relying on the installation of puppets, I am afraid that it will at most resist the attack of the black goats. If you want to completely solve these black goats, it is better to have some stronger weapons.”

“In the previous giant city, there are still a lot of weapons and equipment. Their strength against these black goats, but the attack output should be enough.”

Hearing Duan Ming’s suggestion, Yan La also nodded and said: “That’s good, then I can contribute less.”

After the two had a way to deal with the black goat, they began to prepare for battle.

In front of the giant city shield.

Yan La faced Duan Ming and said, “Before you come back, I will direct the heavy puppet to build a defensive encirclement.”

Duan Ming nodded and said, “The flow of time over there is relatively slow, you are afraid you will have to wait a little longer.”

Yan La waved her hand and said: “I know, go. But don’t be too boring, otherwise if Pastan calls, if I can’t stop it, I will run away.”

Knowing that Yan La is joking, Duan Ming said helplessly: “I will be back soon.”

After speaking, Duan Ming led the fire-burning team and entered the passageway opened by Zhang Lao temporarily.

Due to the reduced power of the shield, its effect is not as strong as before.

Yan La also took advantage of this and opened a back door directly on the protective cover.

Through this back door, Duan Ming can lead the fire-burning team to travel freely between the giant city and the snow-capped mountains.

After feeling top-heavy for a while, Duan Ming led everyone to the giant city.

Looking at the giant city with a different style from the Snow Mountain, everyone in the Fire Squad also opened their mouths in surprise.

“Captain, I didn’t expect it. There is such a big city in such a small protective cover!”

“Yeah, yeah! This is too exaggerated. The largest city on the Earth and the planet, is not as big as this.”

Duan Ming was also mentally prepared for the surprise of his subordinates.

“Okay, you have time to sigh in the future. Everyone is a group of three, and act immediately.”

“You know, the time outside is fifteen times as much as here. You waste a minute here, and when you go outside, it is less than fourteen minutes.”

Hearing Duan Ming’s words, everyone looked at each other.

“The captain said this, as if we lived here for one year, and lived out for 14 years less. Don’t say it so scary.”

Regarding the complaints of his subordinates, Duan Ming said in a cold voice: “It is only based on the theory of universality. It is indeed the case.”

Under Duan Ming’s alternative urging, everyone immediately began to act.

The main purpose of Duan Ming’s fire squad came to the giant city this time is to recover the weapons scattered in the giant city.

The members of the Fire Fighting Squad do not need to laboriously carry it.

Because all the weapons here are self-propelled weapons. It is the so-called fully automated weapon.

What the fire-burning team members have to do is to find these weapons, and then seize the ownership of the weapons with the special decoder in their hands.

At the same time, after seizing the authority. The decoder will give instructions to the self-machine weapons to automatically go to the passage of the protective cover, and wait for the fire team members over there to accept it.

Although the work is very simple, it is still relatively time-consuming.

After all, even if you know the location of the weapon from the center console, it is troublesome to seize the authority one by one.

But this is the only way at present.

“To blame, I can only blame Dylando to be lazy for not establishing a theater network. So much so that most of his own weapons are fighting independently.”

With a helpless sigh, Duan Ming looked at the console in front of him, and under the command of Nana, gave orders to the self-propelled weapons controlled by Gao Ta.

Due to the different models of various self-propelled weapons, the serial numbers are also in different ranges. Therefore, even self-powered weapons that can be controlled remotely are very cumbersome to control.

After operating for about half an hour, Duan Ming couldn’t help being a little irritable.

“Really, these numbers are messy and disorganized. There are still so many intervals.”

“Never mind between the partitions, I have finally entered a good command. You actually told me that the body is abnormal.”

At this time, on the screen in front of Duan Ming, there was a series of numbered forms.

These numbered tables are red and green. Green is normal and red is abnormal.

In this kind of table, almost half of them are red.

This also means that Duan Ming worked hard for half an hour, of which fifteen minutes was in vain.

Converted to outside time, that is two hundred and twenty-five minutes, or about fourteen hours.

“It’s been a long time for nothing~”

Although he was complaining, Duan Ming still wanted to continue working.

At this time, Duan Ming, like a social animal working overtime in the office, was full of grievances but had to work.

Under Duan Ming and the Fire Fire Team’s overtime work, a series of self-propelled weapons marched towards the edge of the city.

Duan Ming couldn’t help but smile at the sentry robot that was slowly leaving while walking on the neat part.

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