Nazarick Rimuru

Chapter 005

The undead realm mentioned by the two adventurers in the tavern earlier, as well as a powerful undead, couldn’t help but remind Limuru of his companions.

Flying Squirrel, he is the existence standing on top of the undead, the ruler of death.

In other words, the so-called powerful immortal may be his companion Flying Squirrel himself.

No matter how much chance it was, Limulu had to take a look.

“Great Sage, call up the information of the Kingdom of Inbeia

” “Answer: In the Kingdom of Inberia, the highest population in history once reached about 5 million people. The country is rich in dairy products, and compared to other countries, merchants can buy fresh cheese and yogurt, butter and other luxury goods more conveniently. It is said that the table of its aristocratic banquet is often served with 3 or more types of cheese. For more than 150 years on record, there has been a balanced relationship with neighboring countries, there has never been a major war, and more than 90% of the population of the country’s citizens are rainbow people.

“[Rainbow Pupil People] are born with seven-colored shiny pupils, and the members of this group are slimmer than normal humans, and have special talents in magic, and are good at strengthening the magic of the four major systems. ”

Great sage, update the existing intelligence, the country is suspected to be destroyed, all members or become undead, the reason is unknown.”

“A: Understand, the existing intelligence is updated.”

“Update the route.”

“Answer: From Yerantir to the former Investelia, navigation is based on the existing continental map, the route is successfully drawn, and the arrival time required for the flight is inferred to be four days.”

“It’s really long enough, but it doesn’t matter, flying squirrel, I’m coming!”


a little earlier than expected, when Limuru arrived at the ruins of the Land of the Rainbow Pupils, only a few kilometers away, the time had just reached the third day of nightfall, and this time happened to be when the undead were most active.

Limulu, who had already opened the [Communication] on the road, kept shouting the name of the flying squirrel but never got a response, which made his heart a little heavier.

I feel that my body hardly consumes much MP. Limuru continued to fly forward, flying through the thick and eerie clouds, and the night sky of this world appeared before his eyes.

He had been busy gathering intelligence and hurrying before, and he had not paid attention to the scenery of this world at all.

It was a sight he had never seen in his two lifetimes.

The clouds were at his feet, and the stars shone above him, and the real starry sky that could only be seen on the Internet in previous lives appeared before his eyes.

The hypocritical starry sky of the sixth layer of Nazalik was already very shocking, but in his current heart, it was completely inferior to what he saw in his eyes at this time.

Shaking his head, Limuru now had something more important to do than enjoying the scenery.

With the wings borrowed by the predator of Rimluna, the remains of the town and the castle, as well as the dilapidated walls, soon appeared at his feet.

Worthy of the country that once had a population of five million, the town at Limlu is very wide, but the broken walls around it, and the broken carriages and skeletons scattered on the town roads make it look more like a ruin.

No, it’s a ruin.

Limuru slowly lands on the road of the town and easily kills a zombie that appears in front of him.

Houses collapsed due to wood corrosion all around, and zombie roars continue to be heard on the streets.

“This place is full of low-level undead, and there are no traces of human existence… That flying squirrel guy won’t make such a low-level

undead, right…” “Answer: There is no life energy around, and there are no high-level undead, and a large number of zombies have been detected.”

Limlu nodded, he was completely uninterested in the zombies around him, but the city did seem to have become the land of the undead as the outside world said, since he was here, it was better to go inside and explore.

“It should be my first adventure in the otherworld.”

After “Breath Complete Shielding”

blocked his breath, Limulu walked towards the castle deep in the town, since this is the royal capital of this country, then presumably that castle is the royal palace.

The zombies dressed as soldiers who passed by Limuru made him confirm that he was not in the wrong place.

Flying to the entrance of the main hall of the palace, Limulu blocked the sound of pushing the door and slowly walked in.

After all, after he blocked the breath, the only way for zombies to determine the location of people was sound, and here was the palace of the entire undead country, and there were countless zombies wandering outside.

A zombie’s words can easily have a chain reaction when he finds out, and he doesn’t want the entire town of zombies to rush here.

Although these low-level monsters can’t break his defense at all, they are very troublesome after all, aren’t they? And he happens to be a person who is afraid of trouble.

Stepping into the interior of the palace, Limulu’s eyes shrank, all kinds of precious porcelain fell to the ground at will, windows, walls, various places had scratches, seeing this scene, he could imagine how chaotic it was when the tragedy happened.

All the rooms around the palace were visited by Limulu, and the situation in each room was almost the same as the hall, except that strangely, there were not many zombies inside the palace, and no zombies appeared in the king’s and queen’s dormitories.

It was only in a suspected princess room that he found two zombies in maid attire falling to the ground and already stinking.

Gradually, Limuru walked to the depths of the palace and stopped at the door of a room.

There were no zombie scratches nearby, and when you opened the door, you were greeted by a bookshelf and a bunch of wooden frames, on which were neatly arranged with various books.

“Then this should be the so-called library or treasure house.”

He pulled out a copy and opened it, just glancing at the corner of Limulu’s eye and twitching.

The fourth rank of rank magic, Dehydration,

is a magic used against living things.

It can be used by players at more than 20 levels, which may be precious to the natives of this world, but it is useless to him.

He put the book back and glanced at the bookshelf, as if the books in the other places in front of him had been taken away.

That is, someone took the book before the disaster, or did someone come back after the disaster and take things with them?

“A: Judging by the accumulation of dust here, the books should have been taken away after the disaster.”

The judgment of the great sage must not be wrong, that is, has anyone returned here after the disaster or has someone from outside invaded this place…

Continuing deeper, a countertop in the deepest part caught Limulu’s attention, with four items, or props, placed on it.


The information of the items appeared in front of his eyes, and the four items were

[Gauntlet of Griffin Lord

], [Mask of Irubia Hodan

], [Robe of First Invern],

and [Lost White

]. The first three props are only low-level magic props, as for the fourth, it made Lim interested, if he was not mistaken, the magic sealed in the rainbow light should be the fifth rank magic of the faith system< the resurrection of the dead>, but there are some subtle differences in the technique.

In addition, he noticed another thing.

“Great Sage, there should be no magic or props that can automatically clean ashes here.”

“A: No, the inference is that someone cleans frequently.”

Yes, there is a clear difference between the countertop here and the bookshelves outside, it is so clean that someone has obviously come to wipe it down recently.

In that case, it means that the people who come back here to take the books away should not be outsiders, but people who were originally in this castle or the descendants of the castle owner.

It’s nothing if it’s the latter, but if it’s the former… Thinking that this is an accident that occurred a hundred years ago, the person who often comes back is most likely a high-level immortal?

“A: The chance of inferring that the target is a high-level undead is 75%.”

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