Again the Spurs’ offense.

Once again, the ball hit Duncan’s hands.

This time, he specially paid attention to Lin Dong’s position before he was about to strike.

Because other teammates, once they receive his pass, have the ability to shoot immediately.

Only Blair did not.

So even if the person defending Blair has a leak defense, others have the opportunity to make up for it.

In the NBA, even a slight chance to shoot is the possibility of sending opponents to score.

So many players with strong individual ability do not mean completely crushing others.

It’s about being able to create a little bit of space to shoot, and then seize that moment to score.

Opportunities are often fleeting, if not immediately seized.

Then the opportunity is immediately lost.

This is why many NBA coaches have always stressed that as long as there is an opportunity, do not hesitate to strike immediately.

Hesitation leads to defeat, and this is the most appropriate description.

Sure enough, Duncan glanced at it and saw that Lin Dong had long been ready to rush over to make up for the defense.

This ball, if he continues to prepare for the shot.

It will be another cap.

Helplessly, he had to make a shooting action.

When Lin Dong rushed over, he passed the ball to Blair.

Blair hesitated to catch the ball and then gave up the shot.

Instead, he rushes to the inside with the ball.

But at this time, Lin Dong had already appeared in front of him again.

Breton had a fierce look in his eyes.

Just let you take advantage, you still come to take the initiative to provoke me?

So Briar was full of strength, picked up the ball, and was about to rush.

Then it hit Lin Dong’s body, and the latter was knocked to the ground.

Blair scored on a shot.

Just as he was about to be complacent, the referee blew the whistle.

And then immediately made an offensive foul gesture!

Breton was anxious and had to talk to the referee.

“See clearly? How could this ball be an offensive foul? ”

“It’s a good ball! He’s a fake fall! ”

The referee was a little dissatisfied with Blair’s attitude and ignored him.

But Blair was still chattering.

Fortunately, Duncan went up and hugged him, otherwise the referee would have given a technical foul right away.

Blair’s face was full of complaints.

Just now he missed Lin Dong, and now he was made an offensive foul by Lin Dong.

He couldn’t accept such an outcome.

Still complaining.

The other teammates on the Knicks rushed over and pulled Lin Dong up at the first time.

“How? You okay! ”

Nate asked.

Lin Dong rubbed his chest, his expression a little painful.

“Nothing! It does hurt a little though! ”

It seems that offensive fouls are not so easy to make, which is not a small price!

But the defense was successful again, which is not bad.

But the next time you create an offensive foul, you can’t find such a brute again.

When Perry saw Lin Dong being hit, his heart tightened at that time.

The eyes are wide open.

After seeing that Lin Dong was okay, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Rihanna on the side quipped, “What for? Do you want to be so nervous? ”

Perry tapped her, “What’s there?” ”

“If you’re afraid of getting hurt, just help him rub it at night.” Rihanna smiled strangely.

Back to the game, the Knicks’ offense.

At this time, the teammates are actively looking for Lin Dong again.

They all know that they don’t feel good.

And Lin Dong has just scored a few goals, and the ball hit his hand, which has the highest success rate.

Lin Dong was at the 45-degree three-point line on the left and got the ball.

But at this time stood the burly Blair.

Blair was holding his anger at this time, wanting to vent on Lin Dong.

He was determined not to let Lin Dong break through his defense.

Lin Dong saw Blair and knew that he had an advantage in speed.

Prepare for a breakthrough immediately.

However, he moved sideways and blocked Lin Dong’s attack line.

The two immediately collided.

Lin Dong was in pain and almost didn’t stand firm.

Blair was suspected of serious defensive fouls, but the referee did not blow the whistle.

Blair was also tempted just now, and found that the referee did not blow a foul.

So it became more unscrupulous.

“Rookie, I won’t let you score points from me!”

He clapped his hands and provoked Lin Dong.

D’Antoni stopped and shouted at the referee on the field.

“This ball blocks a foul, doesn’t it blow?”

But the referee ignored him.

D’Antoni had to spit the fragrance in place.

Lin Dong was preparing to break through together, and this time, he no longer broke through directly.

Instead, a disguised form was added.

The disguise really shook Blair.

Blair, who was not good in the secret passage, had no choice but to pull Lin Dong with his hand.

However, the movements were very hidden, and with a wide body, the referee still did not blow.

Lin Dong almost fell.

After trying his best to adjust his body’s balance, he regained control of the basketball and returned to the three-point line.

But this time, D’Antoni really couldn’t bear it.

He barked at the referee again.

“Are you all blind? So that it does not blow fouls? ”

“If you don’t blow the penalty, then go home and eat donuts!”

The referee immediately blew a technical foul on D’Antonis.

The Spurs made two free throws and one throw.

Blair was even more proud when he saw this result.

Running to Lin Dong’s ear again, he muttered.

“I said it all, you can’t break through my defense!”

Lin Dong didn’t look at him, but ran straight to D’Antonis.

One hugged him and prevented him from getting a technical foul again.

“Coach, coach, don’t get excited!”

“We can’t live without you on the field! Leave it to me and I can handle it! ”

D’Antoni calmed down a bit.

But his whole body was still shaking with anger.

His eyes stared at the referee, looking like he was eating people.

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