The hong long long sounded continuously, the ground vibrated violently, and the ground crack passed by, like a world-destroying storm, washed away the darkness in front, revealing a few silhouettes in the darkness.

Bō bō bō several times, the ground crack hits the place where it hits, and it reaches a distance of 15 meters, which is better than the previous silhouettes, which are not enough to retreat. They are immediately hit by the shock wave. The body was slightly paused, and there was only time to make a short cry. The body was instantly shattered by the impact, turned into a sky of blood mist, and then quickly collapsed.

The ground stopped shaking, and the shock wave of the ground crack fell silent, leaving only a gully with a depth of three or four meters and a width of seven or eight meters. The left and right sides of the gully seemed to be separated and frozen.

The two figures retreated in time, but they were still slightly affected by the shock wave of the ground cracking. Their bodies were also instantly destroyed, which shows the horror of the ground cracking formidable power.

The shock wave of the ground crack dissipated the dark demonic energy, revealing the silhouettes. Although the front part was turned into powder under the shock wave of the ground crack, some silhouettes in the back , But also fell into the eyes of Tang Fan.

Except for the more than two dozen zombie warriors who have reached Level 15 alive, the silhouette in the middle has caught Tang Fan’s attention, and his eyes showed a strange expression. .

“Zombie Mage (Boss: Flame Strengthening): The main force of the zombie Legion, the powerful subordinate of the zombie lord, is a variant of the zombie, not only has the powerful physique of the zombie warrior, but also has the ability to manipulate the power of the elements. Possess a powerful destructive power, Level 15. Innate talent skills: fire immunity. Ontology skills: Fireball Technique, Burst Fireball, Flame Blast.”

At this time, it was another big fiery Fireball, burning. The air, anxiously rustled, blasted towards the giant hammer skeleton warrior.

It was this zombie mage that surprised Tang Fan.

Originally, zombie was a kind of undying creatures with strong bodies, natural warriors, and you rarely heard of this thing about zombie mage.

That is purely a variant. Because of the innate talent attribute, some mutations have taken place, which makes them suddenly feel more intimate with a certain element they are good at, making them suddenly proficient With the ability to manipulate this element, he became a mage.

Zombie mage, among the zombie, is very rare, and the battle strength is strong, not only has the strong physique as the zombie warrior, but also has the powerful elemental attack and destruction ability that the zombie warrior does not possess.

Every zombie mage is very precious. Therefore, beside each zombie mage, there must be dozens of zombie warriors acting as guards, charging and providing protection for the zombie mage, etc., to ensure that the zombie mage Security.

It’s just that, under the ground fissure of the Great Hammer Skeleton Warrior, a dozen of them were killed at once, and the remaining twenty-odd were in a relatively lower position and were not affected. So luckily survived.

Burst Fireball, once again hit the skeleton warrior’s leg bones, and exploded all at once, exploding a piece of charred black, and strands of bone debris splashed away.

The giant hammer skeleton warrior suddenly lifted his footsteps and took a big step forward. The moved towards the group of zombies walked over, the soles of their feet fell, and the ground immediately vibrated, followed by a deep footprint It appeared.

hong long long, the bloody axe slammed into the ground again, and the ground crack appeared again.

The ground that had been destroyed once again groaned helplessly, and the crack crack broke apart.

This time, when the bloody axe of the giant hammer skeleton warrior was raised, the zombie warriors waited, and if they noticed, they stepped back and uttered one after another horrified roar.

Even so, there are still a few zombie warriors who couldn’t retreat. They were hit by the ground cracking shock wave, and they were torn to pieces.

The wisdom of the zombie mage is obviously better than that of the zombie warriors. Seeing his loyal guards get killed again and again, the skeleton doesn’t exist, this zombie mage is angry.

The eyes of the original pale red suddenly burst into strong red rays of light, which burst out all of a sudden, like two aurora lights. The zombie mage roared, wearing a piece of light everywhere. Without the color robe, it immediately waved the short staff in its hand that was less than one meter long. On a broken ruby ​​at the top of the staff, a cloud of red mist instantly filled the surrounding air with blazing heat. , Peeping peeping.

A large number of Fire Element swiftly surging from all around, flocked to the front of the zombie mage, and gathered together. In an instant, a strong flame was formed, which quickly expanded and contracted. Up.

This group of flames became extremely fierce and violent in the blink of an eye, as if it had become a group of small suns, emitting bursts of sounds like tides.

Immediately, the zombie mage uttered a high-pitched and deep roar, as if singing incantion.

Immediately, the fierce flame at the front of the short rod fluctuated rapidly, and suddenly a powerful formidable power erupted. There was a loud bang, as if the breakthrough was bound by space. With the terrifying and violent destructive power, he rushed forward.

Like a roaring python, glowing red with violent heat, as if to destroy everything, with a fierce impact, rushed towards the giant hammer skeleton warrior.

The giant hammer skeleton warrior who is as big as a hill simply cannot dodge this kind of attack.

The powerful flame shock wave, like a python out of a hole, is fierce and fierce. It hits a distance of nearly two ten meters in the blink of an eye. Fiercely’s impact is on the body of the giant hammer skeleton warrior.

The formidable power of the flame impact surpassed the burst Fireball, and the hammer skeleton warrior was impacted, and the whole body shook slightly.

Three seconds later, the blast of flames disappeared, and the leg bones of the giant hammer skeleton warrior were burnt black, as if they had been charred into charcoal.

The giant hammer skeleton warrior became angry, and the soul flame inside his head jumped frantically. The bloody axe lifted up and suddenly took a big step forward, surpassing a distance of several meters. , The energy surging throughout the body, a hammer, moved towards the direction of the zombie mage, struck down swiftly.

The terrifying ground cracking shock wave appeared once again, and went forward, and the ground was ruined again. Under this time of ground cracking, the zombie mage moved slowly, unable to retreat, and quickly roared , The zombie soldiers blocked the front one after another.

One zombie warrior was torn apart by the shock wave of the ground cracking, and the last zombie mage was also affected by the shock wave of the ground cracking…

(Thank you very much” Nine Nether Supreme Day” 1888’s generous rewards, thank you very much for the rewards of “Coke Storm” 588 at the end of last month, thank you for the support of the 4 monthly passes of “jyud” and the monthly pass of “Dark Soul”, thank you for every supporting brother) ( To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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