New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 67 The direction of the investigation was led astray

The so-called hypocrisy of the dwarf shaman is just an angry word, not his true thoughts.

Vanessa couldn't see any pretense in the Grand Duke. From the outside, this man is upright, selfless, compassionate, possessing all the qualities such as courage and humility. Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon meets all the good expectations of a lord under a medieval feudal system.

Vanessa doesn't know whether this person is like this or is pretending to be like this. Don't judge people in two lifetimes. If a politician pretends to be like this, your ordinary person's little knowledge and experience will not be enough in two or three lifetimes combined. Can't see through.

She could only analyze some big things and small things. This person was not as pure as he appeared.

Bolvar Fordragon's most prominent title now is the regent of the Kingdom of Stormwind. In fact, he also has another title: he is the lord of Stormwind City.

It is true that his parents are nobles, but they are not the kind of nobles with tens of thousands of private soldiers.

Most of the family fiefdoms were far away in remote areas, not Stormwind City at all.

By what means does a country's capital become a lord's fiefdom?

If the capital is gone, where will you put the king? Who is greater, the king or the lord? What was done was simply appalling, unprecedented, and probably unprecedented.

Bolvar Fordragon has always claimed that he and the missing former king Varian Wrynn are good brothers and close friends, and they talk to everyone they meet.

This former king is the father of the current little king, the unlucky guy that Jaina asked Vanessa to investigate. What was the result? As soon as his good brother and best friend returned, he sent him to Northrend to fight the undead in the north, and let the former regent cleverly die on the battlefield, wiping out the entire army. Isn't this brotherly love terrible?

Now the people only know the regent, not the king. Even his men are knights of the kingdom's first legion. The country's number one legion does not belong to the king, but to the lord's army. This matter is from the inside out. Look left. Looking to the right is the rhythm of plotting to usurp the throne.

Vanessa believes that the other party's tactics are exactly the same as hers, and they rely on infiltration and sanding to gradually complete the transfer of power.

The difference is that she still stays at the village and town level and mainly focuses on deception. They are at the prefecture level, and they have the son of the previous king as regent. This is the only difference.

Those who seek to usurp the throne are not necessarily bad people. Words such as liberating the people and overthrowing the emperor can be used. Good people can also do this. At least Vanessa, who thinks about overthrowing the rule of the Wrynn family every day, considers herself a good person.

Since he is a good person, then Duke Bolvar Fordragon, who has the same goal as himself but different means, can also be a good person. The logical relationship is that simple!

In the evening of the same day, more than 5,000 infantrymen came from Stormwind City. Without waiting for a moment, Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon still issued the order to attack, knowing that a night battle would be detrimental to his side.

Vanessa has no intention of joining in the fun at all. If someone goes to crush the Jackal, why should she follow them?

Leaving a group of dwarves eating and drinking in the hotel, she started her studies again!

The head cantilever and the cone stab the buttocks! My ears are closed to what is happening outside the window, and I am studying hard!


Five days later.

Master Shaw, how is the investigation of that woman's situation going? Bolvar asked the intelligence chief next to him in the military camp on the other side of the town.

The middle-aged man known as Master Xiao had an extremely ordinary face, and his clothes were as simple as a farmer's. There was nothing unusual about him.

His attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, and he stated calmly: The woman's name is Hope Vanessa Struy. She seems to be an extraordinary person. She can use a very powerful flame ability and has a strong sense of counter-reconnaissance. , she should have received special training in this area, her origin is a bit mysterious, some militiamen told her that she once used a very orc-style dagger, I suspect she comes from the continent of Kalimdor.

Bolvar was noncommittal and looked at the other person in the room, a beautiful woman as gorgeous as a peach blossom.

The woman has a graceful figure and shawl black hair. She wears a dark red robe that outlines moving and graceful curves. As she looks around, her eyes exude a breathtaking and alluring charm.

What does the countess think? Bolvar asked this right-hand man who was more intelligent than beautiful.

If I'm not mistaken, that woman is from Theramore. The words seemed to be questions, but her tone was actually very certain.

Countess Presto, is there any evidence for what you said? Mathias Shore, the thief leader of MI7, asked softly.

The countess covered her mouth and chuckled. Her charming figure dazzled both men, but they were both determined people and were almost unaffected.

The saber she used to kill the enemy illustrates her identity. Very few people have seen that sword, but luckily I have. You will be surprised if I tell you the name. The Countess gave it a try, but it can be seen that Both men looked expressionless, and she revealed the answer somewhat boringly.

That's Daelin Proudmoore's saber. Does this explain the problem? If not, that woman also has Jaina's magic communication coordinates in her hand. UU Reading Is that enough evidence? Shore Master? If you think that's not enough, then you can look at the ring on her hand. It has the symbol of the Kul Tiras naval commander, so I said she is from Theramore, or is she with Her Royal Highness the Princess of Theramore People who are very close.”

Her words were conclusive and true, which caused the direction of the investigation to suddenly shift to grandma's house! .....

From who this woman was originally to now, what does Jaina want to do in the Eastern Continent and in Stormwind City? Is there a conspiracy in this?

Vanessa was really shocked when she saw the countess five days ago. She never expected that a group of jackals made trouble and actually attracted the Black Dragon Princess.

She also felt the MI7 investigation, taking the blame for others every day. Now it was time for Gianna, a good friend and sister, to help her take the blame for once.

Ordinary people definitely don't recognize Proudmoore's saber because it's not of a high level. How could the king of another country let the public see his country's treasure? But that's not necessarily the case for Bolvar and the intelligence chief, not to mention the Black Dragon Princess. Her dragon cave in Kalimdor is very close to Jaina's Theramore. It's not too much to say they are neighbors. She must know this saber!

What's more, in addition to the saber, she also prepared magic communication coordinates and rings...

On Gianna's side, she pretended that she was a person sent by MI7, and on MI7's side, she pretended that she was a person sent by Gianna.

The two sides are separated by a vast sea and have inconvenient transportation, so it is impossible to expose her lies. Even if the transportation is convenient, they will not ask face to face with gongs and drums, So and so is the spy you sent here? No one would do this, so Vanessa is now in the official sight. She has a background and a purpose, so the identity issue is settled!

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