New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Platform Nine and Three Quarters

This dinner lasted for more than an hour. During this period, Xia Ran talked about a few short stories that were not widely circulated in the wizarding world, mainly about magic items. Harry and Ginny listened very much. Fascinated - the last part was a dessert. Xia Ran's already very distended belly seemed like he couldn't hold anything in it, but he still couldn't help but swallow a few big mouthfuls of the dessert.

After enjoying themselves and each drinking a cup of hot chocolate, Mrs. Weasley sent the children to bed. The three younger ones, Ginny, Harry, and Ron, were obviously yawning all day long and were very sleepy.

"Xia Ran, good night." The Weasleys sent Xia Ran out of the Burrow. Obviously, Apparition was not possible inside the Burrow.

"Good night."

Xia Ran meditated on her Fremont Manor, and suddenly disappeared with a pop.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley used magic to clear the table, wash the pots and dishes, and went to bed.

In Ron's room, Harry was talking quietly with Ron.

"Professor Frémont is our combat professor, he's really great!" Harry couldn't help but praise again.

In the darkness, Ron nodded and said, "I wonder what kind of person our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is?"

Thinking of Professor Quirrell from last school year, the two couldn't help but shiver.

"It would be nice to be like Professor Frémont." Ron hoped, "Don't be like Quirrell."

"No matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than Snape, right?" Harry said.

"That makes sense." Ron agreed.

As the two young men chatted, they couldn't hold back their sleepiness and fell asleep one after another.

Before going to bed, Harry couldn't help but think that if the Dursleys were like the Weasleys, and all the professors in Hogwarts were like Professor Frémont, it would be heaven on earth!

After Harry fell asleep, he seemed to dream about Hogwarts.


After the trip to the Burrow, there were only a few days left before the end of summer vacation. Xia Ran sometimes read through the spell collection, and sometimes practiced related spells and counter-spells. He made remarkable progress. It must be said that he is indeed quite talented in the study of spells. , no wonder it can reach level 4.

And Xia Ran even thought that after arriving at Hogwarts, wandering around in her free time, she might find something favored by the world, and be able to verify her guess as to whether this is the source of the Force points.

As for the speculation of killing people to gain Force points, Xia Ran put it in second place for the time being. Before Voldemort was resurrected and returned, the magic world was relatively stable, and he had no enemies. Even if there were some minor conflicts, they were completely incompetent. To the point of killing.

He couldn't go to Azkaban Prison. The Death Eaters who were at large, or some dark wizards and dark beings, such as the werewolf leader, really deserved to die, but he didn't say whether he could find these dark wizards or dark beings. , even if it is found, it is hard to say whether it can be defeated or not.

Comparatively speaking, the guess is that the object favored by the world is the most reliable. Anyway, Hogwarts has a long history. There are countless secrets in the castle. Even Dumbledore cannot know them all. He may be lucky and find one. Woolen cloth?

At the very least, the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts must be a special item, and he has already targeted the Sorting Hat.

Name: Xia Ran.

Age: 26 years old.

Magic: Level 4 (elementary).

Force points: 0 points.

Transfiguration: Level 3.

Potions: Level 3.

Charms: Level 4 (moderate).

Herbalism: Level 3.

Flying: Level 3.

After a summer's hard work, Xia Ran gained nothing. His spell learning level has been improved from level 4 (elementary) to level 4 (intermediate).

"Perhaps Professor Flitwick's Charms level should be above level 6, and Professor Dumbledore may even be at level 7." Xia Ran thought to herself.

Level 1 and Level 2 are the levels for current students at Hogwarts, while Level 3 is the level for the vast majority of graduates. Even a large number of them will be stuck at Level 3 throughout their lives, making it difficult to make progress.

Level 4 is already the standard for Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, and some Hogwarts professors may also be at this level.

Level 5 is the level of senior Aurors and senior professors. Some powerful figures in the Ministry of Magic also have level 5 magic, such as the current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

Level 6 is almost the top combat power in the wizarding world. The deans of the four major houses of Hogwarts: Severus Snape, dean of Slytherin, Minerva McGonagall, dean of Gryffindor, and Raven Headmaster Claw Filius Flitwick, Headmaster Hufflepuff Pomona Sprout, and Horace Slug who returned to teach at Hogwarts in Part 6 of the original time and space. Horn should also have level 6 magic power. There are of course very few level 6 magic wizards in the Ministry of Magic.

Level 7, there is no doubt that Dumbledore, the most powerful white wizard in the contemporary era, as well as the first-generation Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald and the second-generation Dark Lord Voldemort, are all level 7 magic wizards.

As for levels 8 and 9, perhaps the four founders of Hogwarts: Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin may reach this level. Of course, it is just possible.

Xia Ran has never seen the Big Four of Hogwarts with her own eyes, so how can she know their specific magic levels? It's all guesswork.

At present, Xia Ran only has level 4 (elementary) magic power, which is really far behind.


Time flew by and it was September. Xia Ran packed up his things, waved his wand, and apparated directly to London. He was going to take the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

He wanted to see if the plot was the same as in the original time and space, with Harry and Ron flying into the sky in a car and following the express train to school.

After all, Apparition is prohibited in Hogwarts, so he can only go to Hogsmeade Village first, and then enter Hogwarts on foot.

Because he has not arrived at his own office in Hogwarts, the Floo network fireplace at home has not yet been connected to the Floo network fireplace in the office. The last time he was connected to Professor McGonagall's office was just for an interview. The connection between the Floo Network and the fireplace.

Xia Ran pushed her suitcase and arrived at platform nine and three-quarters. When others were not paying attention, she passed through the wall between the platforms and saw a dark red steam locomotive parked on the platform packed with passengers. Next to the platform, a sign hung on the train read: "Hogwarts Express, eleven o'clock."

Thick smoke from steam locomotives lingered over the chattering crowd, and cats of various colors walked under people's feet. Amidst the buzzing voices of the crowd and the noise of hauling heavy luggage, owls also hooted harshly. I should.

Xia Ran's owl Edsna is also hooting.

"Aren't the Weasleys here yet?" Xia Ran glanced around and didn't see the iconic red hair. She shook her head and went straight onto the train. The young students made way for him one after another. With his appearance, at first sight, It's just a professor, not that big among students.

People speculated that he was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and the first combat professor.

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