New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Teaching

Accepting black magic and being willing to use it at certain times does not mean that Xia Ran believes that black magic is the most powerful magic. He has always believed that people are more important than magic. The real powerful ones are wizards, not simple ones. A spell.

"There is never the most powerful magic spell in the world, there are just the most powerful wizards. For example, even if you use the Unforgivable Curse, it will only make me have a little nosebleed, but that's it." Xia Ran faced a group of children. The wizard said, "And if Professor Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard today, even if he only uses the most common magic spell to disarm you or stun you, I will still be defeated in a few or two moves."

"So, don't think about learning the most powerful spells, understand how to use the spells you have learned, improve your proficiency in spells, and increase your magic power. This is the most important thing for you!" Xia Ran finished. concluded.

The little wizards nodded thoughtfully.

Xia Ran said: "Learning magic spells is mainly a learning task in your magic class. This is a combat class. I will teach you how to use magic spells to fight. Sometimes, a person who seems to have no power can The spell may save your life in a critical moment."

The classroom was very quiet, everyone looked at Xia Ran.

Xia Ran said, "Let's start with the simplest one, Expelliarmus, which is the disarming spell. Everyone knows this spell, right?"

The little wizards nodded. They had already learned the disarming spell in Charms class.

"Very good!" Xia Ran said, "I have to say that such a basic spell is very effective at certain times."

The faces of the little wizards showed a more suspicious look. When facing the enemy, is a mere disarming spell really useful? They are skeptical.

"You have to think about it this way. When we wizards use magic spells, whether they recite spells or cast spells silently, we basically need the assistance of wands. Without wands, it may only be possible for some specific groups, such as werewolves, vampires, or some truly top-notch people. Only great wizards, such as Professor Dumbledore, can ensure that they still have a certain level of combat effectiveness after losing their wands."

At this point, Xia Ran smiled and said: "Werewolves and vampires are hard to come across, and there are other spells to deal with these dark creatures. In comparison, we can see Professor Dumbledore often, but you have to deal with it." If the principal takes action, contact Madam Pomfrey in advance, maybe she can save you in the end."

Everyone laughed.

"Since dark creatures cannot be touched, Professor Dumbledore's words, whether they have a wand or not, are not something that you group of young wizards can deal with, and most of the enemies we may encounter are still wizards like us. When you are still While you have a magic wand, your enemy is disarmed by you. In this case, can't you still win the battle?" Xia Ran asked everyone.

Everyone shook their heads. After Professor Fremont's explanation, they also understood that using the Expelliarmus disarming spell during combat does have a better effect.

"Okay, now that everyone agrees on the disarming spell, let's divide it into two groups and start practicing. We won't use the textbooks for the time being, so just put them in the school bag." Xia Ran said, and he grouped a group of young wizards according to the list. , Harry and Neville are in a group, Ron and Hermione are in a group, and other students also have their own practice targets.

"Ladies and gentlemen, think carefully about the contents of the Charms class. It's not that difficult to destroy weapons. You just need to concentrate. I will check them in groups to see who did well. Finally, It will give him/her extra points for the college he/she is in." Xia Ran said loudly, lightly holding her wand in her right hand to guard against any little wizard who made a mistake while practicing the Expelliarmus spell, so that he could start rescue work in time, because he was under the magic spell. Talented in spells, he also mastered a lot of medical spells.

The classroom suddenly rang with shouts of Expelliarmus, wands flying around, and the missed spells hit the walls on both sides, making only a crisp sound. After all, Expelliarmus cannot be counted as an attack spell, and the little wizard Their magic power is weak, and their power is naturally very small, but this also reminds Xia Ran that when senior students practice some attack spells, I am afraid that the classroom may not be able to withstand long-term destruction and blows. One or more spells must be found to cast a series of protective spells on this classroom.

"Mr. Weasley, what's wrong with your wand?" Xia Ran walked up to Hermione and Ron's group. This was the first time Ron had been disarmed by Hermione. He felt he had to leave. Come and ask, although he knew very well the reason why Ron's wand was damaged. When he drove the flying car into Hogwarts, he fell into the Whomping Willow. As a result, Ron's wand was almost broken into two pieces. Ron used magic tape to It was re-patched, but it didn't seem to have any effect. In addition, Ron was not as good as Hermione, so of course he was even more miserable.

"Professor." Ron blushed, holding the wand that kept emitting thunderbolts in his hand, feeling ashamed.

His wand was broken because of himself, so he didn't dare write home to ask for another wand, fearing that his mother would send another yelling letter.

Xia Ran first praised: "Miss Granger did a great job!" Hermione smiled sweetly.

Then Xia Ran looked at Ron and said: "Mr. Weasley, if you don't buy a new wand, I think it will be difficult for you to pass the combat class this school year without a intact wand." , I’m afraid you won’t even be able to practice normally anymore.”

He was not being alarmist, he was telling the truth. Without a normal wand, it would be really difficult for Ron, a second-year wizard, to perform well in combat class.

Ron's face instantly turned pale.

"Professor, I would like to practice with Ron." Hermione said.

Ron glanced gratefully at Hermione.

"But this is not a solution to the problem." Sharon said, "I will write a letter to the Burrow to explain your situation, Mr. Weasley."

Ron's face turned pale again. He looked at Hermione for help and said, "Hermione, I heard wrong, didn't I? Professor Frémont must have said that The Burrow is great!"

Hermione shook her head with pity. She felt that if Professor Frémont wrote to the Burrow, even if Ron would be scolded again by Mrs. Weasley, it would still be better than holding a bad wand. It's going to be great to get through the entire second grade.

After all, this was Ron's own trouble. If they hadn't taken the flying car to Hogwarts, where would such a bad situation have happened?

Seeing Professor Frémont instructing other students, Ron was almost desperate. Another yelling letter?

Oh, no!

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