New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 25 The First Attack

"Marvolo Gaunt's ring, and the Resurrection Stone, one of the Three Hallows of Death!"

Xia Ran was in a good mood. He found a place that must have a lot of Force points, and that was Gaunt's old house.

"If I get the ring and the magic stone, I should be able to become a level 5 wizard, right?" Xia Ran secretly thought. He is not planning to go to Gunter's old house for the time being. After the holidays, he will plan a time to visit Gunter's old house. Because he had never been to Little Hangleton, it was impossible for him to go directly through Apparition. He was also unskilled and couldn't make the portkey.

After Gunter's old house became uninhabited, it was obvious that the floo network had long been disconnected.

As for riding a broom? Forget it, it was such a long distance, and he would rather go to London and take a bus there. It happened that he had nothing to do during the summer vacation.

Xia Ran came outside the auditorium.

"Professor Frémont." He met the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The three of them seemed to be leaving the Great Hall, not knowing where they were going.

"What are you doing?" Xia Ran asked.

Harry and Ron looked a little melancholy, while Hermione replied directly: "Professor, we agreed to Nearly Headless Nick's invitation to attend his death anniversary party."

Nearly Headless Nick is the Gryffindor ghost.

Harry and Ron showed a wry smile.

They already regretted agreeing to this invitation, especially when they saw that the auditorium at the end of the passage was bustling with people and the huge pumpkin lanterns were dimly lit. They were the extra-large pumpkins specially planted by Hagrid.

It is said that Dumbledore also booked a skeleton dance troupe to entertain everyone. When they thought of this, the two of them suddenly became more depressed.

"Ah, it turned out to be a ghost party?" Xia Ran suddenly realized that today was Halloween. He remembered an incident that happened in the original time and space. Mrs. Norris, the cat raised by Mr. Filch, the administrator of Hogwarts, was killed. The basilisk was petrified. I wonder if it will happen again this time?

He just wanted to verify the progress of the plot. When he was a guest at the Burrow during the summer vacation, he had mentioned many cases of harm done by magic items in a circumstantial way, hoping that Ginny would listen and not just laugh.

"Professor, have you ever attended a ghost party?" Harry's eyes suddenly lit up. He looked at Xia Ran expectantly and asked, "Isn't it wonderful? More interesting than the Halloween banquet of us living people?"

He and Ron looked at Xia Ran eagerly, hoping to get a definite answer.

Hermione couldn't bear to look at it, but she was quite interested in the ghost party. It was a magical scene that she had never participated in or seen before.

Xia Ran blinked at the three of them and said, "The ghost party is a very wonderful experience."

"Is it interesting?"

"Well, it depends on what you think about it." Xia Ran smiled, "I wish you have a good time!"

Looking at Xia Ran's back as she entered the auditorium, Harry and Ron looked at each other. Ron said dryly: "Professor Frémont means it's interesting, right?"

"I think...yeah?" Harry said without confidence.

"Come on, it's going to be late soon. We must not be late!" Hermione urged. The three of them took a final look in the direction of the auditorium, and finally walked towards the underground classroom. That's where the ghost party is held.

Xia Ran entered the auditorium and sat down at his seat. He mentally mourned three seconds of silence for Harry and the other three. The banquet of ghosts was not suitable for living people to attend. Although it would not cause any harm, it certainly didn't feel too good. That’s beautiful.

"Slytherin's secret room?" Xia Ran muttered secretly, and glanced around the auditorium calmly. On the Gryffindor table, several red-haired heads were very conspicuous. He saw Ginny Wei Sly had a bright smile and seemed to have nothing to worry about.

Maybe the plot has changed to a certain extent, but not necessarily. Xia Ran withdrew his gaze. He was not planning to leave the auditorium prematurely anyway. If he encountered a basilisk, he didn't think he could resist it. gaze.

The reason why there were no casualties in the original time and space was all due to various coincidences, either through the reflection of the basilisk's pupils on the water surface, or through looking at the basilisk through cameras, mirrors, etc., so there were no casualties. He was alone. The intruder cannot guarantee that he will also have such good luck, and he has never drank the elixir of happiness.

"Professor Frémont, Professor Trelawney, cheers!" Professor Lockhart next to him excitedly raised his wine glass and drank the red wine in the glass. Professor Trelawney on the other side just smiled. After taking a sip, looking at her face, she seemed reluctant to come to this Halloween dinner.

Xia Ran sipped the red wine from the glass with a calm expression. Outsiders would never have imagined that his heart was turbulent and he was thinking about many things.

"To be honest, I don't actually want to attend the Halloween dinner." Professor Trelawney said softly to Xia Ran, "I always think something bad will happen at the Halloween dinner."

Xia Ran couldn't help but feel something in her heart, and said, "Something bad? Professor Trelawney, are you saying that something unusual might happen today?"

He thought about the petrification of Mrs. Loris in the original time and space. Could it be that the plot is developing according to the process in the original time and space?

Professor Trelawney smiled inscrutably and said, "Professor Frémont, you will find something."

Looking at Professor Trelawney, Xia Ran felt that Professor Trelawney was not in a prophecy state at this time. I'm afraid it was just his usual speaking style.

Of course, he was more determined not to leave early.

The Halloween dinner is a very interesting event. People drink happily and enjoy delicious food. It seems that the house elves are also happy for this holiday party and have made a lot of efforts and preparations.

But the happy time was always short-lived, and soon it was time to end the show. The little wizards filed out of the auditorium, and Xia Ran looked thoughtfully outside the auditorium. Will there be a basilisk incident?

He quickly determined the answer, because when he climbed up to the second floor, the bustling crowd suddenly became silent and fell into a deathly silence. The professors felt something was wrong and left the auditorium one after another.

Xia Ran sighed secretly and tried not to go out at night in the future. If he encountered a basilisk by chance, it would be a lot of fun.

He also rushed to the second floor of the castle.

"You! You killed my cat! You killed my cat! I want you—" He heard the hoarse voice of Mr. Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts Castle.


Dumbledore was not far in front of Xia Ran, and beside him was a group of other teachers. In the blink of an eye, they crossed the crowd and came to the place where the accident happened.

Between the two windows, on the wall about a foot high from the ground, there are some writings scrawled on it, while Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris, hangs upside down by its tail on the torch holder, her body stiff, Like a wooden board, his eyes were wide open and staring straight at something.

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