New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 36 Duel Club

"I was a dueling champion when I was young. Of course I will not miss this opportunity to teach students." Professor Flitwick stood on his chair - he was too short, but his magic power was very powerful - and said loudly .

Xia Ran said: "I am a combat class professor, and I must be involved in the dueling club." But she thought in her mind, how could Harry reveal the fact that he was a parselmouth without being present in person? Although Harry was exposed in the original space and time, what if there was some unexpected change this time?

Xia Ran had to make sure nothing went wrong, but she had to wrong Harry Potter and suffer misunderstandings for a while.

"With you three professors, we are relieved." Professor Sprout nodded. The implication was that Professor Lockhart was not enough to reassure people, but none of the professors jumped out to refute. Because they all think so.

"I'm going to take a closer look at what the honorary chairman of our dueling club - ah, he is also the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor - has to say. How much ability and ability does he have?" Snape said with a smile on his gloomy face.

All the professors knew that Snape had always coveted the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. He usually barely concealed his malice when facing Lockhart, but now that he had encountered such a good opportunity, he The professors simply couldn't imagine what they would do.

"Severus, pay attention to the impact. After all, he is also a professor. At this juncture, he cannot weaken the confidence of the students." Professor McGonagall warned.

"Don't worry, Minerva, I'm measured." Under Snape's greasy hair, his eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement.

"What's the measure?"

Lockhart came back at this time, with a smile on his face and said: "Professor Dumbledore agreed to my request. We will hold the first duel club event on time at eight o'clock next Friday night."

As Lockhart spoke, he spread out the parchment, dipped his quill in ink, and began writing in a flurry of detail.

"I will post the notice as soon as possible. The students must be eager to join the dueling club." Lockhart said happily while writing.

Xia Ranxin said that students look forward to the Duel Club, but they don't necessarily look forward to you - no, they definitely don't look forward to you teaching them!

Regarding this, Xia Ran can almost guarantee it with her life.

As expected, the news of the Duel Club spread throughout Hogwarts very quickly, and many students were very excited about it. They learned so many useful skills and emergency measures in the combat class - Defense Against the Dark Arts class everyone I no longer have any hope - I just want to show off my skills in public. This is obviously a very good opportunity!

In this news, a small chaos that occurred in the Potions class is simply not worth mentioning. Only Snape, the Potions professor, kept saying that he believed that the student who disrupted the class was Harry Potter - fact That was indeed the case - it was a pity that he didn't have any evidence that Harry had done this, and he couldn't catch Harry on the spot.

Snape's gloomy expression lasted for almost a week, and it was not until eight o'clock on Friday night that he softened a bit, because he was about to face off against the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Gilderoy Lockhart.

On Friday night, professors escorted a group of students who were willing to join the Duel Club to the Hogwarts Great Hall. Several long dining tables had been cleared away, and the hall was empty. A gilded table appeared along one wall. The stage is illuminated by hundreds of candles floating in the sky.

Almost all the students in the school were here, from the freshmen who had just entered the school to the seventh grade students who were about to graduate. The auditorium seemed a little crowded. Everyone took out their own wands and their faces were full of excitement.

Naturally, the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione also came, and they squeezed into the chattering crowd. Hermione had to raise her voice and said: "I wonder which professor will come to teach us? I heard Professor Flitwick was the champion of dueling competitions when he was young, or Professor Flitwick, who was our combat class professor, and then became the instructor of the dueling club..."

Before she could finish her words, she heard Harry and Ron groan reluctantly, and she immediately understood who the instructor was.

Gilderoy Lockhart strode onto the stage. He was dazzling in a purple robe, and three professors followed him on the stage.

"Look, Professor Flitwick and Professor Fleamont are indeed among the instructors." Hermione said, pointing to the teachers on the stage.

"Why is Snape here too?" Ron frowned and said.

Harry guessed: "Didn't Snape always want to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts? He might think this is an opportunity."

"But compared to Lockhart, Snape at least has real qualities." Ron said in a low voice.

Hermione glared at Ron - she was a fan of Lockhart - and said, "Professor Lockhart is also a very powerful wizard, but he may not be good at teaching."

Ron snorted.

"Quiet, quiet!" Lockhart shouted. "You can all hear me, can't you? Great!"

Xia Ran couldn't help but chuckle to herself. Could it be that Lockhart didn't even know how to amplify the spell - the spell was "loud voice"? After all, he is also a wizard who has graduated from Hogwarts.

"Because of the basilisk, I specifically made a request to Professor Dumbledore, hoping that he would allow me to open a dueling club to train you in your abilities in the face of danger. Of course, Professor Dumbledore finally agreed to this. Xiaodi makes a humble request - I have encountered this situation countless times, for details, please refer to several of my published works!"

Lockhart grinned widely, pointed at Snape and said, "First of all, please allow me to introduce my assistant - Professor Snape! Professor Flitwick and Professor Fleamont are a team."

Many non-Slytherin students couldn't help but swallow their saliva. With Snape's face - gloomy but excited in his eyes - was Lockhart really not afraid?

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, please step back. Your Potions Professor and I are about to start a duel. Please relax. This is just a demonstration. I will give you a good one afterwards." Potions Master without damage." Lockhart said, turning around and standing face to face with Snape.

Ciaran and Professor Flitwick retreated a bit to make room for the two who were about to duel.

The students gathered around the stage and looked at Lockhart and Snape with excitement. They had never seen a duel between professors.

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