New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 42 Myrtle’s Bathroom

"Voldemort!" Xia Ran said word by word.

The air in the office seemed to have become colder in an instant, even colder than the ice and snow outside. Professor McGonagall and the four Weasley brothers suddenly trembled when they heard the word "Voldemort", and their faces became even more expressionless. Very unnatural.

Voldemort is the dark cloud that hangs over the magical world, with almost no light visible, and most wizards tremble when they hear his name.

Even Dumbledore and Harry Potter, who were indifferent to these three words, were immediately startled.

However, the two of them were mainly surprised that Xia Ran said the name "Voldemort" at this time. When they were talking about the heir of Slytherin, why did they suddenly jump to the second generation Dark Lord Voldemort?

From Draco Malfoy in the mouths of Harry and Ron, to Voldemort in one fell swoop, anyone would be stunned by this transition.

Dumbledore asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure? Xia Ran."

Xia Ran nodded, then shook his head, confusing the other people. He said directly: "It is indeed Voldemort..." The expressions of Professor McGonagall and the Weasley brothers became unhappy again. So natural.

Xia Ran ignored them and said: "...but this is no longer the most important thing now. Ginny was caught in the secret room. The first thing is to rescue Ginny. As for Voldemort, we will talk about it later. "

"Yes!" Dumbledore said, "How to rescue Ginny is the top priority, but where is the secret room?" He looked at Xia Ran and said, "I think Xia Ran, you have already made a guess about the location of the secret room."

The eyes of Professor McGonagall, Harry, and the Weasley brothers immediately turned to focus on Xia Ran. When Ginny was in danger, how to save Ginny was the most important thing they needed to think about. Any explanations or questions were put behind them. Say it again.

"Myrtle's bathroom!"

Xia Ran replied in a deep voice: "Myrtle is the victim of the last basilisk injury incident. There should be a passage to the secret room in the bathroom!"



"What does she have to do with this?"

Harry, Ron, Percy, Fred, and George were all surprised. Harry couldn't help but ask: "How could Myrtle be related to the basilisk?"

Myrtle is obviously just a ghost in the bathroom, staying in Hogwarts Castle for decades... Wait, this is not the first time that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened? !

The five people looked at each other, as if they had thought of something.

"Fifty years ago, the Chamber of Secrets was opened once. At that time, Myrtle was the only victim, and unfortunately she was killed directly by the Basilisk. It was not just petrified like they are now, but there is still hope of cure." Dumble Lido said, "Yes, Xia Ran! You reminded me, I have never noticed this - a mistake that old people often make, forgetfulness! - Myrtle's bathroom is indeed very likely to be the entrance to the secret room. Got it!"

"But Albus, there is no passage in the bathroom. How could it lead to the secret room left by Slytherin?" Professor McGonagall couldn't help but say.

Xia Ran said: "Professor McGonagall, you have forgotten one thing. There is a basilisk stored in Slytherin's secret room, and the basilisk can only communicate and give commands through Parseltongue. Perhaps only Parseltongue can truly open it." Secret room!”

"So, we have to ask Harry to go to the secret room together, otherwise we can't open the secret room."

At this point, Xia Ran paused and said, "Except Harry, no one among us knows Parseltongue."

"Okay, without further ado, let's set off now! Sharon, Harry, and me, Minerva, please inform Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and take care of these children." Dumbledore said , grabbed the wand on the table, looked at the phoenix perched on the shelf nearby, and said, "Fox."

A big crimson bird screamed softly. It had a shining golden tail, as long and beautiful as a peacock's tail. It also had a pair of shining golden claws. The phoenix grabbed the tattered crown. The Sorting Hat, as its body ignited with flames, the phoenix and the Sorting Hat disappeared.

"Okay, we have to speed up." Dumbledore said as he walked around the desk and walked into the spiral passage. Xia Ran and Harry followed the more than 100-year-old headmaster, while Professor McGonagall and The four Weasley brothers remained in the Headmaster's office and connected to the Burrow using the Floo network to inform the Weasleys of the unfortunate news.


Xia Ran, Dumbledore, and Harry went straight to Myrtle's bathroom on the second floor of Hogwarts Castle. It was still very early, and Myrtle didn't know where she was now, and the bathroom was even empty. No one.

"Although there are some disadvantages - this is the girls' bathroom after all - but human life is at stake, and we can't care so much now." Dumbledore said, taking the lead in entering the bathroom.

Harry was very familiar with this bathroom because he, Ron and Hermione had been working on the Polyjuice Potion in the bathroom a few days ago - a potion that can perfectly transform, but it has a time limit. - They were even caught by Percy once on the way - he walked into the bathroom with the same familiarity.

Xia Ran felt a little awkward. After all, it was a girls' bathroom. When he saw Dumbledore and Harry entering without changing their expressions, he secretly felt ashamed and followed a few big steps into it.


A short and fat ghost suddenly burst out of a toilet. Harry saw that her originally gloomy and deep face was now unusually excited and excited, and he immediately had a bad feeling.

"Aha, I caught you. The principal and professors of Hogwarts, and this boy with glasses, Harry Potter, actually came to the girls' bathroom? Where are your two companions?" Myrtle said with a smile, He finally looked at Harry and asked.

Harry felt that his face should turn red. If the Headmaster and Professor Frémont thought that I was someone who frequented the girls' bathroom...

Dumbledore said calmly: "Hello, Myrtle, can I ask you a question?"

Xia Ran nodded to Myrtle.

Myrtle laughed happily - she seemed to have never been so excited - and said: "Ask, Principal Dumbledore."

Xia Ran glanced at the bathroom - he would no longer feel uncomfortable or awkward after he had already entered - Harry was a little nervous, would Professor Frémont find anything?

Charlie secretly smiled. He knew exactly what Harry, Ron, and Hermione did in Myrtle's bathroom. It was useless for Harry to be nervous.

"I'm sorry." Dumbledore said apologetically, "I wanted to ask how you died?"

Contrary to Dumbledore's expectations, Myrtle's expression suddenly changed. It seemed that no one had asked her such a question in decades, which made her feel very honored!

Xia Ran shook her head secretly, ghosts are indeed different from the living!

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