New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 49 Basilisk

Riddle looked up at the face of the Slytherin stone statue hidden high in the darkness, opened his mouth, and made a sound that only Harry could understand - Parseltongue!

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Hogwarts Four!"

Suddenly, Slytherin's huge stone face began to move, growing bigger and bigger, and finally formed a huge black hole.

There seemed to be something moving in the mouth of the statue, and some strange creature was sliding upwards from the depths of the statue.

"Close your eyes, Harry, and carry Miss Weasley to a farther place!" Dumbledore said immediately. He applied several magic spells to Ginny's body, mostly protective spells.

Harry stepped back quickly, hugging Ginny with both hands. He closed his eyes tightly and ran back along the route in his memory. He felt the fluctuation of magic behind him and the cry of the phoenix.

"Xia Ran, be careful!" Dumbledore also told Xia Ran.

Xia Ran nodded. Facing a terrifying dark creature like the basilisk, it would be a lie to say he wasn't nervous. However, Dumbledore, the most powerful white wizard of the contemporary era, was beside him, and there was also the magical creature Phoenix Fox. He was confident. Also sufficient.

At the same time, he closed his eyes more tightly.


A huge object suddenly fell to the stone ground, and the secret room was shaken for a moment. Xia Ran knew what was going on. Slytherin's basilisk finally appeared.

He heard a hissing sound coming from Riddle's mouth. Although he didn't know the specific meaning, he could roughly understand what Riddle would say at this time.

"Kill them!" Harry understood Riddle's voice.

"Fox, blind the basilisk's eyes first." Dumbledore also said loudly at the same time.

It is unrealistic to expect the phoenix to kill the basilisk, but as long as the phoenix pecks out the basilisk's eyes that can cause death, with Dumbledore's strength and Xia Ran's assistance, the basilisk can indeed be eliminated. It is something that can be done.

Xia Ran recited a lot of spells in a low voice. He stacked several layers of the Iron Armor spell and retreated to the side, waiting for the time when the basilisk's eyes would be blinded by the phoenix.

The basilisk's heavy body slid slowly across the dusty ground. Xia Ran felt that the basilisk did not come close to her, but seemed to go in the opposite direction, where Dumbledore retreated.

It seems that Riddle's priority is Dumbledore. It goes without saying that Dumbledore is powerful.

Harry was retreating with Ginny in his arms, when suddenly there was something in his arms. He could feel what it was, the tattered Sorting Hat of Hogwarts!

Harry didn't understand why Fox gave him the Sorting Hat. He ran towards the secret room with all his heart, but because his eyes were tightly closed, his speed was not very fast. From time to time, he had to lean against the wall to judge the direction.

The basilisk suddenly hissed angrily, and Harry also heard Riddle's roar: "Ignore that stupid phoenix, ignore that bird! The old man is on your left, go and kill him!"

The phoenix chirped loudly, and the basilisk groaned in pain. Then there was a splashing sound like a basin of water falling on the ground, echoing in the secret room. It was obvious that the basilisk was pecked blind by the phoenix.

"Okay, Xia Ran, it's our turn!" Xia Ran heard Dumbledore say briskly.

Xia Ran opened her eyes immediately. Not far away in front of her eyes was a huge basilisk. It was green and glowed with the bright light unique to poisonous snakes. Its body was as thick as an oak tree trunk. It stretched its upper body high into the air. , the big flat head bumped randomly between the stone pillars, as if drunk.

And a big crimson bird was circling and flying around the basilisk's head. A large stream of black blood spurted out from the basilisk's pupils and splashed on the ground. The basilisk groaned in pain and revealed its mouth like a saber. The fangs, thin and long, rushed towards the Phoenix crazily.

"Very well, Fawkes, go take care of Harry." Dumbledore said, waving his wand, and suddenly the stone pillar closest to him seemed to come alive, and he swung at the basilisk with great speed.

"Split into pieces! Flames are blazing!"

Xia Ran used a series of attack spells. Although his attainments in transfiguration had improved, he was definitely far behind Dumbledore, the former professor of transfiguration. He felt that he could not To command the surrounding stone pillars to attack, he simply used various offensive spells.

Unfortunately, the basilisk has rough skin and thick flesh. Even without its eyes, a deadly offensive weapon, its strength cannot be underestimated. Ordinary spells hitting the basilisk are directly blocked by the tough scales. It's just that the basilisk felt more pain and became mad and angry.

Xia Ran felt a little depressed. There was no way he couldn't break through the basilisk's defense, right?

The divine edge is invisible! Falling apart!

Xia Ran decided to focus on attacking the basilisk's flat head, especially the pair of blinded eye sockets, which were relatively weak points in the basilisk's defense.

The phoenix flapped its wings, escaped from the attack range of the basilisk, and landed on Harry's shoulder. Harry stopped running and carefully placed Ginny on the ground. He held the wand in his hand tightly and looked at the Sorting House. The hat was a little at a loss and didn't understand why Phoenix gave him a tattered wizard hat, even if it was the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts. But at this critical moment, what role does the sorting hat play?

All he heard was Riddle giving directions to the basilisk.

"No! Left, left, the old man is on the left!"

Harry suddenly thought that he could also speak Parseltongue and control a snake - the black snake conjured by Malfoy in the Duel Club - could he try to command this basilisk?

This idea took root in his mind as soon as it came up. Harry could hardly control himself and opened his mouth and hissed: "Fall down!"

Unfortunately, it was of no use. This Slytherin basilisk didn't seem to obey Harry's Parseltongue control.

The basilisk was blind and lost its strongest attack weapon. Although Riddle was commanding and telling the direction, Xia Ran was not weak when facing Dumbledore, the strongest white wizard in the world. Even though the monster has a nearly indestructible scale defense, it is still difficult to defeat the two wizards joining forces - Dumbledore is undoubtedly the main offensive force!

However, the basilisk has a strong vitality. Although it is being beaten, it can still withstand it.

Dumbledore casually directed five or six stone pillars to hit the basilisk crazily, while Xia Ran saw the opportunity and fired a spell at the vulnerable parts of the basilisk.

Although the basilisk was painful, it seemed that the two of them could not kill it in a short period of time. It would take time to wear away the basilisk's defensive scales.

Harry thought on the other side, I wish I could help in this battle!

He suddenly felt a cold touch in his hands. When he looked down, he pulled out a shining silver sword from the Sorting Hat with his own hands. The hilt was inlaid with a bright ruby ​​the size of an egg. Eye-catching!

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