New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 6 Adoption and Invitation

For the next few days, Xia Ran was thinking about the Force points on her dashboard. What did they mean? How to get it? This is his golden finger, so of course he has to pay attention to it.

Not enough, he always got nothing.

It wasn't until the next Wednesday that a messenger owl flew into Fremont Manor. Xia Ran put down what she was doing, took down the letter, and fed the owl some food. The owl paused for a moment, as if waiting for Xia Ran to write a letter.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Principal: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Wizards, First Class Grand Wizard of the Order of Merlin, and Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot).

Dear Mr. Frémont:

We are pleased to inform you that you have passed the interview and we sincerely invite you to serve as the combat professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

Vice-Headmistress: Minerva McGonagall, Yours sincerely.


Xia Ran couldn't help but smile and read the letter again. Yes, that's right, I successfully passed the interview and will soon be... no, I am already the professor of combat class at Hogwarts.

"Yes, write a reply first." Xia Ran waved his magic wand, and the snow-white letter paper, quill pen, and ink all floated over, and he wrote quickly.

The messenger owl glanced at Xia Ran and took small bites.

Xia Ran finished writing the reply, nodded the owl lightly, and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

The owl cooed, flapped its wings and flew away again.

"By the way, I forgot one thing." Xia Ran suddenly slapped his head and said with some annoyance, "I forgot to attach the relevant teaching materials for the combat class to the reply."

Since it is a course, of course it requires teaching materials, but Xia Ran still has to take a look at which teaching materials are better for students to buy.

"Well, how about I write a book myself and ask students to buy it? Just like Lockhart." Xia Ran had a sudden idea, but he gave up the idea immediately. He was not short of money. , there is no need to do it like this. Furthermore, he doesn’t even know how to write the first word. How to write a book? Since he has become a combat professor, he definitely doesn't want to mislead his disciples.

Xia Ran flipped through the books in his study. When he had nothing to do, he liked to read books, uh, including some miscellaneous books.

In the end, Xia Ran decided on the teaching materials. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students used "Self-Defense Spell Collection" and "Common Spells and Solutions", while the 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students used "Curse and Curse Decryption". "Spell" and "Practical Defensive Magic and Its Restraint against Dark Magic", these are the four books in total.

"Edsna, for Professor McGonagall, Professor McGonagall of Hogwarts, you know." Xia Ran gently patted her owl, its name was Edsna.

"Gu Gu." Edsna flew out of the window, flying farther and farther under the clouds.

Xia Ran settled a major matter in his mind, but then he thought that there were less than three years until Voldemort was resurrected and returned, and he suddenly felt a lot of urgency.

"We must find out the Force points as soon as possible, improve the magic power, and improve the level of magic and transformation." Xia Ran racked his brains and followed his experience - the experience from the book in his previous life - to activate Cheats, systems, and generally killing enemies in combat.

Thinking of this, Xia Ran suddenly smiled bitterly. Although he was the combat professor at Hogwarts, if he really killed someone, where would he find a dark wizard to kill him? He couldn't go to Azkaban Prison.

"By the way, I remember there are other situations, such as... items that have far-reaching influence in the world were once favored by the world."

Xia Ran's eyes flickered and she said to herself: "Force points are either obtained by killing enemies, or they are things favored by these worlds."

However, just as he had no enemies to kill, he also had none of those things that had a profound influence and had been favored by the world.

"Perhaps, the relics of the four founders of Hogwarts, Hufflepuff's gold cup, Gryffindor's sword, Ravenclaw's crown, Slytherin's locket, well, maybe the sorting hat can also be used Forget it." Xia Ran touched her chin and muttered to herself, "The Hufflepuff Gold Cup, the Ravenclaw Diadem, and the Slytherin Locket were all made into Horcruxes by Voldemort. I'm afraid there have been strange changes, but Glen The Sword of Findor was drawn by Harry from the Sorting Hat in the Chamber of Secrets in Part 2."

Thinking of this, Xia Ran still felt a headache. He was not the lion of Gryffindor. Even if it was really said, he was the badger of Hufflepuff, not a lion, a snake, or an eagle.

He definitely couldn't pull out the Sword of Gryffindor. Besides, the Sorting Hat was in Dumbledore's office at Hogwarts. How could he dare to sneak there?

"Besides these things, are there any other items that meet the conditions for the favor of the world?" Xia Ran pondered, but couldn't think of a clue for a while. After all, he at most had some understanding of the magical history of the Harry Potter world. , when I was studying at Hogwarts, I just barely passed the History of Magic exam every time.

"Well, if my guess is true, the three Deathly Hallows must contain a lot of Force points." Xia Ran suddenly sighed and said, "The three Deathly Hallows are not something I can get my hands on for the time being. thing."

Xia Ran put aside this thought and determined to find something from the history of magic that might contain Force points. In the long history of magic, it is impossible for there to be just such a few things that the world cares about.


Xia Ran buried his head in the history of magic books, not to mention it. After a while, he received a reply from Professor McGonagall, expressing his appreciation for the textbook he chose.

Xia Ran fed Edsina for a while. The owl became a little sleepy and took a nap on the shelf.

For some reasons, the news that Xia Ran was appointed as the professor of the Combat Class at Hogwarts has not been circulated, just like the information that Lockhart was appointed as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, it has been kept secret.

The professors at Hogwarts are definitely an exception.

During the summer vacation, Xia Ran was corresponding with Professor Flitwick, the dean of Ravenclaw House, hoping to understand the mastery of spells by students of all grades at Hogwarts, so that he could prepare lessons better. Different grades must have different levels of knowledge. educate.

According to Professor McGonagall, only first-year freshmen who have just entered the school do not need to take combat classes. Starting from the second grade, this is a required course.

Professor Flitwick was very happy about Xia Ran's letter and tried his best to help Xia Ran. He still had a good impression of this young wizard who was once quite talented in charms.

But more than a month later, one day in August, Xia Ran received a letter from the Burrow.

The Burrow is the name of the Weasley family's house, and Sharon has been there once.

Mr. Weasley wrote to congratulate Xia Ran on being appointed as the combat professor at Hogwarts - he knew the information from Professor McGonagall - and said that Molly (Mrs. Weasley) had prepared the food and hoped that he would come to visit. Be a guest.

Of course, Xia Ran would not refuse Mr. Weasley's invitation and readily agreed.

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