New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 72 Notification

Mrs. Weasley interjected: "I think it's better not to say anything." She looked at Harry kindly and said, "Harry, you are still young. You should not know these things until you become an adult in a few years."

"It was too late by then, Molly," said Mr. Weasley.

The couple once again had differences of opinion.

The Weasley children, as well as Hermione and Harry, all stared blankly at the Weasleys until Xia Ran coughed and woke up as if from a dream.

Yes, can't we just listen to Professor Frémont?

"Professor, what are you talking about about my parents? Could it be..." Harry said and had some guesses in his mind.

"James and Lily, your parents, we all know that they died in the hands of a mysterious man in order to save you." Xia Ran said, he mentioned the mysterious man and did not say the word Voldemort. Otherwise, there was another shiver, "But your family has been cast a loyalty curse..."

"The Fidelity Charm?" Harry wondered. He had never heard of this spell.


Hermione raised her hand.

"Miss Granger." Xia Ran felt like she was in class.

"The Red Loyalty Curse is a very complex spell that uses magic to hide one person's secret in the soul of another living person forever. The secret is hidden in the heart of the chosen person, that is, the secret keeper, so it will never be revealed. It might be discovered unless the Keeper leaks the secret," Hermione said rapidly.

Xia Ran clapped her hands gently and said with a smile: "If this was Hogwarts, I would definitely give Gryffindor 10 points."

Hermione smiled sweetly.

"So, Professor, you said that the Loyalty Charm is in my parents' house?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry, the address of your parents' house has been cast under the Fidelity Charm. Only one person knows the address, and that is the Secret Keeper. As long as the Secret Keeper does not reveal the secret, even if the mysterious person puts his nose against the glass of your house I can't see any movement inside, and I can't find the house." Xia Ran said.

"Sirius!" George said.

"He was the secret keeper of Harry's house and he leaked the address to the mysterious person," Fred said.

"Yes, Harry." Mr. Weasley said bitterly, "Sirius turns out to be one of us. He is a good friend of your father, so he is the secret keeper, and none of us have any objections. only……"

"We have all been deceived, Harry, we have all been deceived by Sirius, including Dumbledore." Mrs. Weasley cried.

Xia Ran did not stand up rashly to defend Sirius at this time. In the face of this so-called "fact" that has been settled for more than ten years, without evidence, all overturned cases are delusions.

"So, it was Sirius, that vicious wanted criminal, who killed my parents?" Harry suppressed his anger.

"Yes, Harry, you have to be careful. You must be careful in the new school year. Sirius is also a Hogwarts graduate. He knows the rules of Hogwarts. He is likely to enter Hogwarts." Wei Mrs. Sly said worriedly.

Ginny said: "Mom, relax, there is Dumbledore in Hogwarts. You-Know-Who is afraid of Dumbledore. As a loyal subordinate of You-Know-Who, Sirius will naturally be afraid of Dumbledore."

"Yes, Mom, as long as Dumbledore is at Hogwarts, it is the safest place in the world. Harry will be fine," Ron also said.

Mrs. Weasley gave her three youngest sons a serious look and said, "You are not allowed to run around, especially you, Fred and George!"

"We know, Mum." Fred and George replied jokingly. Under Mrs. Weasley's extremely stern gaze, they had to suppress their smiles and lower their heads to eat.

Mr. Weasley warned: "Harry, you must not capture Sirius without authorization. You will not be his opponent. The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic are searching for Sirius day and night. They are Professionals are the best wizards, they will definitely be able to deal with Sirius, Harry, you just need to wait patiently, and you will hear the news of Sirius' arrest."

Hermione and Ron looked at Harry worriedly.

Harry knew that this was other people's concern for him. He also understood that he was only in the third grade, and Sirius had already graduated from Hogwarts and had an unprecedented escape from Azkaban Prison. Sirius It was indeed not something he could deal with, but he was always unwilling to do so.

The murderer who indirectly killed his parents was at large, but he couldn't do anything and had to accept the protection of others. This really made Harry feel angry.

"It's all my fault!" Harry thought through gritted teeth, determined to study hard this year and be like Hermione.

Xia Ran didn't give any instructions, so how could Sirius attack Harry? Living with Harry was what he longed for, to make up for his mistakes and fulfill his responsibilities as a godfather.

After dinner, Harry went to bed drowsily. He seemed to dream of his parents, and also dreamed of a pair of bright eyes as big as car lights, which he saw after escaping from his uncle and aunt's house. An "unknown" one arrived.

That night, Harry didn't sleep well.

Xia Ran returned to Fremont Manor through apparation. Sirius stayed in a small wooden shed with a clean and tidy bed. He took the "Daily Prophet" and read it.

After so many days, Sirius's treatment was gradually getting better, and Xia Ran pretended to slowly trust Sirius.

"Xia Ran, you are back. How is Harry? Is he okay now?" Sirius asked Harry how he was doing as soon as he saw Xia Ran.

"He is with the Weasley family and his classmates." Xia Ran answered.

"Arthur, Molly." Sirius retracted his head and continued to read the newspaper under the light. He knew the Weasley family very well and Harry got along with them. Sirius expressed his relief.

Xia Ran pretended to hesitate and said, "Sirius, what do you think of Ron's mouse?"

Sirius instantly held the newspaper tightly and said with hatred: "I will kill him!"

"You are so irritable, then we have to discuss your matter in the long term. You don't want to be caught by the Aurors as soon as you show up, and you are sent to Azkaban to be kissed by the dementors, right?" Xia Ran spread her hands and said, " Or are you willing to hide for the rest of your life? You are Harry's godfather. James and Lily are dead. Apart from Harry's aunt and uncle, you are his closest relative."

He deliberately used provocation to make Sirius suppress his violent emotions.

"Thank you for your trust, Xia Ran." Sirius thanked him first, then shook his head and said, "But I have been convicted, how can I reverse the case?"

"There is always a way." Xia Ran smiled.

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