New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 96 The Order of the Phoenix Restarts

When Xia Ran walked in, she heard Dumbledore say: "Phineas, please."

The wizard in a portrait on the wall said lazily: "It's time to go to bed early now, Dumbledore, I have to catch up on some sleep. To be honest, my sleep quality has been very poor these days. At noon, I’ll go back and take a look at it.”

As soon as Phineas's voice fell, the surrounding portraits burst into fierce protests.

"Disobedience, sir, disobedience!" A fat wizard with a red nose waved his arms and shouted, "Disobedience!"

"We have an obligation to serve the current Headmaster of Hogwarts!" shouted an old wizard who looked weak. Xia Ran recognized it as Dumbledore's predecessor, Armando Dippet. "Don't be ashamed. , Phineas!”

"Do you want me to convince him, Dumbledore? I will be happy to help you convince Phineas." A shrewd-eyed witch raised a very thick wand, like a birch branch.

"Oh, okay." Phineas looked a little scared, glanced at the wand, and said, "Although there is no one in the family now, the only descendant is still staying in Azkaban. He just came from Escape from prison.”

"Sirius is now innocent," Dumbledore said.

Sirius faced the others with a wry smile and spread his hands.

This wizard happened to be his ancestor, a member of the Black family.

The portrait of Phineas has wandered out of the frame, probably to the place where his portrait hangs elsewhere.

"Dumbledore, what is this?" Professor McGonagall asked doubtfully.

Dumbledore replied: "I think it's time for the Order to reconvene."

"Awesome!" Sirius was the first to cheer.

Lupine and Hagrid also smiled. They had been members of the Order of the Phoenix before.

Snape still had a gloomy expression, seemingly unmoved.

"Yes, Order of the Phoenix. Now that Voldemort has returned, it's time to restart the Order of the Phoenix." Professor McGonagall sighed.

"Minerva, believe me, I also hope that the Order of the Phoenix will never be summoned. This means that the wizarding world will always be safe." Dumbledore said softly.

Lu Ping thought that Xia Ran didn't know about the Order of the Phoenix, so he explained specifically: "Xia Ran, the Order of the Phoenix was formed under Dumbledore's call to fight against mysterious people and Death Eaters. We have never openly appeared in the sight of the wizarding world. .By the way, your parents were also members of the Order of the Phoenix more than ten years ago."

Xia Ran nodded. In fact, he knew the inside story of the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore was undoubtedly the leader of the Order, Professor McGonagall was a general, and Sirius, Lupin, and Hagrid were important members.

Snape and Xia Ran are new members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Although this organization existed to deal with Voldemort and was specially formed, since the fall of Voldemort twelve years ago, the Order of the Phoenix has naturally disbanded. However, Fudge didn't know it. He was deeply afraid of Dumbledore and the rumored Dumbledore's underground organization. .

"I think Fudge is not happy to see this scene." Xia Ran joked.

Dumbledore sighed: "If the Ministry of Magic can win this war, I will be happy that I only need to be a good teacher. But you have all seen Fudge's attitude. Even if he agreed to return Voldemort, The news has been made public, but what precautions will his Ministry of Magic take against this? We cannot have too much hope and expectation."

At this moment, Phineas came back and said: "I informed Kreacher - the house elf of the Black family, who is very loyal and capable - he will tidy up the old Black house."

"Thank you, Phineas," Dumbledore said.

"No thanks, now the control of Black's old house has been completely handed over to Sirius. Since he has agreed to serve as the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, what can I say?" Phineas leaned on his frame again. , pretending to doze off.

"The Old Black House can play such an important role and make the best use of its resources." Sirius said.

Phineas snorted.

Dumbledore said: "The Order of the Phoenix has reconvened, so the old home of the Black family will be the latest headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Sirius, I will trouble you to go home from now on. We may have to go to Black from time to time." There will be a meeting in the old house to discuss the next step and how to prevent Voldemort from causing greater killings."

Sirius waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter to me..." Even though his face was a little dull when he said this, "Staying in Fremont Manor all the time is too troublesome for Xia Ran. It's normal to go home." Although I don’t think they will recognize me as one of them.”

"You are the owner of the Black Mansion, and you are a member of the Black family." Dumbledore said.

"Maybe." Sirius said noncommittally.

"Sirius, I need you to leave now. You need to inform a few old friends, Alastor Moody, Mundungus Fletcher, Arabella Figg, the Weasley family, and others. I will also notify people through other channels. You will go back to the Black Mansion first. Without your guidance, we will not be able to find the Black Mansion, even if we are standing outside the gate." Dumbledore began to arrange the task and distribution.

Sirius nodded, stood up and left.

"Snape, I hope you will always pay must be prepared, be careful, be careful, be careful again!" Dumbledore continued, with a slight worry on his face.

Snape's face seemed to pale a lot, and he nodded silently.

Although Professor McGonagall, Lupin, and Hagrid were confused, they did not ask any questions. There were some things that Dumbledore did not say, and he must have considered them.

Xia Ran knew what Dumbledore meant. Snape was a double agent and needed to lurk next to Voldemort, making him mistakenly believe that Snape was a member of the Death Eaters and accept his order to undercover the Order of the Phoenix.

This kind of undercover work is the most dangerous, so Dumbledore will not tell the third person about Snape's identity and specific work. This is a secret that only the two of them know.

Xia Ran was unexpected by Dumbledore. After all, he was a traveler from another world. Dumbledore must have been unexpected.

Of course, he would not publicize Snape's identity in a big way, as this would only kill Snape.

However, Voldemort has not yet been completely resurrected, so it should be impossible to summon his Death Eaters. After all, Voldemort's more than ten years in the Albanian forest were not in vain.

At least now Snape doesn't need to worry about Voldemort discovering his identity and killing him.

"Remus, Rubeus, I may sometimes need you to run some places on the weekends, you know." Dumbledore continued.

Lupine's face looked slightly pale. He knew what Dumbledore meant, asking him to contact the werewolf and sneak into the dark world. Although he hates it, this is his mission and only he can complete it. After all, no one else has his werewolf identity.

Following Hagrid, Lupine also nodded lightly.

"Xia Ran, after teaching, you may have to travel to some places frequently." Dumbledore said.

Xia Ran replied: "Okay, no problem." But he was thinking in his heart, should he tell Dumbledore now about Voldemort's other Horcruxes?

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