New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 99 Voldemort and His Servants

"Yes, Master." The man's voice replied.

The cold voice laughed and said: "Since our Muggle gentleman has doubts about this, let me, the noble Lord Voldemort, clear his doubts."

"Master is so kind."

"Hey hey hey."

This is the second floor of the house. The door is slightly open, the fireplace is lit, and the temperature inside the house has risen. It is no longer as cold as outside.

And on one of the chairs, wrapped in swaddling clothes, was a slimy, eyeless, ugly thing. It looked like a curled-up baby, but nothing in the world had ever looked less like a baby.

It has no hair, and its body seems to have scales. Its skin is dark and red, like injured tender meat. Its arms and legs are thin and soft. Its face - there is no one alive or dead. The child has such a face - a flat snake face with a pair of sparkling red eyes.

If Xia Ran saw this ugly thing, she would definitely blurt out immediately: "Voldemort!"

Yes, the strange creature in the infancy is Voldemort. Now he has not been truly resurrected. The form of existence is so ugly and terrifying. Not to mention compared with the living, even the wandering ghosts are worse.

A man with pale skin, slight freckles, and light yellow messy hair was naturally Barty Crouch Jr. He served Voldemort wholeheartedly and was a very satisfied servant of Voldemort.

He thought that if he was resurrected, he would give little Barty a generous reward, which was a gift from Lord Voldemort.

There was a lame old man lying on the ground. It seemed that he was a little afraid of the infant Voldemort. After all, this form of creature was too weird, but he forced himself to show a fearless attitude.

There was also a house elf lying in a corner of the room, unconscious. Judging from the slight rise and fall of his chest, he was probably still alive and not dead.

"Weird monster!" the lame old man snorted. He had lived in this house for decades. After all, he had served the Riddle family. Later, the Riddle family died for no reason. He was also suspected by the villagers and the police. However, In the end, there was no evidence linking him to the deaths of the Riddle family - which was committed by the young Voldemort Tom Riddle fifty years ago - so he was acquitted.

He was a veteran, and because he had nowhere to go, he simply stayed at Riddle Mansion. Others were afraid of spending the night here because someone died in Riddle Mansion. As a former soldier, he would not feel guilty. There is nothing to be afraid of. We have seen too many dead people on the battlefield.

After hearing what the lame old man said, Voldemort smiled softly and said, "Muggle, you do have courage, but you will never know what it feels like to live forever."

"I don't know either, but that's exclusive to the owner." Barty Crouch Jr. flattered him.

"Hey, hehe." Voldemort smiled and said, "Riddle House is such a long-lost place... My stupid, poor father and grandparents lived here decades ago. At that time, it was so lively and gorgeous. , as if it were right in front of you.”

"Lying liar!" the lame old man sneered. "The Riddle family has never had descendants. The heinous murder fifty years ago has cut off the Riddle family's bloodline."

"Ah, Muggle, old Muggle, don't you understand?" Voldemort said softly, "I, the most powerful wizard in the magical world - well, maybe plus one, Dumbledore, I have to admit, Even though he is far from me on the road to immortality, he is still super powerful - although I have always hated the Riddle family, it is true that the blood of the Riddle family flows in my body, so I killed them all with my own hands. "

"Are you the murderer of the Riddle Mansion murder??" The lame old man was shocked.

How many members of the Riddle family died because of this monster who was neither human nor ghost?

"Of course, that's the truth, can I say no?" Voldemort said slightly happily, "Tom Riddle - yes, I was also called this name - he is my father, humble, stupid, pathetic, A cowardly father, but he abandoned me and my mother, so it is unforgivable. When I found this place, the Riddle family was destined to be extinct."

"You are a despicable murderer, a vicious criminal, and a heartless lunatic!" the lame old man yelled angrily.

"The wail of the weak!" Voldemort was tired of it, and he raised a stick, which was his wand.

The lame old man suddenly felt suffocated, and his pupils instantly dilated.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A ray of green light hit the lame old man's chest. He suddenly became motionless, his eyes still widened. He died under Avada's Kedavra.

"Nagini." Voldemort hissed.

Barty Crouch Jr. looked at Voldemort in awe and enthusiasm. He knew what it was, Parseltongue, one of the rumored symbols of Slytherin!

His master is the last descendant of Slytherin, destined to unify the entire magical world!

A big snake swam in through the open door.

"Nagini, your dinner." Voldemort put down his wand, looking a little tired. His current state was still too weak, but he just couldn't die.

"Master, would you like something to drink?" Barty Crouch Jr. asked in a timely manner.

Voldemort replied: "Okay, come on, I'm really hungry."

Barty Crouch Jr. took a bottle of milk and served Voldemort to drink it.

"Little Barty, I'm so lucky that you can break away from your father's control and come to me in the great forest of Albania." Voldemort said softly.

"No, that is my honor, Master." Barty Crouch Jr. said with admiration, "It is my greatest honor to be able to help Master resurrect!"

Ever since he was replaced from Azkaban by his mother, Mrs. Crouch, he has been controlled by Barty Crouch using the Imperius Curse, but in recent years, he has slowly begun to have the ability to break free from his father's control. Time, especially in the past year or so, has made him so blessed that he has been able to stay awake for a long time.

However, he was guarded by the house elf Shiny, and he did not have a wand in his hand. He had to be patient and wait for the opportunity. He knew that he only had one chance, and his father would never give him a second chance to break free from control!

Fortunately, Winky sympathized with him, which gave him a good opportunity. Finally, one night he grabbed the wand of his father Barty Crouch and killed him directly, gaining the long-lost freedom. Soon he took control of it again. Twinkle, he didn't have any murderous intention towards Twinkle.

But in order to avoid being exposed, he pretended to be his father for a while. After finding out the location of his master, he excused himself to take sick leave and made Barty Crouch disappear.

In this way, he found Voldemort, brought him back to England, and began planning for his resurrection.

"Peter Pettigrew has been captured. Master, how should we catch that boy?" Little Barty asked.

Through the photos in the Daily Prophet, Voldemort recognized the identity of Peter Pettigrew, planned to contact Peter Pettigrew, and worked together to capture Harry Potter and take him away to meet his needs for the resurrection ceremony.

It's a pity that little Barty drank the polyjuice potion and disguised himself when entering Hogwarts. He happened to bump into Sirius. Although he defeated Sirius, he had no time to contact Peter Pettigrew.

Now that Peter Pettigrew has been arrested, this plan is ruined.

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