The floating boats in the sea of ​​clouds compete to set sail.

Bai Yu guessed that there were very few people who sincerely mourned, and most of them wanted to see the future situation.

Originally Wenhuo Great World should have a group of heavenly troops stationed there, but after the war of gods and demons began, it was frequently mobilized, and the station was empty and unattended. Bai Yu was a **** general. Using the identity jade, we could know the deployment of the surrounding heavenly forces. Wenhuo Great World is currently Controlled by several major families, such as the family, such as the Sang family and so on.

Oh, it is estimated that the Sang family will be eliminated now, and Xuanxian's ancestor has just died.

The carved wooden bed was spotless in the guest room. After Huang Yu woke up, he lay on the bed and his eyes were dazed. Recalling the recent experience was like a dream for Huang Liang. Although he did not become an emperor and prime minister in his dream, he took an extraordinary path, boarding a flying boat, and contacting magical soldiers. , met two terrifying monsters, and witnessed the indifference of the strong human race.

Demons are flooding the world and purgatory is everywhere, but many powerful people from the human race gather in one place to hold a funeral.

Just below, the ground below the boat can see gray dots invading the villages and towns, singing and dancing on the flying boat, and the cups are changed, and the fragrance of tea drifts among the clouds.

I want to ask the girl surnamed Bai and the demon monkey to save the people.

But I can't speak.

They are monsters, and they have become climate terror monsters. Why should they shed blood for the human race?

The beheading of the powerful devil outside the city of Liucheng has done his best, and Huang Yu felt that he had no reason to ask the other party to do more.


With a sigh, his chest suffocated.


The door was pulled open from the outside, the blue sky was blue, and the white clouds hurried past like flowing water.

It turned out that outside the door are the balcony doors and windows of the guest room, with thin white window paper and a small pavilion outside the door.

"Brother Monkey, I used to stand on the top of Shiwanda Mountain and breathe in the mist. The sea of ​​clouds was beautiful in the morning, and the red sun was like duck egg yolk. I felt confident every day."

A certain white has always felt that the fairyland is boring. It is better to be fresh and free in his hometown, and take a full bath and bask in the sun.

I miss the remote valley and the old ginkgo a little.

"Squeak, I think there are monkeys in the mountains, the top of the mountain is not good, there are no fruit trees and no buds to eat, squeak, I like to fight in the fairyland, and I will overthrow the old Jade Emperor in the future so that Bai can be the emperor, squeak~ "


Bai Yu spit out tea leaves all over the monkey's face.

"My monkey brother, you can't eat or talk nonsense. Be careful of being punished."

"Squeak, what's going on, no one else hears."

After speaking, Bai and a monkey looked back at the bed at the same time, as if they were thinking about whether to kill or not.

Huang Yu, who was just about to get up, lay down again with a bang and pretended not to wake up.

"Get up, you don't need to worry about the monster's speech without taboos. Besides, even if you are a mortal, no one will believe you. Come and drink a glass of fruit wine, there is no charge."

Well, no need to pretend to be dead, Huang Yu got up and sorted his clothes and sat down on the balcony.

After hesitating for a long time, I couldn't help but ask the doubts in my heart for a few days.

"Senior Bai, Huang knows that he is a mere martial arts ranger. Why did your Excellency let me travel with me? The legendary bones, physique, and soul are all inferior. Huang really doesn't understand."

Hearing this, Bai Yu raised the gourd to take a sip of fruit wine, and licked the corners of his mouth clean.

"Because your brain is normal."


Huang Yu was puzzled. The meaning of this sentence was slightly difficult for a ranger who had never stepped out of the state city. Maybe there was still something to say later, and he was dazedly listening to the explanation of the big demon.

"Look at this world, the demons have invaded, and many high-ranking cultivators are standing on the sidelines in times of crisis. Well, I almost forgot to sign the agreement of non-aggression and evil, exchanging vast land for the tranquility of the city, and no one is willing to contribute, chasing profit resources all day There are endless conspiracies and calculations, but fortunately there are people who are firm in their beliefs."

Lift the gourd and swallow the last few drops of cider.

Huang Yu looked down at a certain white's flat belly. She had seen it before, but it was a gourd magic weapon that could hold the entire lake.

"Although Monkey and I are not big heroes, we also disdain to walk with Xiao Xiao."

"In addition, you martial arts ranger is still useful to me. Do me a favor, I will give you enough benefits after the principle of fair trade, and you can become stronger and able to protect the villagers. how?"


I was a little confused, but the big demon who was able to kill the horror demon and control the magic weapon actually wanted to help.

"It's okay to punish the rogue villain with three-legged cat skills. Doing your favor... I really don't understand."

Huang Yu was really dumbfounded.

Bai Yu took out the wine gourd again and drank it empty. In a short period of time, he drank the water of three or four lakes. There was fresh water and fruit wine. In short, it was right to drink continuously.

"You'll know it then, and besides, remember to eat less pills in your future practice. If you eat too much, it will be useless. The road of practice must be down-to-earth and step by step, not in a hurry or in a hurry, and walk slowly. The scenery along the road is very beautiful. Miss it, if you want to become an immortal, you must first learn to be a human being."

"Huang Yu remember the teachings of his predecessors."

The car must have a way to the front of the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. Anyway, just do what the big demon says.

Suddenly, Huang Yu remembered about the guest room.

"By the way, how did the two of you get the guest room? Where did the tenant go?"

"Squeak, stun and stuff it in the cabinet."


The monster behaves in an eclectic manner, which is good, at least he didn't swallow the unfortunate one. Huang Yu still remembers seeing the monster monkey wearing a demon leather jacket before, maybe change into a human leather jacket?

Watch the sea of ​​clouds, drink fruit wine, and eat some dried meat to fill your belly.

Just when I was comprehending Long Sheng's dashing style, a rough ship in the distance attracted the dragon's eyes. Just now, a little dragon energy flashed away.

Naoren first thought about whether there was a dragon, but then overthrew it mercilessly. I remember hearing that the Queen Mother of Yaochi once said that there is only one wild dragon wandering outside, and there is no second one.

The ship seemed reluctant to approach the passenger ship, veering off course into a sea of ​​clouds.

Touch your chin in thought.

I still remember that when I was trapped in the dark void of the world of doomsday, I met some monsters with impure bloodlines. Have the ability to be half-hearted with a little dragon breath? If a real dragon that can cover up his whereabouts and hide his destiny is locked by a group of fake dragons, the land lord will not believe it.

Hidden breath sneakily appeared in Wenhuo Great World, isn't it such a coincidence?

"The next days will be very Monkey brother, there will be a big fight waiting for you."


"Fuck off, don't pretend to be elegant, you're just a monkey."

Wooden boats, pavilions and pavilions and maids shuttle back and forth, and the sails of the boats reflect the red sunset.

Lux took turns rowing the oars and sailed to Yaocheng in the distance. There were more than ten days left on the road. Many passengers on the ship were looking for joy and singing, singing and dancing, and they did not have the attitude that they should be in mourning.

As we approached Yaocheng, there were more and more flying boats in the sky, traveling back and forth.

On the balcony of the pavilion, Bai Yu sat on the verandah and watched the sunset, swayed his legs and hummed a song, occasionally took out his mobile phone selfie stick to record the beautiful scenery of the cloud sea building and ships, the monkey climbed the tail of the post and hooked the eaves and hung it upside down, and Huang Yu lay on the railing to learn from a certain white wind.

"Squeaky, it's best to look upside down."

Tranquil and peaceful.

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