New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 1409: the world

Remember [New] for a second,! There is no Taoyuan in the world, and the torrent convolution cannot be avoided.

Maybe the fishermen in the fishing village think that the lake is the world. Dogs bark and chickens croak.


The girl was weaving a net at home when she heard the sound of horses' hooves from far and near.

He got up in a daze, and looked into the distance, leaning on the stick and the foot of the fence. The only path leading to the outside of the village was an outsider.

The visitor is the town with a knife to catch fast.

More and more villagers stopped their work, feeling uneasy, guessing that there would be nothing good for the public to come to the door to designate.

The tall horse swept past the door, and the sweat on his back dried up to form white salt stains. He ran all the way to the village chief's house and took out something. The girl saw the old village chief's ugly face and took a piece of paper, and he said a lot. , and then rode away.

After waiting too long, a slow gong sounded in the village, rushing means urgent matters, not rushing or slow is a meeting.

The villagers put down their lives and returned to the village.

When grandpa came back from the lake, he followed an order from outside the door.

The girl packs up and goes out.

Carrying scrap iron with me, I used to bring a rusty knife when I go out recently, and I also carry it with me when I go out fishing.

Find the half-built fishing boat by the lake.

Put down the rust knife, first pull out the rotten hemp fiber in the gap of the ship board, and then use wood chips to plug the soaked and rubbed hemp fiber into the gap of the ship board, touch each other, and carefully and slowly sew.

Fishing boats must be carefully maintained, and tung oil must be brushed in a few days.

The waves behind him washed away again and again.

Ducks lined up in a long line to walk past the bow of the boat. The stupid kingfisher flew too fast, its long beak plunged into the reed pole, and finally pulled out its beak and flew away. Whose civet cat jumped on the bottom of the upside down fishing boat, opening its mouth to show its tip Teeth yawned, then put up his front paws and squinted for a nap.

Finally finished a seam, got up and beat the waist.

Grandpa came back, his face was not very good, he sat on the bow of the boat and looked at the lake and sighed heavily.

"There's going to be another war. There are three brothers in the family, one of them, and 15 people in our village. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back..."

The old man's rough hands scratched his legs and rustled.

"The Wang family let the second boy go. Grandpa really liked the second boy."

"Your parents left early. Everyone in the village said that you won't accept your parents. No one came to propose marriage. Dani Liu's family is one year younger than you, and the child is a month old."

Hearing this, the girl lowered her head and fiddled with the wood chips in her hand, but she was actually at a loss.

"Grandpa is also getting old and wants to find a good family for you. The second child of the Wang family likes you, but... ah."

The old man was anxious for his granddaughter, but also sad for the people he knew in the village. How many would come back after going out to fight? Even if he came back, he would be crippled with arms and legs.

The girl does not speak.

When she grows up and wants to start a family, everyone's fate is like this, and she never wants to change anything.

Maybe the second boy of the Wang family is very suitable. In fact, he rarely talks on weekdays, whether he likes it or not, he may never come back after leaving.

Don't try to escape, there is no way to go anywhere.

Even if they escaped successfully, what would the family do?

Girls don't understand what war is.

How many men to recruit and who to fight?

The grandfather and grandson were repairing the boat by the lake, and vaguely heard the suppressed cries in the village...

The next day, early in the morning.

The whole village gathered in front of the Temple of Earth to see them off.

Folks in the village are close to each other, and all men, women and children come to see them off, silently watching fifteen familiar faces pay their respects to the Temple of the Earth for the last time.

Every household takes out boiled eggs, duck eggs or dried fish.

The luggage for them is full, they can eat on the road, and they must go home after the war.

The girl didn't like such a scene. The cry was heartbreaking, even more sad than a funeral. All she could do was to silently hope that she would never have to fight in the future.

The old village chief led fifteen young men on the road.

A young man cried and didn't want to leave, and the two companions who were with him supported him and dragged him along.

Family members and villagers followed each other, sending them far away, crying like a funeral.

Until you turn the corner and you can't see it.

The atmosphere in the small fishing village is low, there are 15 less strong men, and more work to do marry.

The old man also wanted to give his granddaughter a blind date, but there was no suitable one in the same village.

Look at the indifferent granddaughter, the elderly grandfather can only take one step at a time.

Remote little world.


The old turtle who just surfaced still maintains an excellent style of life. He doesn't say what he shouldn't say, and he doesn't ask what he shouldn't ask. This is the secret to its longevity.

On the shore was a strange combination, a familiar little girl, a big saddled tiger, and a short-tailed cat.

Obviously, the tiger replaced the horse.

At the tiger's feet was a short-tailed cat the size of a dog. His head was somewhat defective. He was holding a piece of rotten wood and grinding the cat's claws.

The old turtle looked at the tiger with a bald head, and then looked back at his turtle shell.

Forget it, it can be carried.

"Little God has seen God, but do you want to go back?"

Xiao Budian on the back of the tiger nodded.

"Exactly, it's work."

The two Meng beasts really couldn't sit down a bit, but luckily, they learned the art of changing size on the lynx road and turned into fat cats.

The old turtle shook his two long beards.

"It's okay, the little **** is happy to."

Turn around, let the back of the turtle shell be close to the shore, the tiger habitually jumps up gently, the sudden weight change made the turtle float and sink twice. Fortunately, the turtle quickly adjusted the spell. Also jump on the turtle shell.

The river surface was hazy with white mist, and the old turtle, the river god, swam fast on all fours.

A layer of sawdust left behind on the water surface...

The apes and monkeys on the cliffs on both sides of the strait were flying, and Bai Yujun remembered a poem, and they all shook their heads and recited.

The old turtle looked back and felt that this poem was very good. It would be more perfect if the light boat was changed to a **** turtle. The eyes of a certain white were more recognized, and the river **** was very fond of the literati.

After passing through the urgent water of the tracker seeking life, the familiar sound of the horn, the tiger lay on his stomach and dared not move, and the lynx cat's eyes gleamed at the big boat.

There was heavy fog on the river, and ordinary creatures could not see the giant old turtle.

The wind and waves beat the turtle shell.

In this situation, Bai Yujun remembered a piece of music, pulled out the musical instrument he made before, and played it leisurely with his legs up, making a laughter.

Free and easy.

Let it go up and down, full of pride and arrogance, and play a chic and unrestrained ** that sees through the endless joys and sorrows.

A classic is always a classic.

The old turtle really wanted to shout hello, and I really wanted to know which genius created this piece of music.

Hearing this song, he was ecstatic, and his four claws fluttered in excitement.

It took a short time to return to Songjiadu, UU reading The old turtle secretly regretted swimming too fast, otherwise he would have listened to Xiaoyao Song more, and realized that there is no banquet in the world that does not end. Hearing this song is already a fate, and so on When the ferry came ashore, he couldn't help but ask.

"May I ask God who made this song, I want to visit."

Bai Yujun blinked.

"Everything done by mortals is out of reach."

It turns out that the river **** is also a gentleman.

Hearing this, the old turtle **** of the river **** felt deeply sorry, shook his head with a wry smile, and nodded his farewell.

"It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to visit, alas, the little **** retire."

With regret, the old turtle retreated slowly into the deep water area, and the turtle shell completely sank to the bottom of the water and could not be seen.

In the grass on the shore.

The two thieves, who were waiting for the rabbit, retreated into the grass tremblingly, watching the colorful giant insects near Chichi pass by, and the tiger sniffed the smell when they passed by.

When the huge tiger walked away and looked at the partially broken Songjiadu stone monument, the two suddenly felt disheartened.

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