Fishing Village, Back Mountain.

In the gloomy morning, the few messy paper money was smashed by the wind, and the straw paper swirled to the ridge, or hung on the treetops.

The crowd walked in the fields carrying thin-skin coffins, with a rooster tied to the dark-colored coffins, dull and depressing.

The fisherman girl Pima Daixiao was in a trance. Her grandfather fell asleep and never woke up. He died suddenly. From now on, she is the only one left at home and no family.

Fortunately, the neighbors helped with the funeral, the girl was like a puppet and couldn't do anything.

From home to the back hillside, the roads I have traveled countless times are both familiar and unfamiliar.

I don’t know when the crowd stopped, the old man in the village was busy according to the rules, and the fisherman girl couldn’t hear anything, her ears were buzzing, as if everything was so unreal, and she watched the coffin put into the pit, and the damp fresh soil was sprinkled on it. .

The soil slowly covered the coffin, forming a new grave, which was so conspicuous in the green grass.

The neighbors came back to the village one after another, and they had to continue their farm work. There was no spare time in the world of the living.

There are no tombstones, only a few stones. The burned paper ashes are blown everywhere by the wind, and the surrounding graves can be recognized. Grandma, father, mother...

The relatives that I miss day and night are all here.

The lonely figure has been kneeling in front of the grave, and her swollen eyes have long since lost tears.

Kneeling for a long time, he opened his mouth blankly.

"I don't have a home anymore..."

"I don't have a grandpa anymore..."

Repeated over and over again, my heart is completely empty, there is nothing left.

I have no relatives and I am alone. From now on, there will be no lights to guide me home at night, no one will teach me how to repair the boat, and I will never have the opportunity to call my grandfather who is working in the fields to come home for dinner.

The sobbing and crying in the wild grass on the hillside is heart-wrenching.

He dragged his exhausted body back to the gate of the courtyard, but did not hear a familiar voice, and realized that he was the only one left in the future.

Walking into the yard, Grandpa Xue sat on the black and shiny bench with his back against the wall, not wanting to do anything.

Excessive grief will make people lose their appetite, not want to eat or drink water.

At noon, the neighbor's aunt came to deliver the meal to say something comforting. After leaving, the courtyard was quiet again. After eating a few mouthfuls of food, it tasted like chewing wax, and then put down the chopsticks. There was no hunger at all.

Sitting against the wall until the red sun slanted to the west, the chickens, ducks and geese that went out came back to the courtyard one after another, and finally there was more noise at home.

When night falls, every household lights up candles, and their doors and windows are dark.

Silently got up and closed the gate of the yard fence, picked up the tableware and went back to the house, without lighting a fire or lighting an oil lamp, lying on the bed, opened his eyes and saw only darkness.

Dizzy and dazed, he fell asleep unconsciously.

Half asleep, half awake, sleepless.

The **** crowing broke the dawn, the girl who opened her eyes was in a trance for a moment, and then she remembered that she was the only one at home.

Without saying a word, he rubbed his face with cold water, opened the courtyard door and let the chickens, ducks and geese go out for food.

Back in the outhouse, I moved a bench and sat in front of the stove, which was not warm. I picked up a bowl and ate the leftovers from yesterday. The rice on the surface was dry and hard, and my cheeks were very tired from chewing. You have to force yourself to eat, people always have to live.

After eating, wash the dishes at will with cold water and put them in the cupboard.

For the time being, I can't go to the neighbor's house to return the dishes and chopsticks. Dai Zhongxiao can't go to other people's houses for seven days. I can't forget the rules. I respect others and myself.

Put on a straw hat and go out, pick up a wooden stick and bolt the door from the outside.

With a long bamboo pole, he left the small courtyard with a few bamboo-woven fish cages, and walked silently to the lake by himself.

Ducks on the path quack and quack to give way, frogs jump into the ditch, grasshoppers lie on the green grass and sway in the wind, and when they get close, they flap their wings and fly away.

The girl lowered her head to hurry, the fish cage was so heavy that the bamboo poles creaked.

As he walked, he raised his head and looked outside the village.

Heard the screeching of crows.

In the distance in the sky, several crows were circling, as if they were besieging an eagle.

In fact, many people don't know that crows can also bully hawks. This kind of thing often happens in the wilderness. A single crow can fight alone with a hawk of similar size. If two or more crows attack it, the eagle can only be expelled by the crow. .

Crows are very smart, and they are good at besieging and attacking or even stealing eagles' homes. They are not only scavengers.

The battle in the airspace was very exciting. The four crows struggled to force the falcon to lower its altitude, and the battlefield gradually flew over the lake.

The girl frowned. She had a serious face with wheat-colored freckles. She had been fishing by the lake for many years, and she had seen the feather-colored patterns of eagles and raptors nearby, but she had never seen this kind of eagle. For some reason, she had a bad feeling.

The crow croaked and shouted to drive the falcon away.

Two crows flew out from the mountain behind the village, following the sound to catch up with the team and besieged the eagles.

After watching for a while, the girl continued to walk towards the fishing boat by the lake.

When he got to the water's edge, he threw all the fish cages into the cabin, rolled up his trousers and took off his shoes.

Then I picked up a small basket to collect snails along the shallow water on the shore, and when I saw the big ones, I bent down to pick them up. This thing was everywhere in the water, and I quickly picked up a full basket.

Mow some abalone and weeds.

Put a small basket full of snails in the cabin, untangle the ropes, and put both hands against the bow of the boat to make the body slanted, so that pushing the boat is more labor-saving.

Barefoot stepped on the sand and pushed forward step by step, and the wheat-colored calf tightened.

The fishing boat slid into the water leaving traces on the sand.

After the girl pushed the boat into the water, she took a few steps to climb onto the boat skillfully, grabbed the oars and rowed into the distance.

While rowing, he did not forget to glance at the sky. Several crows were still driving away the strange hawks. It seemed that they planned to drive them away completely. It was obvious that the crows had a strong sense of territory.

There is a strange phenomenon, the eagle always wanted to fly in the direction of the town.

But every time he changed his direction, he would be driven back by the crow, and he was determined not to let the eagle come back.

In fact, strictly speaking, the fishing village and the crows are from the same village. The girl always felt that there was something wrong with the origin of the eagle.

When I was thinking about it, I passed by the A long time passed, some weeds grew in the cracks of the stone, and water birds rested on it and left a lot of white bird droppings.

The boat continued to move forward, and the reefs behind it became farther and farther away.

The preoccupied girl arrived at the place where she was fishing, a bay close to the hillside and far away from the fishing village. The advantage was that no one was taking the land.

He took out the wooden stick, put the snail on the boat board and knocked it into pieces with the wooden stick one by one.

Wrap the crushed snails with abalone and weeds, and put them into the fish cage together with the pebbles.

The fish cages tied with hemp ropes sank one after another.

After he was done, he was stunned for a while, then sighed, bent down and scooped out the water seeping into the boat with a ladle.

Prepare the harpoon and row the boat along the waterside of the hillside to check the previously arranged clips, a small fishing mechanism made of bamboo branches and reeds.

Not long after rowing, I saw fish stirring and struggling in the water ahead.

Find the string tied to the branch on the shore, pull it up carefully, judge how big the fish is by the strength of the string, and use the harpoon to stab at the right time.

There are many fish in the lake. After a while, I harvested six or seven fish that weighed more than a pound.

Just when the fisher girl was busy fishing, she suddenly heard the sound of gongs in the village, and it was very fast.

After being stunned for a while, he realized that there was an emergency in the village.

He put up a pergola in his hand and looked into the distance. He saw a figure on the only mountain road leading to the town. The mountains were densely covered with trees, and it was difficult to see how many people there were.

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