Chapter 269 Uniforms

  March 5, early morning.

  Nagasawa got up early, washed up, and did not change into the Konoha Jominin uniform he usually wears, but a black kimono that has been slightly modified.

   Some troublesome places have been changed to make it more convenient to wear.

  Although he was helping Nonoyu celebrate his birthday, Yongze regarded this time as a date.

  Because I have been planning the layout of the Nine-Tails Rebellion last year, I was very busy with all kinds of things, so I didn't spend much time with Nonaiyu.

  Maybe he spends more time with Minato discussing various things about Konoha than he spends with Nonoyu.

   After all, No Naiyu is not living with him yet, the two are separated, and No Naiyu still lives in the orphanage.

  One is that they cannot let go of the children in the orphanage.

  Secondly, Nonaiyu felt that the two of them were not married yet, so living together was a bit outrageous.

   Living separately again, and Yongze being so busy, the two of them naturally spend less time together.

   Few serious dates. If Yongze wants to do something happy, he has to pick a good time.

  So Yongze wanted to make up for Nonoyu, turning her birthday into a date, and the two of them spent a day alone.

  Since it's a date, you should dress better. Wear a Konoha Ninja uniform. What does that look like? Nagasawa doesn't even bother to wear a forehead protector.

   Well-dressed Yongze stood in his bathroom, glanced at the handsome man in the mirror, and nodded in satisfaction.

   As expected of him, he is so handsome, why don't you ask Nonaiyu to help him make him look ugly?

  It would be too troublesome if you were approached by other girls all the time on the street.

  Yongze thought about it, and felt that it would be better not to trouble Nonoyu, after all, he is so handsome, it is a sin not to be admired.

   After finishing his self-indulgence, Yongze walked out of the house and walked towards the orphanage.

   "Yongze, why do you..."

  When Yongze walked into the orphanage, Nonaiyu had just prepared breakfast for the children and was breathing in the yard.

   Seeing Yongze walking over in a handsome black kimono, Nonoyu was also slightly surprised.

  Yongze did not inform her of this in advance.

   "Today is your birthday, and it's time to take a break. I'm going to take you to play for a day." Yongze walked to Nonoyu and said with a smile.

   "Why don't you notify me, so that I can prepare the clothes in advance and prepare the children's meals for the day in advance."

  No Naiyu brushed the blond hair scattered in front to his ears, and said helplessly.

   "I want to give you a surprise. You don't have to worry about the children. I have already made arrangements. There will be very reliable people to deliver meals and take care of them." Yongze said.

  With Yongze's personality, he was admitted to those children in the orphanage.

   If you don't prepare anything, let No Naiyu go out with him to play, I'm afraid No Naiyu will not be at ease after playing, and will always worry about the children in the orphanage.

  After they leave, someone will naturally take care of the children in the orphanage, cook for them and so on.

   "Okay, wait for me a little while, I'll go and change clothes." Nonaiyu was relieved when he heard that Yongze had made arrangements in advance, and said with a gentle smile.

  Of course she also wants to go on a date with Yongze.

  No Naoyu is actually a little guilty, she thinks that she has not fulfilled her girlfriend's duty.

  Because she was busy with the orphanage, she didn't have much time to spend with Yongze.

  No Naoyu, who was changing clothes, suddenly saw a dress that she had made to order but hadn't worn.

   That's a miko costume.

  Although Yongze said before that as long as the clothes she wears look good, he likes them all.

  But No Naoyu was also an elite ninja at the root anyway, and he was not a person who would believe what others said.

  Nanou felt that Nagazawa had special feelings for Miko costumes, so he ordered a set.

   But there is no chance to use it later, so it has been kept there.

  Nanou thought for a while, picked up the miko costume and changed into it, and then walked out.

  Yongze, who was waiting, saw Nonoyu walking out in a red and white maiden costume, and his eyes lit up.

   Moreover, Yongze found that this was different from the miko costume that Nonayu wore before, and it was more prominent, showing Nonayu's proud chest.

  Yongze said that Nonai Yu understood him too well, so he liked it.

  However, compared to this more conservative miko costume, he actually likes some more liberal miko costumes, the kind that show the northern hemisphere or legs.

  Of course, the relatively free maiden costume is only suitable for private places, such as bedrooms.

   "Do you like it?" Nonoyu asked softly.

   "I like it very much, and you also gave me a surprise." Yongze went up and held Nonoyu's hand and said.

  How to persuade Nonayu to wear some more free maiden clothes in the bedroom is a problem.

  No Naoyu is considered a relatively conservative type. I am afraid she may not be able to accept the free clothes that Yongze imagined.

  Nagaze first took Nonoyu to the ninja school, and told Nonoyu how he behaved in school.

   "Dou's performance is very good, even from the establishment of Ninja School, he is still the top genius."

   "It's a pity that the ninja school is on holiday, otherwise I can take you to meet a good friend of his at the ninja school, a little girl from the Hinata family."

   "Is it Huayang? I have a little impression. Dou told me that she is very nice and works hard." Nonaiyu remembered what he said when chatting with Dou.

   "Yes, I feel that she and Dou have a very good relationship. Last time I saw the two of them close together." Yongze laughed.

   "It's pretty good, I'm relieved that the life of Dou is like this." Nonaiyu said with a smile.

  In the beginning, Yongze went to the orphanage in order to find Dou, and Dou could be regarded as the fate between Yongze and Nonoyu.

   Immediately afterwards, Yongze took advantage of his super speed to take Nonai Yu to a nearby city to watch a movie.

  That's right, there are already movies at this time, and they are developing well. Not only ordinary people like to watch them, but also some ninjas like to watch them.

  Because he was new to it, Nonaiyu enjoyed watching it with great interest. As for Yongze, he said that with the level of special effects in the movie, it is better to take a camera and shoot him directly.

  But when Yongze brought Nonaiyu to see, he was ready. The main purpose was to make Nonaiyu happy.

  The two of them kept walking around, and the time kept passing. The day passed like this, and the night fell.

   "Let's go, I'll take you to a good place" Yongze said with a smile.

  He deliberately shifted the play route to Starfall Valley, and now he is very close to Starfall Valley.

  Yongze quickly picked up Nonaiyu, exploded at a high speed, and then used a Flying Thunder God to directly reach the Starfall Valley.

   "Yongze, you..." Nonayu just wanted to ask why Yongze was so anxious all of a sudden, it made her a little dizzy so quickly, but she was immediately attracted by the surrounding scenery.

  In the dark night, the leaves shone like stars, dancing in the air, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the figures of the two.

  (end of this chapter)

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