Nightmare Attack

Vol 3 Chapter 220: Old man

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The woman in the white dress appeared again.

Both Jiang Cheng and Chen Ran were impressed by the woman in the white skirt. The woman had never appeared in Blackstone Town or in the team. She seemed to have appeared out of thin air.

She and the white stone plate seem to have a special connection.

As the woman appeared, the ceremony officially began.

The old man knelt down first, and then the rest of the townspeople who were caught. The deep crying gradually formed the main theme here.

Picture after picture appeared in Jiang Cheng's mind, with different perspectives and different directions, he seemed to have traveled back to the time, quietly watching everything in front of him with the eyes of the townsfolk.

A huge and hideous figure appeared from the stone plate. It was 4 to 5 meters tall before it raised its head. The words "strong" are completely pale and weak when used on it.

The sword-like scales reflect sharp dark lights, and the sturdy body has no trace of burden...It just stands there, making no sound, and it is as magnificent as a mountain.

No one knows what it is, but they have to be impressed by its majesty.

The faces of the outsiders who were holding the townspeople showed the cult-like worship of mortals who saw the gods. They knelt down involuntarily and paid their respects to this "creature" that had no idea how many years they had gone through.

The change... happens right now!

To everyone's surprise, the child placed on the stone tray did not get better, the next instant, he was swallowed by the weird "creature".

There was a huge and chilling chewing sound, muscles, bones, and even hairy skin...all being crushed by sharp teeth, everyone was shocked.

So much so that after a long period of time after the "creature" on the stone plate disappeared, there was no screaming.

The woman on the stone plate pinched the corner of the loose sleeve and wiped the corner of her mouth very naturally.

It was like a noble girl who was about to leave after dinner.


The woman in the eyes of all outsiders changed her appearance. She actually... even allowed the monster to eat the child. She is the devil, she must be the incarnation of the devil!

A faint blood-colored halo appeared, gradually evolving into a blood-colored barrier on the edge of the stone disk, and the barrier continued to extend, buckling the townspeople and outsiders one after another.

The eyes of the outsiders began to turn blood red, the strange power was eroding their remaining sanity, the primitive fear of monsters and mysterious sacrifices began to become thinner, and anger and greed were struggling and jumping under the eyes.

"Kill her!!"

Someone in the crowd roared.

The remaining sanity was eventually concealed, and the outsiders holding various weapons rushed forward as if they had received some kind of order.

The townspeople who were more obedient before spontaneously stood in front of the outsiders, but it didn't help. Soon, groups of townspeople fell in a pool of blood, and large swaths of blood stained the ground under their feet.

Picking up a scratch of soil can drain blood.

The woman raised her head and did not even look at the carnage around her, as if... none of this has anything to do with her.

As the leader of Blackstone Town, the old man was the last to be killed. Before him, the man among the outsiders cruelly split his granddaughter in half, picking one half with the tip of a knife, and throwing the other half on the stone plate.

Their hideous expressions seem to be asking whether they can be resurrected with only half of their bodies.

The old man's eyes were blood-red, and he clenched his fists to stare at these shameful robbers. The hatred in his eyes could almost condense into entities, but after a while, the old man suddenly smiled.

When the **** spears of the outsiders were about to pierce his chest, the old man turned and ran away.

He took strenuous steps and rushed directly to the white stone plate. The moment his hands touched the stone plate, an even more shocking scene appeared.

Starting with his hands, the blood in his body seemed to boil, and the surface of his skin was raised with scary blood-colored pustules, and large pieces of flesh and blood were constantly falling off, leaving only white bones in his two arms.

But even so, he still refused to let go.

The outsiders with the same blood-red eyes pressed on every step of the way, and only pure fanaticism remained in their eyes.

Since...women indulge the devil to eat their children, then they...just eat the women, and disgusting saliva drips down the corners of their grinning mouths, like the lowest in the dark Despicable monster.

Maybe... if you eat a woman, you can get the power in her.

The power of immortality...

Such words are repeatedly appearing in everyone's heart. Their pupils are convex, and the blue veins on the arms that clenched their weapons are exposed, surrounding the stones.

The woman was still on the stone plate, and the **** night breeze raised the corners of her skirt. The blood that was accidentally splashed on her body painted a circle of **** aftertaste on the pure white skirt.

The woman was standing there, it seemed that everything around her had nothing to do with her.

Whether it was the **** massacre, or the townspeople who stopped in front of them, fell down in rows, and died for themselves.

There is no anger, let alone sadness and joy.

It is not so much calm as it is indifferent.

It was as if there was a vast and old history in her eyes. The wheels of history were rolling forward, and the flesh and blood underneath the wheels, whether it was a wise man or a urchin, was nothing but a quick glance.

Anyway, in the next second, there will be new flesh and blood filling in.

For her, there is no essential difference.

The dying old man turned his head abruptly, his face was already half-white, with flesh and blood falling off, white bone stubble exposed, and even his voice was smeared with horror.

The lips had long since disappeared, and the bare gums were hideous and terrifying.

The old man grinned and laughed loudly, two tears of blood dripping from his eyes, like a prisoner in hell.

Jiang Cheng frowned slightly, and the old man's presumptuous laughter echoed in his mind. It is not surprising that some clues in the nightmare can indeed affect people's minds.

For those who are not determined, rashly contacting clues is likely to cause unpredictable consequences.

What is strange about him is... the feeling he captured from the laughter of the old whole clan was slaughtered, and his relatives died tragically in front of him, and the secret of the altar that could be resurrected was invaded. The reader knows...for such a sea of ​​blood, the old man laughs wildly because of his madness, it is more than understandable.

Grief, powerlessness, resentment, curse, etc. Jiangcheng can understand these emotions, but why the old man's laughter is not there at all, but only one kind, um... liberation.


It's liberation!

It was like a prisoner who was about to be released after the end of his sentence.

The flesh and blood melted, and the old man's skeleton fell on the stone plate with a "crash", and the round skull "Gurulu" rolled out a long way, until it hit the woman's feet and stopped.

Hollow eye sockets stared straight at the woman.

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