Nightmare Attack

Vol 3 Chapter 467: return

I ordered 5 dishes for Zhao Ru, two meat and two vegetarian dishes, and a soup. Each dish was intimately divided into two boxes.

The rest of the stores helped to pack them up, and they could take them home for dinner.

"I'm really sorry to take your lunch." After sitting down, Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "But I just couldn't help but want to taste the meal you cooked by yourself."

Hearing that Zhao Ru's face turned redder, and he grasped the hem of the white nurse's uniform with both hands, lowered his head and whispered, "My cooking is not delicious."

"Nonsense." Jiang Cheng blinked, and righteously said: "I think it's delicious, if I can, I want to eat it tomorrow."

Jiang Cheng is paying attention to the rhythm of control. For him who is in the night scene, everything he does has no trace of performance. He is just being himself.

After a short period of contact, the relationship between the two has become much closer.

During the small chat, Jiang Cheng was also knocking on the matter in the hospital, but it was a pity that Zhao Ru had just arrived, and many things were not clear.

But she promised to help Jiang Cheng pay attention.

"If you have to say something strange..." Zhao Ru hesitated for a while and said, "Actually, I have also encountered one thing."

But it seemed that she was not sure either.

Jiang Cheng pretended to be curious and let her talk about it.

Zhao Ru said that when she first came to the hospital, Director Qi arranged for her to give the patient in Room 906 an injection. Director Qi took her to the hospital several times.

Director Qi was watching while she was giving the patient an injection.

Having said this, Zhao Ru's face changed slightly, it seemed that there was something he couldn't figure out, and there were some worries in it.

But the next second, a hand was placed on the back of her hand. That hand was big and warm. Zhao Ru raised his head and faced the shining eyes of Shangjiang City.

Zhao Ru's worries disappeared in an instant.

She told Jiang Cheng that when Director Qi accompanied her for the injection, she had a strange feeling that she couldn't tell. Director Qi seemed to be completely off her attention.

To be more precise, when she injected the patient, Director Qi was not concerned about her technique, but stared at the patient's face every time.

"It feels like..." Zhao Ru frowned, "It's like observing, observing the patient's reaction."

"But how can the patient react?" Zhao Ru said: "She is crazy, she has completely lost her mind, and has no response to external stimuli."

"It took about a week before Director Qi asked me to go alone."

Zhao Ru stopped here, her expression a bit tangled.

Jiang Cheng took her water glass naturally and handed it over.

After Zhao Ru took it, he took a few sips of water.

It can be seen that she is not thirsty, just to calm her emotions.

Jiang Cheng didn't rush, his face was calm, but his heart was as anxious as a cat scratched.

Pursing her lips, Zhao Ru still opened her mouth, "After that, I will follow Director Qi and give her injections every day."

"But..." Zhao Ru's tone changed, and the look in Jiang Cheng's eyes was different from before, as if this memory was a bit difficult for her. "One day, I took the medicine and went for an injection. On the road, at the corner from the 8th floor to the 9th floor, one didn't pay attention and his foot slipped."

"The medicine bottle broke."

Zhao Ru's face was very tangled, and her tone of voice was very low. "I dare not tell Director Qi that I am here for an internship, and I have only been here for less than two weeks. I am worried... Worried... ...."

Seeing that Zhou Ru was nervous, Jiang Cheng rubbed the back of her hand and said comfortingly: "I understand, you don't want this, right?"

It seemed that after the medicine was broken that day, Zhou Ru did not inform Director Qi.

"What happened later?" Jiang Cheng asked in a low voice.

Hearing that Zhou Ru took a deep breath, "Then the next day, I received the medicine as usual, and then went to give the patient in Room 906 an injection."

"It was raining outside that day." Zhou Ru recalled: "It was heavy rain, and it didn't stop all night. The sky outside was gloomy."

"If you don't turn on the lights in the room, it's basically the same as at night."

Having said that, Zhou Ru subconsciously glanced out of the window.

It seemed that that day, the weather was similar to today, and the dark clouds outside the window seemed to crush the sky.

"I came to Ward 906. Everything in the room was the same as before. The patient was lying on the bed, lying flat, with his eyes open, staring straight at the ceiling."

"For her, I am used to it. From the first day I saw her, she was like this." Zhou Ru said.

"The weather was bad that day, and my mood was not very good. Finally, when the bottle was finished, I went to pull out the needle. But as soon as the needle was pulled out, there was a very loud thunder outside, which scared me. Jump."

"Immediately afterwards, the lights in the room flickered a few times and then went out."

"The room has become very dark."

"Because I was holding the needle in my hand, the first reaction was to put the needle in quickly and don't accidentally puncture the patient."

"But when I stretched out my hand to touch the position of the medical tray, I...I touched a hand!" When he said this, Zhao Ru's breathing suddenly rose.

She looked at Jiang Cheng with horror in her eyes, "But I clearly remember that there was the tray, and...and the patient's hand...the patient's hand is still in my hand! "

Thinking about it, Jiang Cheng also thought it was quite scary, but he still pretended to be calm and comforted and said, "Could it be that you are too nervous?"

"It's easy for people to think wildly in the dark." Jiang Cheng smiled and said in a very flat voice.

"No!" Zhao Ru said immediately: "I can be sure that I just touched a hand, and..." She seemed to recall the scene at that time, and her body began to tremble, "That one The hands are extremely cold, like being frozen in ice."

"And after that?"

Hearing Jiang Cheng's opening, Zhao Ru immediately looked at him, his vision was also different from Another lightning came. "Zhao Ru's voice was trembling, "Through that moment of light, I saw...I saw that woman she was looking at me!" "

"Her eyes moved, her eyes turned to my direction!"

"Who is watching you?" Jiang Cheng asked, "Is that the woman in the hospital bed?"

"Yeah." Zhou Ru said excitedly: "She still... even said something to me!"

"She said..." Zhou Ru subconsciously grasped Jiang Cheng's hand, his eyes fixed on his face, "She said she's back!"

After a while, a flash of lightning flashed through the window.

Immediately afterwards, there was a thunderstorm.

It was raining heavily outside.

Zhou Ru seemed to be terrified, and she couldn't stop shaking, Jiang Cheng kept comforting her, even letting her lean on him.

After a while, Zhou Ru's mood stabilized, and then he seemed to feel that he was a little too intimate with Jiang Cheng's actions just now, so he moved back again.

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