Nightmare Attack

Vol 3 Chapter 605: group photo

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Luo He walked over, and then saw him stretch out his hand and tugged, with a "stab" sound, the curtain used to cover was torn off, and a hidden door was exposed.

The secret door is not big, about one person high, and the width can only accommodate one person to enter sideways.

Without hesitation, Fu Fu stepped forward quickly, raised his leg, and kicked the secret door open with one kick.

"Don't do it! Don't... don't hit me. I have nothing to do with the Dongyang people. I have never done anything bad for them. I was really wronged. Please believe me!"

Behind the door is a small and long room, and then a faint light, vaguely seeing a man sitting on the ground, with fear written all over his face.

Looking at his posture, he should have been hiding behind the door just now, but he didn't expect to be found so quickly, and then kicked the door open.

"Who are you?" Huai Yi asked immediately.

The man inside was constantly begging for mercy, but after seeing the person outside the door, the expression on his face changed, and there was another doubt outside the fear, "You are..."

"Answer the question." Chen Qiang stared at the man and said in an unquestionable tone.

"Okay, okay, as long as you... don't hurt me, I will say." The man swallowed and said, "I am the owner of this photo studio. My surname is Sang, Sang Fuyin. ."

"Boss Sang." Luohe asked: "What are you doing?"

As soon as they came in, Boss Sang hid, and combined with his begging for mercy just now, it was obvious that he was avoiding someone.

"You... didn't you come to trouble me?" Boss Sang asked vigilantly, and while asking, he looked behind them, as if he was looking for someone.

But the next second, Fu Fu's words brought Boss Sang back to reality, "It's not necessarily." Fu Fu squinted his eyes and crossed his hands. He was not tall, but very imposing, "If you are sensible. , We’re not here to make trouble, but if you don’t tell the truth, then we’ll beat you up first, and then set your broken photo studio on fire.”

Hearing that, Boss Sang, who had just stood up, was staggered, and said with a weeping face: "Farewell, my ancestors, my little restaurant is barely supporting my family. The whole family is pointing to it to eat."

As Boss Sang stood up, everyone couldn't help frowning. The man was probably in his early 40s. He was of a thinner figure. He was dressed in a long gown with a pair of eyes and thin skin and tender flesh. He seemed to have a pretty good life. .

It's just a sad face. There are obvious injuries on his face. One eye socket is swollen, and there is still a palm print on his right cheek.

"How did you change the photo in front of the door?" Huai Yi pointed out directly.

Hearing the photo, Boss Sang's legs softened, "Oh, don't mention it, me...what's wrong with me!"

He pointed to his face, angrily and aggrieved, "My body injury is caused by these broken photos. They said that I had colluded with Orientals and harmed our own people. They didn't listen to my explanation. It was just a meal. Hit, and smashed my equipment."

Boss Sang said more and more aggrieved, and his tears fell down.

"The war is over, and I posted pictures of the Easterners. What do you think?" Pi Ruan asked angrily.

"But I didn't post it. I was sick and posted this kind of thing." Boss Sang explained grievances, and then his face became fierce as if thinking of something, "I don't know who did it, but don't Let me find him, if I find him..."

"It's okay." Luo He interrupted him, then took out the phone from his pocket, tapped the screen a few times, and pointed the phone at Boss Sang, "Are you sure, did you take these photos?"

"This..." Staring at the strange cyan faces on the screen, Boss Sang felt chills in his heart, but he didn't dare to refuse, so he could only bite the bullet to identify.

Boss Sang stretched out his hand and touched the screen of the phone. When the screen went black, he was taken aback. Obviously, he couldn't understand this kind of high technology decades later.

No one was in the mood to explain it to him, but urged him to recognize the photo.

"These photos...Where did you find them?" Boss Sang raised his head and looked at Luohe with a puzzled face. "It is indeed the style of our photo studio, but I don't remember taking these photos. "

Suddenly, Boss Sang seemed to think of something, "Please wait a moment."

Boss Sang turned and walked back to the dark room, and then there was a sound of rummaging, and then he walked out with a larger photo in his hand.

Seemingly nervous, Boss Sang kept looking in the direction of the door. Chen Qiang understood, turned around and closed the door, and then a group of people came to the sofa.

"Look at this photo." Boss Sang handed the photo up, "I know the person on the photo, um... I can't say that I knew it. I took a photo of Feng's family, and he was in his 60th birthday. That day, their butler called me over, and then I took this group photo of them."

In the group photo, a group of people clustered around the elderly sitting in the armchair. I don't know whether it was the reason for the exposure or the shooting angle. It was supposed to be a festive scene for a long time, but it was a bit gloomy.

Everyone in the photo is clearly smiling, but it just gives people a weird feeling.

They couldn't tell what was weird.


"It's an angle." Lin Waner's gaze hesitated on the photo and prompted.

Hearing this, everyone leaned over and stared at the photo. Slowly, a gasp sounded from the crowd.

To everyone's horror, the Feng family's expressions in the photo were surprisingly consistent.

Their eyes, the angle of the drooping arms and even the arc of the corners of their mouths are exactly the same!

The stiff body stood there, like scarecrows **** with straw.

Looking across the faces of Feng's family one by one, Luo He held the mobile phone in his hand, and through the comparison, soon, a terrible guess once... came true.

The Feng family who appeared in the photo were all dead.

Chen Qiang stretched out his hand, touched a spot on the photo, and asked in confusion: "What is this?"

Approximately one-fifth of the photo was stained, and when I touched it with my hand, it was a little sticky, like glue or something.

Huai Yi took the photo and subconsciously wanted to buckle it with his hands, but Boss Sang stopped him, "Don't use your hands, if you need it, I can handle it, but it will take time."

"How long will it take?" Lin Wan'er asked.

"About...about one day, you can come over tomorrow." Boss Sang said after thinking about the stains on the photo.

Returning the photo to Mr. Sang, Luohe looked around and continued to ask: "We have inquired about your photo studio in the entire Greystone Town. In the past, Oriental people often came to you to take pictures, didn't they?"

Boss Sang's expression changed, and as soon as he was about to explain, he listened to Luo He to continue to say: "Take out all the photos you took of Dongyangren."

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