Nightmare Attack

Vol 3 Chapter 622: memory

As Pan Du Linghuyong's boss, Zhao Xingguo naturally has two brushes. His biggest reliance is also his biggest secret, which is the door he carries.

Like Linghuyong, he was also a disciple.

However, the door's abilities in his body are special and cannot directly affect him. Instead, it can imprison the doors of other disciples, and even ghosts, rendering their abilities temporarily ineffective.

The premise is that you must touch the other party.

The entity that touched the other party.

Now... he stared at the grass man in his hand, a touch of relief appeared on his face covered with cold sweat, and it was all over.

After realizing that he was being targeted by a ghost, Zhao Xingguo wanted to never just get out of the trap. What he wanted was to find out the ghost's entity as soon as possible, and then restrict it.

Only in this way can Pan Du and Linghuyong have a chance to survive.

Therefore, he has been following the ghost's design, always enduring, waiting for the last chance, the chance to kill with one blow!

Fortunately, he finally waited.

At the last moment, he determined the location of the ghost, and then immediately shot to restrict it.

According to his imagination, this is also a dream arranged by ghosts. After the ghosts are restricted, the dream is over.

The fact is also like this. The doors that originally disappeared, as well as the way, all appeared, the door was wide open, and there was a cold moonlight outside.

Chen Qiang was not interested. Pan Du Linghuyong's body should have been taken back to the police station by the police, so in the next step, he would take this ghost entity to the police station for a trip.

Without further ado, he was holding the grass man in his hands, and did not dare to relax for a moment. He turned and walked outside, passing by the corpse grass man hanging above his head, and pulled away.

Just a few steps out, he stopped abruptly, and then, as if suddenly realized something, his body trembled uncontrollably.

He just pulled away the corpses that were in the way of the trouble. He couldn't remember the exact number, but there were always three or four, but...

He raised his head, and there was still some distance from the door, and in front of him, there were still several corpses and straw men hanging.

Perhaps it was the relationship of light, only black outlines were left, and he counted them one by one, "1, 2, 3...4, 4...5!"

5 grass men!

No one was missing, Zhao Xingguo's head buzzed, then what was it that he pulled apart just now? !

Rolling his throat, he turned his stiff neck and slowly turned his head back. Just a few centimeters from the tip of his nose behind his head, a corpse man shook slightly.

What made Zhao Xingguo even more desperate was that the corpse grass man wore a pair of red embroidered shoes on his feet, which were very dazzling in the dim darkness.

Before they checked, all the corpses of the straw men were without shoes, only the corresponding clothes.

He raised his head tremblingly, facing the twisted and weird smiling face, staring down at him.

The corners of the mouth twitched, and the mouth opened at an incredible angle, and the inside was pitch black, like a black hole that swallowed everything, "Chuck, Zhao Xingguo!"


After a moment of screaming, everything fell silent.


"Zhao Xingguo..." In the room in the cart shop, several people gathered together, Huai Yi couldn't tell whether it was regret or fear in his eyes.

Fu Fu sat on the bunk, slurping water, Jiang Cheng sat at the table, holding the thick tea bowl in his hand, and took a sip.

"Zhao Xingguo is dead." Putting down the tea bowl, Jiang Cheng replied in an unquestionable tone.

The fat man looked very cautious, his plump face was squeezed into a ball, and he asked in a very serious voice: "Have you seen his body?"

"I didn't see the corpse, but I saw his portrait." Fu Fu's voice came from another direction, "It's right next to the portrait of Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Feng. Would you like to see it?"

Just as they were about to leave, they suddenly caught a glimpse of Master Feng's portrait with two more black and white photos.

One is Zhao Xingguo's, and the other... is the young man who put them into Feng's Mansion.

It was also because of the appearance of another photo that Jiang Cheng and the others immediately gave up their plan to go to the gate and meet the young man.

The matter is already very clear. The young man died, just like Pan Du Linghu and the others. The person who appeared before was a ghost.

Hearing this, the fat man sighed and said, "It's a pity that I didn't find anything, and I got in with another teammate."

Now including the imprisoned Luohe, they have already lost 5 teammates.

Pan Du, Linghuyong, Chen Qiang, plus Zhao Xingguo.

The original three teams, now one team has been wiped out.

"You...didn't you see other people's pictures?" Huai Yi rolled her eyes to one side, seeming to be pointing.

The water bottle in Fu Fu's hand slammed on the wooden board at the edge of the shop, and water splashed out, "Damn, he can't die if you die!" Fu Fu cursed.

Since returning from the fight, Fu Fu's temper has become more and more irritable, and everyone can tolerate it before, but now, it is really too much.

Huai Yi was not lacking in temper, but after meeting Jiang Cheng, he changed a lot.

But one after another was called to drink by a little girl, no matter how good the temper was, I couldn't help it.

As soon as the blood came up the previous fear of Luohe and the night watchman was completely lost, "Who are you talking about?!" Huai Yi slapped the table and shouted at Fu Fu.

"It's you! How about it?!" Unexpectedly, Fu Fu Teng stood up immediately, shouting louder than him.

"How do you say this, calm down, calm down." Pi Ruan rushed over to make the rounds, and finally the fat Pi Ruan persuaded him, and the scene calmed down.

In the process, Jiang Cheng did not interrupt, let alone express any opinions, because another incident attracted his attention.

It has nothing to do with ghosts.

It's Fu Fu.

Although he was in the night market, Jiang Cheng always believed that his main profession was a psychiatrist. Judging from his years of experience in medicine, Fu Fu's personality was very strange.

She seems to have a bad temper. She often gets angry about trivial things, behaves rudely, and even opens her mouth when she swears, but Jiang Cheng always feels that she doesn't want to be like this in her heart, but something is interfering with her. , So she had to do this.

If she cannot vent her anger in time, it will accumulate in her body, which will cause terrible consequences.

"Horrible..." Jiang Cheng frowned immediately, as if he realized it later, "Why do I feel terrible?"

"Why do you think she was forced, and her bad temper was not her intention?"

"Also, why is there definitely something interfering with her..."

In Jiang Cheng's memory, he had never seen Fu Fu, let alone knew something about her, but subconsciously, deep in the brain had already made an analysis in advance and gave the result.

After coming to this world, Jiang Cheng had some weird and even absurd pictures from time to time in the depths of his mind, as if the lock in his memory had been loosened.

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