Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 588: Crisis 3

"The corpse demon just now?" Pei Lin couldn't help asking.

"There are no zombies. Under the light, the world you live in has been just an ordinary world from the very beginning.

The corpse demon is just an illusion produced by your stress. "

The deep and magnetic male voice sounded again.

"In the world of light, you can see the real world, everything that is real."

In the voice like a low moan, the male voice slowly disappeared and completely disappeared.

Pei Lin stood there blankly, lowered her head, and looked at the clean and tidy floor.

"Really. Is it a hallucination?"

Suddenly, she had doubts about whether she had seen the corpse demon before.

The periphery of Pei's house.

Tall figures in black robes gradually appeared in the surrounding streets, open spaces, and roadsides without a sound.

"Distorted world, distorted reality." The tall old man headed up, staring at the somewhat gray sun in the sky.

"Let's go, follow the will of the Holy Light, and save the ignorant people in this world."

He reached out to hold a silver pendant on his chest.

"The corpse demon shouldn't exist in this world."

He suddenly stretched out his finger, and the pure white holy light turned into a beam of light, precisely hitting a figure flying towards him not far away.

The holy light penetrated the person as if it were real, and then bent and flew back in the blink of an eye. After penetrating the person dozens of times, the person fell to the ground.

The corpse demon, which was still alive just now, has now turned into a corpse covered in blood holes. His eyes were full of disbelief.

The surrounding crowd seemed to have been evacuated long ago. Only empty streets and buildings remain.

Soon, in the alley and on the street, there were gradually dense and chaotic footsteps.

Without any communication, in the blink of an eye, a large number of corpse demons in various costumes rushed from all directions.

All the corpse demons rushed towards the black-robed people silently and viciously.

"Holy Light! Protect us to victory!"

A group of men in black robes prayed loudly, one after another lifted their black robes, and their whole bodies were quickly covered with a thick layer of armor-like white light. Facing a large number of corpse demons rushing forward.

It was a low-level divine art developed by imitating Dawn Reloading, the Holy Armor Art.

The two groups of people quickly confronted each other, the pure white holy light lit up, and in a blink of an eye, a large number of corpse demons were severely injured and fell to the ground.

The effect brought by the Holy Armor Art is that the defense power of all single-winged priests has been increased by nearly half.

At the same time, they also carried special arm guards newly developed by the Temple Research Institute.

These metal arm guards made of the hard carapace of powerful monsters in the Kuroshio tide brought great offensive and defensive advantages to the clergy.

As long as the strength they bear does not exceed twice their body strength, then all priests will be crazy warriors who are not afraid of life and death before the Holy Light is exhausted.

The holy light endows them with powerful self-healing and protective powers, and the evil energy endows them with high resistance to mental and spiritual attacks.

These clergymen who survived the doomsday offensive of the Kuroshio are all heavy armor tanks that can recover through the Holy Light as long as they don't die.

Moreover, it is also a holy light tank with powerful attack power.

And the corpse demon.

The only thing that low-level corpse demons are better than priests is their tyrannical physical defense and speed.

The rest, whether it is strength, self-healing power, or attack strength, are far inferior to the priests.

Before making a move, just approaching, the large group of corpse demons immediately suffered a holy impact.

This kind of holy power attack aimed at the soul stunned more than half of the consciousness of the corpse demon in the first instant.

The corpse demon, who fell into a coma, almost became a lamb to be slaughtered, and was torn apart by the clergyman in a few strokes, and killed on the spot.

And the rest of the corpse demons are not unaware of this kind of pure energy attack. But this kind of attack is generally only seen on high-level faceless corpses.

Where have low-level corpse demons seen such a formation.

After a face-to-face meeting, half of the number of people was lost, and the commander of the corpse demon suddenly couldn't sit still.

They don't know where these black-robed people came from, but no matter where the strange people are, they dare to interfere in the internal affairs of the corpse demon.

Similar situations have occurred before, but the final results of those organizations are all destroyed.

As the main force ruling this world, the corpse demon has also seen many powerful people from other systems.

But they were all wiped out.

But now a group of mysterious people suddenly appeared, and they dared to hit them hard as soon as they came up.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer corpse demons under him, some people have even started to flee.

The commander hiding in the dark finally gave the order to retreat helplessly.

"It's not a level of confrontation at all. Where did this group of people come from?!"

In the shadows, the commander Pei Peng gritted his teeth and stared at the old man who took the lead among the group of men in black robes.

Just now he saw very clearly that the old man had been giving orders. Apparently he was the head of the group.

When retreating, only one-third of the zombies who arranged the raid this time were left.

The rest died during the first impact.

Those men in black robes who were manipulating the white light were extremely ferocious, fighting fiercely against the corpse demon without flinching.

What's even more frightening is that this group of people returned to normal quickly after being injured, and then continued to rush forward to fight.

As long as they don't kill them in an instant, this group of people is like an invincible existence. It's fine in a blink of an eye when they are injured, and then they rush forward quickly.

"Pei Shangyu has already arrested people, and Zhuang Qing was also severely injured and locked up.

Didn't expect Pei Lin to suffer a disadvantage in the end? "Pei Peng was already suspicious of Pei Shangyu at this time.

He suspected that Pei Shangyu had secretly been in contact with these mysterious people for a long time.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this group of people to spend such a high price to protect Pei Lin.

"And that white light, what is it...!?" Pei Peng kept recalling the white light that had appeared before.

He gritted his teeth and stood up.

"It has to be withdrawn. You can't act rashly until you understand the origin and footsteps of those people."

He stepped back slowly, but he didn't notice that there was a faint black figure rolling slowly in the dark corner behind him.

"Failed? Can't be contacted? Where's Pei Peng?!" Pei Shangyu's elder brother, Pei Peng's father, Pei Shangyun, was holding a mobile phone at this time, with an uncertain expression on his face.

You must know that there were at least 30 corpse demons sent out for the second time, and now it is the same as before, with none left and all lost contact.

"There is no news from Mr. Pei Peng. We also called on the mobile phone and went to investigate the scene. Except for a little messy battle traces, nothing was left."

"Is Pei Peng missing too?" Pei Shangyun slowly put down his phone, his mood was not as calm as his appearance.

He looked up at Pei Shangyu who was being watched.

"It seems that you still have a lot of things to hide."

Pei Shangyu looked calm.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't know anything?"

"What do you think? No one but you knows what your daughter is hiding." Pei Shangyun's voice turned cold. "You can be lucky, I won't kill you for the time being, before I figure out what's going on."

Although he was relieved, Pei Shangyu didn't know why, but he didn't feel happy. Compared to himself, he was more worried about his daughter's situation.

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