Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 623 Chaos 2

The Hell Bar is the real dark headquarters of the descendants of the Hell.

There is a rather huge space underground here, which is specially inhabited by the digital commander-level powerhouses who came from the black prison.

During the daytime on weekdays, the Black Prison Bar is a lively and ordinary drinking place. It seems to be open normally, no different from other bars.

But once it is after eight o'clock in the evening, the bar will put up a sign that it is closed, and then it will become the activity place of the members of the black prison.

Drink, play cards, hunt humans around, eat hearts, or quietly grab a few people and hide in the basement to enjoy slowly.

Under the cover of Jihua Group, none of these matters.

Bren pushed the door drunk and walked out of the bar, and greeted a dozen brothers and sisters outside.

There was a trace of mysterious smile on everyone's face.

It's time to hunt again. The prettier beauties and handsome men around were almost eaten up by them.

The entire block has become quite desolate and deserted due to the large number of missing persons.

But these black prison demons don't care. They are demons themselves. If they hadn't been ordered by the commander, they would have killed at will.

Nor would he take the initiative to endure for so many years, pretending to live as an ordinary person.

A group of people left the bar, walking slowly on the sidewalk like a patrol.

Everyone talked and laughed, chatting casually.

Suddenly, three beautiful and beautiful girls with hot bodies walked up to them.

The three girls are the best choices in terms of appearance and figure, and they seem to exude a certain kind of pure aura that fascinates the devil.


As the leader of this group of demons, Brun exchanged ambiguous glances with his companions, and took the initiative to go up to communicate.

The three girls seem to have a crush on the handsome Brun. After chatting for a while, after asking a suitable high price, the three girls happily followed Brun and walked towards the depths of the nearby alley.

The rest of the people followed suit one by one in a good mood.

It's just that just as the demon behind followed him into the alley, three overlapping screams suddenly came from inside.

"What's going on!?" The expressions of a group of people changed, and they quickly rushed to the depths of the alley.

Brun and another blue-haired man stood aside in a daze.

Lying on the ground were three beautiful girls who were just alive.

It's just that at this moment, their hearts had been ripped out from the center of their bodies.

The most frightening thing is that a tattoo of a holy angel with wings is exposed on the right shoulder of the three women.

"This tattoo.!!!?" Bren clearly recognized the origin of the tattoo.

The rest of the people are also very familiar with the signs here.

Because this is the mark representing the Holy Sisters under the command of the Holy Angel.

"What the hell is going on!? How could you touch the holy nun!?" A demon asked with an ugly expression.

Holy nuns represent holy angels, and they are generally only the purest and most beautiful young girls.

There are only five holy nuns for each holy angel. They are pure human beings dedicated to taking care of the holy angels, representing the face of the holy angels.

Although I don't know which holy angel's nuns these three are, but no matter which one, once they are discovered, everything here will be destroyed.

"I don't know.!! I didn't even touch them at all!!" Bren wanted to cry but had no tears. Pale.

He was really, really, several meters away from the three women, and just as he was about to get closer, he saw the pupils of the three dilated, suddenly fell to the ground and died, and even their hearts had been gouged out long ago.

That's the truth, even if you jump into the sea, you won't be able to wash it off.

They are demons, demons who eat people's hearts. They met a holy nun on the way, and then the holy nun lost her heart. die before them.

After all this, does the answer still need to be investigated?

For those domineering holy angels, all they need to do is doubt, and it will be the result.

"This is a trap!! It's framed!!" Bren reacted suddenly.

But it's too late to say anything now.

It wasn't just the Hell Devil's side, a special experimental base of the Jihua Group, an underground secret research institute, was also attacked by a group of mysterious people that night.

Three silver Jetstars were killed on the spot, and dozens of black Jetstars had no bones left. All the precious materials of the research institute disappeared.

That's the newly researched new model profile for the Angel Silver Jetstar.

After Fann Raleigh learned about it, he was furious on the spot. He went to investigate the scene, and then returned to the castle without making a sound, not making any sound. It was just that in the afternoon, I had a phone call with Dikas and talked for a long time.

But at this moment, another news came that the master who went to pick up Perola disappeared mysteriously, and Perola also disappeared completely.

It is said that on the way, there were remnants of the special firearms under the command of the Holy Angel left at the scene.

At the same time, the holy angel quickly learned that the holy nun was missing and died.

The holy nun who swore that she would never leave the holy angel in her life, it is absolutely impossible for the three of them to go shopping and make that kind of deal.

Then the only explanation is that someone deliberately took them away, and even dug out their hearts alive on the street.

"Looking for death!! Black Prison.!!! If you dare to attack my holy nun today, will you dare to attack my relatives next time!? Even me!?"

The highest administrative institution in the city, in the city building.

The holy angel Bai Shu patted the table with a gloomy and angry expression.

"Van Enleigh Durane! It has been investigated that this person has close contacts with the organization called Black Prison, and it is even possible that both sides are together. It is just a different disguise of one body and two sides."

The second holy angel on the side - Wu, also said with a hint of coldness.

"The people below have sent information. This operation was carried out by the Jihua Group in cooperation with the Black Prison raid. The purpose may be to use this as a warning, trying to make us retreat in spite of difficulties." Wuhan said.

"Don't even think about it! Killed my three holy nuns! I want them to pay the price!!" The holy angel Bai Shu slammed his fist on the table again.

"Then fight back, pull out all these humble little mice, throw them one by one under the sun, and burn them all to death."

"I've asked Geer and the others to do a search. The Jihua Group is so big that it's spread all over the city, and you can always find some clues. As long as you have a little doubt, when the time comes... Hey!" Bai Shu sneered.

Dushi under the night.

The large black buildings are like hills in the dark, shining with countless lights and sparks.

Occasionally, some buildings can be seen with a clear yellow light.

On the side of a fast-moving traffic flow.

A team was covered in black cloaks, with thick metal armor faintly exposed under the cloaks.

With heavy and calm steps, he pushed the door open and entered a brightly lit restaurant.

A few passers-by who were chatting at the door were randomly knocked away by them, and then hurriedly hid aside in fear.

This group of people felt menacing just by looking at their posture, and they definitely didn't come here just for fun.

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