Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 637 Take it lightly 1

Angel world.

In a hotel room in Dushi.

Daisy wiped her face with her hands over and over again, trying to wake herself up.

Since that incident ended, the Jihua Group was instantly controlled by a force called the Holy Spirit Palace.

Even the few remaining Jetstar Angels, including chairman Fann Leilly, were powerless to resist.

After struggling a little, he honestly handed over all his belongings.

So, in the blink of an eye, within a few days, the Jihua Group had all replaced the signs of the Holy Spirit Palace.

At the same time, someone organized all the employees of Jihua Group to go to the temple behind the castle for intensive training.

After that training, as if they were relieved, all the employees of Jihua Group never mentioned their former group name again.

Instead, all their energies are devoted to sorting out the order of the city and cooperating with the government officials to maintain peace and security.

The Federation of Angels has completely abandoned this city, and they have cut off all connections with the outside world of Dushi.

But soon, the temple sent people to communicate with the five surrounding cities, and soon the supplies in the city returned to normal.

And the most reassuring thing for the citizens in the city is that the powerful descending force called the Temple didn't just not disturb everyone. Instead, a large amount of high-nutrition comprehensive dry food was continuously transported from the descent channel.

This kind of dry food is rich in nutrition and contains extremely high energy calories. Such a long finger can support a person's daily activity calories.

Only need to add a little trace elements, a person can do without food for a day.

This comprehensive dry food even contains cellulose, and even fruits and vegetables can be eaten.

Daisy silently thought about the changes these days, feeling a little drifting.

"Sister Daisy, how do you say Laura is now?" Sinda asked from the bathroom while rubbing her hair.

"I don't know that I talked with her on the phone. It seems that she still recognizes me as my mother. It's just that they feel strange and far away."

Daisy sighed.

"It's normal. I suddenly knew that my father was going to murder me for other purposes. Then I would have great doubts about my parents.

But don't worry, I believe she will soon know who is really good to her. "Sinda smiled and comforted him.

"Then what should we do now? We can't just stay in the hotel all the time?" Daisy asked back.

"Of course not. I plan to go to the temple to apply for a job." Sinda suppressed his smile and whispered.

"???! Go to the temple? Are you crazy?" Daisy looked at the other party in amazement.

"I'm not crazy." Sinda replied seriously, "Haven't you found out? The temple is very protective of the life and death of ordinary people."

As soon as these words came out, Daisy also fell into silence.

She thought about it carefully, and suddenly felt the difference from before.

In the past, the Angel Federation treated ordinary people below, just like a high-ranking emperor treats beggars.

Not only do they ignore their life and death, but they also unscrupulously ask for various things from the people.

For example, the Holy Nun is such a source.

You know, to become a holy nun, you have to completely sever ties with your original family.

"But we don't know anything about the temple at all, isn't it too risky for you to do this?" Daisy continued.

"Adventure? No, of course not. I have my own way of protecting myself, so you don't have to worry. I just want to prove something." Sinda said seriously.

"Can't we just confirm it outside?"

"No way. But don't worry, look at the attitude of the temple towards the people below, as long as they don't commit crimes, they won't do anything extra." Sinda said confidently.

She went to the window, drew back the curtains, and looked down.

On the street below, a group of templars in heavy white armor were slowly patrolling, suppressing any possible chaos.

"Theft is not allowed, fraud is not allowed, and fighting is not allowed. Anyone who commits a crime will enter the confession hall and repent of his crime!"

Among the soldiers leading the team below, one of them used a loudspeaker to amplify the law and order issued by the temple.

At first, no one thought it was terrible to confess a crime.

Until the first batch of unbelieving gangsters went in, they cried bitterly when they came out. He changed his past, and trembled all over when he mentioned committing a crime.

From then on, as long as anyone who has been inside, will keep secret about that place and dare not mention a word.

And just the day before yesterday, two serious criminals who murdered and robbed in the street and injured more than ten people were also locked up in the confession hall.

It was different from the short two hours of detention before.

The two murderers were locked up for a full 24 hours this time.

Then when they came out, the painting style instantly changed from fierce and spicy to a flat state with a smile on their faces.

The most frightening thing is that after these two people came out, no matter what they did, they would only smile.

They seem to have lost their individual personality independent of the outside world, like two humanoid machines that only maintain basic survival needs.

Eat, sleep, work, and cycle again. Want nothing.

This terrible change also made ordinary people outside understand why the death penalty does not exist in the temple.

Daisy looked at a new murderer being escorted in the parade below, with a look of pity on her face.

And that murderer was still covered in blood, with unruly eyes, completely unaware of what kind of fate awaited him.

"Holy Temple. If you are really able to save the people and restore hope as the propaganda says, then what does it matter if I believe in you?"

Ow! ! !

The black mist filled the air and rolled.

A giant with four arms and white bone skin strode into the huge city.

It has black burning smoke on its hands and feet, and just the road it walks on will also burn large expanses of strange black mist.

A large number of palm-sized blood-sucking mosquitoes continuously spewed out of the black mist. They swarmed in groups and quickly attacked the surrounding living creatures.

The angels led a large number of soldiers and superhumans to resist crazily inside and outside the city.

But to no avail.

While they were resisting, mutants appeared among their members from time to time.

Most of the time, they don't know that they want to guard against the enemies in front, but also against the mutant opponents that may appear behind them.

Death, blood, ruins.

Buildings that were randomly destroyed by giants collapsed.

The resistance of this giant city declared a complete collapse in just fifteen minutes.

The lord of the city is an evolutionary powerhouse who admonishes the angelic level.

In the third fierce confrontation, she was slapped casually by the giant and flew out, hitting the middle of a building on one side, her whole body was shattered, her internal organs were bleeding profusely, and her brain was shaken into a ball of paste.

After the death of the city lord, the deputy city lord took over the banner and tried to resist again.

It's a pity that she just started, and was immediately surrounded by countless blood-sucking mosquitoes behind her. In the blink of an eye, a beautiful woman was sucked into a mummy.

Ordinary civilians in the city did not suffer too many casualties.

The giants and those blood-sucking mosquitoes seemed only interested in the living things that stood in their way.

After they penetrated the city all the way, they quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

In the city, as the large amount of black mist left by the giant spread, another wave of large-scale mutations began to erupt gradually.

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