Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 688 Investigation 1

The establishment of the godhead simulation made Lin Sheng exhausted. Unfortunately, even if he killed the two remaining true ancestors and threw all the divinity into the simulation together, the success rate would only reach more than 40%.

It is still far from the success rate of more than 80 that he wants.

The world of the blood race has initially stabilized, and he also let Shenghe officially start building the so-called Holy Spirit Network, a belief network.

As long as you pray to him earnestly and sincerely, and contribute your faith vows, everyone can actually manifest their vows into numbers, which can be queried in the major temple churches at all times.

This number of wish power can be used as a real currency, which can be exchanged for various things in the holy river of the temple. It can also be used to exchange for corresponding magic spells and cultivation bases, etc.

Compared with the fanatical spiritual baptism, Lin Sheng is obviously more confident in the belief that the exchange of benefits and equivalent exchanges are mixed.

After all, now, as his territory is getting bigger and wider. The people under his command are only roughly counted, and the total number has reached more than 30 billion.

In addition, there are several evil spirit realms. After they were renamed the Holy Spirit Realm, they were divided into several commanders and legion leaders with the most credit by him according to their size.

Among them, King Sagittarius got a rather large area of ​​the Holy Spirit Realm as his own territory, which did not include the Holy Spirit Realm he was originally from.

This also made him more loyal to Emperor Lin Sheng.

There is no need to question the loyalty, just look up the number of wish power in the holy river.

Among the highest number of people in the group of people so far, the number of willingness of King Sagittarius can also be ranked in the top ten.

The godhead simulation still lacks the conditions, and Lin Sheng has no other specific ways to shape the godhead.

So the cultivation base temporarily stagnated.

The second zero-spend attack can be regarded as resolved. In a short period of time, all kinds of affairs around have been arranged properly.

He, the Holy Emperor, couldn't find anything to do besides continuing to study hard every day.

So, after going back to spend time with his family, Lin Sheng officially decided to go to Infinite City.

Before entering, he also did a few things.

First, he integrated all the territory ruled by the Holy Spirit Palace and named it the Sanctuary. And the year the sanctuary was established is the first year of the sanctuary.

Second, he gathered all the subordinate leaders and replaced all the ordinary holy power on them with the official holy power.

No matter the power of the holy power or the strengthening of itself, it far surpassed the ordinary holy power before.

So this replacement, in just one week, greatly increased the strength of all the commanders and legion leaders in the sanctuary.

The highest-level King of Steel, Kadulla, Tiangongxia, etc., even broke through the original realm in one fell swoop, and reached the legendary level in terms of pure lethality and combat effectiveness.

Above rank envoys are priests, above priests are legends, and above legends are divinities.

This is no worse than the previous night king who fought against Yanshen.

Thirdly, Lin Sheng completely absorbed the blood divinity of the First True Ancestor, and formally established the reincarnation pool.

Reincarnation pool, any race, any creature, as long as it has enough complete soul wisdom, as long as it makes a certain contribution to the Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit Palace.

You can apply to enter the reincarnation pool, baptize with holy water and reincarnate with blood. Officially joined the human gene and became a member of the human race.

At the same time, Lin Sheng also asked the research institute to draft a higher race bill on the supremacy of the human race. Among them, various welfare benefits, taxes, etc. for the human race have determined very good conditions.

For other non-human races, it is completely different. There are a lot of exorbitant taxes and compulsory obligations.

But the benefits that can be obtained are pitifully small, compared with the formal human race, the gap is far away.

As soon as the reincarnation pool came out and the bill was confirmed, the world was in an uproar. Other races tried to demonstrate, but under the high-pressure control of the sanctuary, the so-called demonstrations were soon suppressed.

All laws are being implemented in an orderly manner.

After the second month after the implementation of the Act.

Everything gradually calmed down and calmed down. Lin Sheng also officially planned to step into Infinite City.

He first used a few heads to summon soldiers, and appeared in the Infinite City to try.

Although the soldiers who entered couldn't send any information back, the vague connection in the soul still let Lin Sheng know that these soldiers were not in danger, but they would not be able to come back for a while.

After confirming that it was safe, Lin Sheng formally prepared to step into Infinite City by himself.

"Do you really want to go in by yourself? We can definitely send senior generals to go in instead of you! You don't have to take risks yourself!"

Adolf stood on the edge of the light blue oval teleportation formation, still trying to persuade Lin Sheng.

"It's okay, even if I run into trouble on the other side, I can solve it, don't worry." Lin Sheng made up his mind.

He is carrying the wheel of yin and evil and the crystal of prophecy. After many prophecy tests, he has clearly known that entering with his real body is the best choice.

Only when the real body enters, it seems that there will be enough opportunities to move forward towards the goal of successfully shaping the godhead.

"But... just in case you run into any trouble and get trapped." Tian Gongxia on the side also frowned.

"It doesn't matter, there is the holy river, and the holy river is also a part of my body soul. Even if I encounter trouble, I can give up most of my soul in an instant, and come back to use the holy river as the core to reshape the body."

This is the function of the divine nature of blood absorbed by Lin Shengcai.

The strength of the blood divinity lies in this point. This is a terrifyingly powerful immortality.

If it is said that the immortality of the true ancestor itself is already very strong. Then the immortality brought by the divinity of blood is even more exaggerated.

As long as there is still a little bit of soul in other places, then under the effect of blood divinity, it can be quickly regenerated and resurrected.

If it weren't for the fact that the Yin-turning Holy Wheel directly acted on the entire individual existence, all souls would not be spared.

The number one True Ancestor Dragon might not necessarily be killed.

The rest of them wanted to persuade them again, but seeing Lin Sheng's expression, they had already made up their minds. They can't say anything more.

The portal of Infinite City is the light blue oval light gate in front of everyone at this time.

This portal has been open for more than a month, and it has been tested many times in the middle, without any problems.

The soldiers and all kinds of creatures that went in did not encounter any danger. Just can't come back.

This is also the reason why Lin Sheng made up his mind and decided to go to Infinite City himself.

The place where Anseria finally disappeared was Infinite City.

All the clues she left are there.

So, no matter what, he also planned to go there in person.

Because this is the key point for him to formally connect and merge dreams and reality.

Looking at the many subordinates and leaders who hesitated to speak, Lin Sheng raised his hand.

"Needless to say. Prepare what I need and start teleporting."

Seeing that he had made up his mind, the disciples who led the subordinates dispersed one by one and ordered the formation master to officially open the teleportation formation.

Soon, the light blue elliptical transmission light gradually turned into light purple, and circles of colorless ripples, with the portal as the center, continued to spread towards the surroundings.

Lin Sheng was dressed in pure white armor, and looked no different from an ordinary holy warrior.

What he was wearing was not the Holy Emperor's armor, it was really just an ordinary holy warrior's armor.

This is also to prevent too much attention.

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