Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 705 Layout 3

Dukaent stood indifferently in front of the bookstore. Looking up quietly at the newly opened store door.

This year, it happened that his research project was aimed at the life style of ordinary people, so he ran around almost all the neighborhoods where ordinary people lived in the whole city.

Now it's the turn of the farthest part of the patch.

He had walked around the day before, and most of the places were no different from the places he had been to before.

Only here.

As an ice special who can't pilot a mech and doesn't have the qualifications to condense a battle helmet, he knew his fate a long time ago.

Work hard to learn other courses and try to fill in the blind spots of your own knowledge.

After graduation, he may go to the fleet as a middle and lower level commander, or he may enter the staff department as a civilian staff or something.

However, this is not what he wants.

He worked desperately, but because of the problem of mental divergence, he was unable to drive the mecha, let alone condense the battle helmet.

After the family test, his fate has been fixed and cannot be changed.

But such a fate, he does not accept!

Even if there is a slight chance, he will never give up! This is why he came to study at Baixiang University, far away from his family.

With a calm expression on his face, Dukaente slowly pushed open the glass door of the bookstore and walked in.

"An ordinary person who runs a bookstore? It can be used as a supplementary content for diversifying lifestyle."

He walked into the bookstore and looked around.

The light yellow atmosphere of the bookstore is very gentle and soft. There are some elegant things such as calligraphy, painting and copybooks hanging on the walls.

Rows of bookshelves are made of original wood, and there are a lot of books on them, which looks quite charming.

"It's not an electronic message bookshelf? It's the most primitive wooden bookshelf?"

Dukaente, who was born in a big family, is used to using electronic bookshelves, but now he suddenly encounters a family with original wooden bookshelves, which is very novel.

He walked slowly to the bookshelf and casually flipped through the books on it.

Most of the books here are university textbooks, only a few are miscellaneous books.

After flipping through it for a while, he found it boring. As long as the content of the book is in his professional direction, he has already mastered it all.

As the top civilian elite student of Baixiang University, his background, knowledge, grades, and even actual combat are far beyond the understanding of ordinary students.

This is also one of the reasons why he wants to break free from his fate.

In the whole school, there are only a few dozen students who can surpass him purely academically. In addition to not being able to drive mechs.

Dukaente slowly scanned the new bookshelf, and soon lost interest.

But when he turned around, he unexpectedly saw rows of old bookshelves in the corner behind.

Almost all of these bookshelves are old books. Just looking at the cover, it gives people a sense of a long time ago.

Dukaente has a special complex for books since he was a child. His favorite places are libraries, bookstores and other places.

Books are the crystallization of human thoughts and knowledge. From every book, he can experience and touch many lofty thoughts that are out of reach for everyone.

This is a collision of thinking, but also the sublimation and compensation of knowledge.

This is also the reason why he would pass by the bookstore and come in on his own initiative.

Looking at the rows of old books with a sense of age on the old bookshelf, Dukaente slowly stretched out his hand and gently stroked the bookshelf.

Soon, his hand lightly landed on an old yellow book without a cover.

Obviously this book doesn't have any text title, so I don't know what's inside.

But Dukaent pulled it out strangely, held it in his hand, and opened it gently.

The book is just some common and outdated mech knowledge points.

This made Dukaente a little disappointed.

He flipped through it casually, and was about to put it back on the bookshelf.

Suddenly, his fingers accidentally touched the last page of the book, where something seemed to be caught in the cover.

He was slightly taken aback, and turned to the last page lightly, and suddenly saw a bulging thing between the covers of the old book.

Out of curiosity, he slowly used his nails to carefully push the thing out from the interlayer.

To his surprise, it was a very worn-looking pale yellow paper.

Dukaent was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became interested.

He was about to open the paper carefully.

Suddenly a flat voice came from behind him.

"Have you thought about it? Open it, and your original life may be irreparably affected."

Dukaente turned around abruptly, just in time to see the male boss who was sitting by the counter, putting down the book in his hand, and staring at him calmly.

"It's just a piece of paper." Dukaente said flatly. As the third elite of the whole year in the melee combat course, he can easily defeat five students of the same year by himself, let alone these ordinary people outside who have not trained in combat courses.

Strong strength endowed him with great confidence.

So even if he was startled by the other party's voice, he was not moved at all.

At that moment, he unfolded the yellowed old paper without hesitation.

A singular symbol was recorded on the paper.

A weird symbol that looks like a snake.

What surprised Dukaante was that just after he stared at the symbol for two seconds, the pattern on the paper was distorted and disappeared before his eyes? ? !


He blinked his eyes and carefully checked it over and over again, but he still couldn't see the shadow of the symbol.

"What's going on?" He couldn't understand at all.

If it is electronic paper technology or the like, he can also distinguish the material.

But the paper in my hand is just the most common yellow paper

He looked at it over and over again, and the symbol disappeared completely.

What made him even more unacceptable was that as long as he closed his eyes, he could clearly see that mysterious snake-like symbol, which was imprinted in his mind like an engraving.

Dukaent raised his head suddenly, and looked at the shop owner again, but the other party had already closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After pondering for a while, he put the yellow paper back into the interlayer of the book cover, then put the book back to its original place, and lightly pressed his left shoulder with the right hand of the bookstore owner as a salute.

He already felt that this bookstore was unusual.

The owner of the bookstore is unpredictable, and the symbol he has never seen before makes him feel a strange feeling in his heart.

He has always respected the tall hermit.

After saluting, he stood in the store and waited for a while, and found that the boss did not open his eyes to speak at all, nor did he notice any changes in his body, so he saluted again, turned around and left slowly.

Since the other party is unwilling to contact him, he is not a person who does not know what is good or bad. The bookstore is here, and there will be a chance to contact it next time.

It's just that he doesn't know that this trip to the bookstore will completely change his life.

With the pure power of the Holy Spirit Palace, and the pure power of the armor and helmet, after getting a lot of test data from the bastard Brun, Lin Sheng has already begun to select suitable seed candidates for preaching.

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