Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 916 Passage 1


The sound of the huge cruise ship honking as it docked spread far from the pier.

Apart from the cruise ship that Pei Yuyuan was on, there were two other large ships slowly docking.

The side of the pier was already full of staff in charge of towing and commanding.

In the outer circle, outside the pulled fence, are the family members of the passengers who have been waiting for a long time to pick them up, or other people related to the passengers.

Pei Yuyuan pulled Song Yu, followed behind Kong Yaohui, and moved down step by step along the disembarkation sampan, holding on to the handrail.

There are too many people, and everyone wants to get off the boat earlier, which causes you to squeeze each other on the sampan, and you only move a few steps a minute.

Song Yu looked very excited, while Kong Yaohui looked a little apprehensive, and that handsome face that Pei Yuyuan was also very envious of was vaguely dazed and uneasy.

Originally, if it was Pei Yuyuan before, maybe she would also feel flustered and uneasy. After all, she suddenly arrived in a completely strange place, and it is normal to not adapt.

But at this time, she just wanted to settle down quickly, and then follow what the person in the crystal card said, and start practicing the powerful method that would allow her to lose weight.

She doesn't know what a method is, but she knows that it is definitely not an ordinary person who can talk to herself in the depths of her heart.

Follow Kong Yaohui all the way to a corner of the student reception.

The three of them saw the pick-up signs belonging to their own schools.

"Let's go, don't forget the number!" Song Yu hugged Pei Yuyuan vigorously, and then patted Kong Yaohui vigorously.

"Remember, you will always be my best friends, Song Yu!" She hinted.

Kong Yaohui is not an idiot. People who can study hard on their own and pass the public-funded study abroad still have some IQ.

So when he heard this, his face immediately turned pale, and then he looked at Song Yu's back slowly leaving, and he suddenly felt a little dejected.

Seeing this, Pei Yuyuan felt an indescribable joy in her heart.

But she knew that she shouldn't gloat, she should hurry to comfort her friend at this time, and then sneak in


Pei Yuyuan was disgusted by her own thoughts. Quickly shook his head. Didn't she decide to be single for the rest of her life? ? How could such a perverted idea suddenly appear! ?

"Okay, I'll see you later when I leave." She quickly patted Kong Yaohui on the shoulder, turned around and ran away.

Passing through the crowded crowd, Pei Yuyuan quickly squeezed into the registration point of the school where she was admitted, amidst all kinds of noise and relying on her huge physical advantage.

"Pei Yuyuan?"

"Yes, this is an ID card, a passport."

"Well, you major in environment and urban planning, right? You can sit on the two buses at the back." The senior in charge of registration casually pointed to the white bus behind him.

Then he didn't even look at Pei Yuyuan, and continued to look at a freshman behind him.

Pei Yuyuan was led by a schoolgirl, followed by the bus and sat down.

Sitting on the bus, she waited until she felt drowsy before she felt the car start slowly.

"Hey, are you still there?" She was extremely bored, and she took the initiative to speak out from the bottom of her heart, asking about the voice from the crystal card before.

"Not here. What's the matter? Don't talk to me until you're done practicing." Lin Sheng was busy gathering his remaining true spirit, and didn't have time to chat nonsense with the little girl.

Disappointed, Pei Yuyuan could only sit on the bus honestly and start practicing carefully according to Quan Yue's method.

But at this time, Lin Sheng, a tiny trace of true spirit was slowly cruising out of the sea of ​​true spirits in this universe, moving towards higher places and farther away, quietly approaching.

Beyond countless newborn universes, the primordial light has disappeared.

The vast and boundless cosmic plane also disappeared.

Instead, there is a huge dark area that cannot be estimated.

The universes are floating in the black domain, and are gradually converging into nine larger aggregates.

Taking the universe as a bubble, these nine huge aggregates rotate slowly, like nine huge black tornadoes, circling and rotating among each other.

The nine aggregates once again form a larger ring.

A trace of Lin Sheng's true spirit, with his consciousness, easily rushed out of the outer wall of the universe.

Yes, not the gap, but the complete outer wall of the universe.

The newborn universe is tougher and more perfect than before, without any gaps at all.

The huge universe is like a pitch-black egg, tightly wrapped around it, and there is no cosmic gap that can easily be upgraded to a higher level.

Fortunately, although Lin Sheng lost his strength, the personality of the three-time spirit breaker is still there.

Unlike false gods, once the personality rises, as long as it is immortal, it will not fall easily.

A trace of his true spirit turned into an invisible and transparent hidden snake, forcibly drilled a small hole in the outer wall of the universe, and then broke out of the wall with a whoosh, rushing straight to the outer periphery.

The little true spirit snake rushed out of the universe and escaped from the warm sea of ​​true spirits in the universe. The emptiness outside immediately made it extremely uncomfortable.

The little snake trembled a few times, then looked around.

The huge and magnificent scene of the nine polymers immediately entered its eyes.

"Sure enough. The Lingge space has disappeared." Lin Sheng looked down at the nine polymers below from a height.

As a spirit breaker, he has a personality, so he can easily reach such a high altitude.

With this position, he can see all the scenes of life.

The nine polymers are like nine huge black holes, and there are countless escaping bubbles on the edge of the black holes, and each bubble is a newborn universe.

Some bubbles are fleeting and have a very short lifespan. Others are strong and durable, flying far without breaking.

Lin Sheng observed around one of the polymers little by little, but did not observe any breath of will at all.

But everything in the world is amazing, maybe there is some way of existence that he has never touched.

So he still upholds a cautious attitude.

"It's just that without the original light, and without the most fundamental source of energy in countless universes, wouldn't it be that the higher possibility of practicing all the way is completely lost?"

He sighed slightly.

The Primordial Light can be described as the source matrix of all forms of energy. It can be differentiated into vitality and various energies, and can also be transformed into pure substances, precipitated and solidified into various crystals.

It is more likely to infiltrate fate and time axis, and become the most fundamental energy driving force of the law of time.

But now, the original light has disappeared.

The hope of sublimation of countless living beings to a higher level also disappeared.

Lin Sheng quietly floated above the nine polymers, like a mysterious ghost observing everything.

He originally thought that there was a mastermind behind the scenes who had pushed the Great Nirvana ahead of schedule, causing him and the three extremes of Nirvana to perish together.

But now it seems.

It seems more like a battle between him and the three extremes of Nirvana, which detonated the Great Nirvana in advance.

And the outbreak of the great silence also shattered the way to reach the heavens that can quickly improve the personality, that is, the spiritual space.

"So, there will be no hope for a higher level in the future?"

Lin Sheng sighed inwardly.

After wandering around in this black space for a while, he didn't find any other breath of will.

Everything seemed to be dead and silent, apart from him as a living creature, there was no second will.

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